Chapter 5

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~Eminem's POV~

*3 Weeks Later*

After our first dates of Tour, Robyn and I had days off and she had been in Barbados for 2 weeks with her family and friends as I stayed in Detroit. On stage, we were making the show and having fun together on stage but off stage, she was getting cold and rude with me. Melissa and Jenn apologized multiple times for her. I felt like something happened in Barbados or before because it was around when it all started. She was also really sick and tired, she wasn't even allowing me to hug her but we still needed to have a talk. We were still in L.A and the next day, we were going to NY. Robyn was supposed to join me in my dressingroom 20 minutes before the show to have that talk and I made everybody leave the room as I waited for about 10 minutes. Robyn wasn't giving me a sign of life and I was starting to worry before I got up and headed to her room. I stood infront of the door as I knocked a couple of times on the door. What was she doing? Jenn opened the door to me as I glanced behind her and noticed Robyn laying on the couch. She seemed to be sick and she had her arms wrapped around her belly.
"Are you okay? I asked as I walked to her and knelt down next to the couch
- Not at all. My bab... Belly hurts!
- Do you want any medication or do you want me to cancel the show?
- No no! I'm okay don't worry."
She told mr while getting up, she was wearing an oversize white shirt with Red Jordans, that's been a long time she hasn't worn sometging sexy and I was wondering why. Robyn finally got on stage and everything went well during her part . She sounded as good as any other day and I was still amazed by her talent. Near the end of the show, we were on stage singing our last song, The Monster. We were standing next to eachother as Robyn smiled at me. One of my arm was wrapped around her waist when suddenly as I glanced at the crowd, I felt Robyn falling on the floor and I noticed she passed out as I held her body from hitting the floor. I knelt down on the floor with her body laying in my arms. A silence set in the room as the crowd kept staring at us, concerned. They quickly turned the spotlights off and the security rushed to her. I kept staring at her belly as I could feel her baby bump, yes. She had a baby bump, she was pregnant. I was in shock, I couldn't move or even think about anything. She was pregnant. She was carrying my child. Was it really mine? Why didn't she tell me? The security that was around me finally granned her off of the floor as they walked into her dressingroom and layed her down on couch. Jenn called a doctor as everybody stayed in shock and I decided to leave outside of the dressingroom because all the people around me were making me nervous with the news I just found out. I heard the door slowly opened and when I glanced at it, Jenn was walking towards me before she sat down right next me.
"You know, she's okay.
- I know...
- You look worried. What's going on?
- Jenn... I felt it, I saw it.
- Felt what?
- She's pregnant, right?
- Yeah...
- Is it mine?
- Without a doubt. I'm sorry, Marshall but she made us swear not to tell anybody. We tried. Remember before your days off when we told you she had something important to tell you? It was about it, that's why she was so mad at us. She ignored us and decided to act childish.
- Why did she never tell you? Do you I seem like a bad father?
- No but try to understand, she was desperate. I was there when she found it out, she cried an entire night. She even tought about having...
- Having what?
- An abortion...
- WHAT? Really? I'm so sorry for her..."

"Guys!! Come here, she woke up."
Melissa shouted as she ran outside the room to come tell us. Me and Jenn looked at eachother before entering the room and I noticed Robyn on the couch with her beautiful green eyes opened wide. I asked to the couple of people still in the room to leave so I could talk to Robyn.
"Don't worry, we called a doctor. He's coming in a couple of minutes but I really need to talk to you.
- Well, tell me.
- I know that you're pregnant.
- Ohh... I'm sorry...
- Don't be. It's nothing but you should have told me before!
- How? It was hard... I like you but I didnmt know if you wanted to have anither child or if you were ready to have a future with me. I was nervous and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.
- Our friendship? Robyn! We're going to have a child together. This is amazing.
- I don't know what I was thinking about. I feel so bad. What are we going to do now?
- I don't know. It's hard to tell but we're going to take care of this baby, for sure."
She smiled at me as I pressed my lips to hers. She bit on her bottom lip as I held her face and asked for entry to her that she gave me. As I deepened the kiss, I heard knocks on the door, I opened it and the doctor walked in with a small screen.
"First of all, congratulations for your pregnancy.
- Thank you.
- How many mounths are you?
- 3 mounths.
- Okay. It means you still didn't got your first ecography, right?
- No but my appointment is in 1 week.
- Well, we're going to do it now so we can check if the baby is okay.
- Ok."
The doctor put a cold blue cream on Robyn's baby bump as he looked up to his screen. Everything was going too fast for me, I just found out that I was going to be a father and I was already going to see my baby. I held Robyn's head as the doctor looked better at the screen.
"Is there something wrong with the baby? asked Robyn as she looked at him with a concerned face
- No everything is great. You're going to have twins!
- What?"
Robyn shot her head straight to the screen as the doctor showed us the two heads and bodies of our babies. I could read the shock in her eyes as her mouth dropped. She was speechless and didn't say anything before the doctor left. We decided to immadiatly leave and I asked for everybody to leave us alone this evening. Her hotelroom was empty as they both alyed down on the bed and cuddled. Her beautiful green eyes were staring at me in the dark. Robyn filled her hand with me and grabbed it to place it on her baby bump. I gave her a soft kiss as tears streamed down her face but I could still see her smile through it.
"What's going to happen? She whispered as I looked down to her
- I don't know..."
She gave me a tight hug before we both fell asleep in eachother's arms.


I hope you liked it. I'm so in loooove with Marshanna, XOXO.

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