losing loved ones, leaving abusers, and taken voices

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POV: (Y/N) 10 years old.

(Y/n): Why... why does she do this to me? *sob* *sob*... All I ever wanted wanted from her was her to love me... *sob*.

(Flashback 3 years ago)

Me and my sister blake where ready to go to combat school, we were nervous and excited at the same time.
(Kali) ok, ready for your first day at combat school?

(Y/n and blake) yes mom and we are gonna be great!

(Ghira) ok you two just be careful out there at school and blake keep and eye out for your "little" brother ok sweety.

(Blake) yes dad i wont let anyone...


we all started laughing at the outburst that (Y/n) made.

(Timeskip 1 month later)

After 1 month of comvat school bale started to act differently towards me, she has become alot more distant at firsr, then she started to be extreamly mean and blame me for things i didn't do, and then she started to physically abuse me but when our parents saw all the injurys i got from blake she would say that i got them from bullies that she wasn't able to help me with. But i could not tell because she would threaten me with more beatings if i told them who was really doing this.

(Timeskip to 2 hours before the present)

(Blake) hey who said that you could relax, i told you to do the chores before our parwnts get home, unless you want another beating?

(Y/n) please blake, just 5 mins of rest then i will continue, please.

(Blake) Wrong awnser!

She stared to beat me with the hilt of her sword, it was painful, she gave me a black eye, bruises and cuts were sacttered across my face and the bleeding from my nose made me feel like i was drowning in my blood. I thought the worst had stopped, but I was wrong, while she beat me like no tomarrow she had accidently activated her sword and cut my throat open. Luckily the cut was not deep enough to kill, but the cut did take something...

Blake looked at me and realized what she had done, she goes and grabs a medkit and tries to fix my throat.

(Blake) oh.. oh no! (Y/n).. are you... okay?

I look at her and try to speak, but no words came out only the sound of breathing could be heard.

(Blake) Oh God what have I done!
She runs outside to try and get help, she is panicking at the mistake she had made.

That was when i realized that she had just cut my voicebox and thus i lost my voice.
I quickly ran up to my room tohid from her and as i got on my bed i started to cry.
(Y/n) why... why does she do this to me *sob**sob* all i ever wanted from her is to love me*sob*.

10 mins later i decided to run away from home to finally stop the abuse she had cause me. I packed my things and wrote a letter to mom and dad about saying i loved them and that i had to go. And with that i left through the window and headed for a boat to vale to begin a new life.

(This writting means in thought)

(Y/n) goodbye mom and dad, i will miss you, but as for you blake I hope our paths will never cross again.

To Be Continuex In The Next Chapter

(And that is the begining of the first chapter and to be honest this is also my first story so please give me some ideas). Updates every friday.

The Jade Warrior (Neglected/Abused Male Faunus Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now