Chapter 8

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~Eminem's POV~

I held Robyn's hand as she smiled at me through the pain. I was the one who put her through this, it was my job to give her any type of support and love. An amazing feeling rushed through my body as I remembered Hailie's birth. It was another moment to add to my couple favorite ones. I couldn't believe that I found the woman of my life and she was about to give le two adorable children.
It's been years that I made everything to become a better man and this moment was one of the most important of my transformation. The doctor walked to her as he placed himself inbetween her two spread legs, the girls left the room as Melissa and Jenn bursted into it.
"Sorry, we're here!" Both of them sat at Robyn's side as Jenn held her hand tight and they gave me a smile.
"You have to push, Mrs Fenty."
As Robyn started, I was curious to see how it was down there but as I was about to look, Melissa pushed me. I tought she was probably right. It took almost 10 minutes for the head to get out and one hour later, I heard my baby boy crying for the first time as the nurse washed him up while the doctor made my little girl come out. The nurse came closer to Robyb as she held the two small bodies in her arms and tears streamed down her face. It was an intense moment and scene that I would never forget.
"They're beautiful. They have your nose. Robyn told me as I looked down at the two babies
- They both have your beautiful green eyes."
A wide smile appeared on Robyn's face as she looked up at me.
"I love you.
- I love you too."
I gave her a smile as Melissa snapped a couple of pictures, they let Robyn sleep in the same room as the two adorable babies. She couldn't sleep and decided to stay up all night. I gave a quick call to my mother to tell her the news but she announced that she couldn't be there before a week. It didn't bother me that much since I had all that I always wanted. I know that I already divorced two times, but this time it's different, she's the good one and I can see it in her eyes. I can see it in the way she looks at me, in the way she kisses me.
"Why are you staring at me like this?
- Because you look gorgeous.
- I don't think so. I probably look awful after 1 hour of pushing.
- I swear that you've never been so beautiful.
- I don't know if I should take it for a compliment or an insult."
We both laughed and I leaned down to give her kiss.

*The Next Morning*

Robyn was such an amazing mother, she didn't sleep the whole night, she stayed awake with the two babies sleeping in her arms, she was hugging them and kissing them. The doctor walked in the room as Robyn looked up at him.
"Mrs. Fenty, you really should take some rest.
- I don't need rest, I have my precious babies and I'm way too happy to sleep now.
- It's as you want. Did you choose their names yet?
- Yeah. Brandon and Mayia."
I chose Mayia's name and Robyn chose Brandon's. I tought it was adorable names. Whitney, Alaina and Hailie slept in the room right next to ours but it was only in the morning that they showed up to see their little brother and sister. Hailie decided to apologize on the right time to see those two. As they walked into the room, they all looked down at the sleepy babies as I swung Mayia from side to side and Robyn breastfed Brandon.
"They're so adorable.
- Yeah! Can I hold one?
- Me too!"
I approached them as Alaina held Mayia and Hailie held Brandon while Whitney gave them a couple of kisses.
"Why are you all dressed up with your bags?
- Dad, we still have to go to school.
- Oh yeah, damn. I need to drive you there.
- Yup."
I gave Robyn a kiss after I explained her why I was leaving and walked out of the room with a feeling of guilt. The girls followed me to my car as I started it and the played Frozen's theme song, Let It Go and I turned it off.
"Daddy! Whitney shouted at me in reaction
- Ugh okay."
I turned the radio on as they sang along to the song, a couple of minutes later, I finally reached the School and all the girls rushed into it after hugging me. I still had to get back home for the bags we had to take at the hospital and also for the papers of the two babies. As I drove back to the road, my phone started ringing and I pulled over to pick it up.
- Hi, Mr. Mathers, I'm calling for Mrs Fenty.
- Something happened?
- Yes, Mrs. Fenty had a couple of complications and she's in the surgery room. The doctors are trying to save her.
- Save her?? Why? Is she going to die?
- Well, we don't really know, she might but the doctors are doing their best.
- Okay okay I'm coming in some minutes."
I drove the faster I could to the hospital. I bursted into the hospital and noticed Melissa, Jenn and Monica in the waiting area.
"Where is she?
- We don't know right now, we have to wait."
My mind went blank for a moment as my heartbeat sped up. What if I loose her? What would I do? It would kill me. I calmed myself down as I glanced in the room and sat down next to my children. The sheets of Robyn's bed were full of blood as it hurted to see her. That was my fault, I left her alone. It made me nervous and I spend the day with the two babies.
Around 4pm, a tall woman in a nurse outfit came to see me.
"Hi! So what's going on?
- She survived, she's getting some rest right now, we changed her room. You can go see her.
- Thanks a lot."
I ran to the other room and finally let myself breath when I noticed her laying with wide open eyes.
"Hi baby.
- Hi.
- Did you cry? Why are your eyes red?
- I tought I was going to loose you.
- Marshall...
- What?
- I love you more than anything.
- Me too. The babies are sleeping, you should sleep too.
- Well, sleep with me."
I got on the bed and layed inside the sheets right by her side before I relaxed myself. I wrapped one of my arm around her waist as she filled her fingers with mine. I finally gave a kiss on her forehead and I quickly fell asleep.

Hi guys, sorry that chapter wasn't really long. I will do better on the next one and check out my new Aubrih story called Fool In Love. XOXO

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