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Pov. Y/n

It was lunch time and i was sitting right next to yang, sebastion was off who knows where, obsidian was with penny and we don't know where they could be, and travis was sitting next to blake. since we met travis he told us that he prefered to be called by his last name, so we just call him panzer instead, but i will probably tease him every once in a while.

(Yang) whatch ya doing?

(Blake) just going over a few notes from last semester.

(Yang) boring. What about you y/n?

(Y/n) just tuning my voice moduel trying to get it to not glitch again.

(Panzer) what do you mean?

(Y/n) well what i mean is that it tends to be a bit off when it glitches such as rudness and excessive curising.

(Panzer) ah, i see.

(Y/n) ok lets see.

I finished tuning my voice moduel and tryed it, lets just say that it wasn't pleasent.

(Weiss) well did it work or not metal voice.

(Y/n) ... *glitchy voice* well what do you think icey hoe?

(Weiss) Well no need to be rude!

(Y/n) *glitchy sarcastic voice* im sorry im not trying to be an asshole.

(Weiss) uh.. what?

(Y/n)* glitchy voice* wait thats not right. *rude glitchy voice* FUCK YOU!!!

(Weiss) well thats a bit extreme!

(Y/n) *glitchy voice* hang on. Testing *normal voice* testing ah there we go.

(Panzer) what just happened?

(Y/n) like i said i got some glitches, its fine.

(Yang) ok that was odd.

(Y/n) again like i said, got's glitches.

Blake then looked away with a face of regreat.

(Y/n) uh blake you alright?

(Blake) yeah im fine.

Then ruby and sebastion came up to use with ruby slamming a binder on the table.

(Ruby) freinds, boyfreind, sister, sisters boyfreind,...weiss.

(Weiss) hey!

(Ruby) four score and seven minuets ago i had a dream.

(Yang) this outta be good.

(Y/n) i doubt it.

Ruby then flicks my head and snaps her fingers.

(Ruby) hey listen, and that dream is to have the best day ever.

(Weiss) did you steal my binder?

(Ruby) i am not a crook. And its just that will all the new exchange students coming in and the vytle festivel starting at the end of the year we need to have fun, and classes start up again tomarrow so i say we should start our semester with a bang.

(Yang) i always start it with a yang. Eh anybody.

(Y/n) no. Just no hun.

(Nora) booo!

Nora then threw a apple at yangs head and this looks like trouble.

(Y/n) hey i think that was a bad idea nora.

Yang then threw the apple back at her  and i already saw where this was going.

(Weiss) well i for one am-

I then saw ger get hit in the face with a pie, and she looked pissed.


He screamed at nora, and they all knew what was gonna happen next.

(Timeskip - moments later)

Pov. Sebastion

We were standing on the other side of the room from team JNPR and this is gonna be fun!


(Ruby) Justice will be swift!

(Sebastion) justice will be painful!

(Ruby/ sebastion) IT WILL BE DELICIOUS!!

(Everyone) YEAH!!

everyone was pretty much fighting, me and (y/n) were fighting along side team RWBY and we were against team JNPR, we were going hardcore as well.

(Ruby) yang, (y/n) turkeys!

Yang and (y/n) had grabbed the turkeys but (y/n) had also put a baguette into each turkey to be similar to his weapon. The then hit ren in the face and proceeded to fight phyrra with yang helping, but phyrra pushed them back. The next thing i knew i saw weiss get tossed into the pilar and it looked like it hurt.

(Ruby) weiss, weiss dont leave me NNOOOO!

I then saw yang and (y/n) run toward nora and she sent both of them flying through the roof. I then decided to help finish them off with ruby, with her using her speed and me using my wings we created a horizontal tornado which picked up all the food and team JNPR and we sent them into the wall, and it was brutal, when we landed ruby gave me a quick peek on the lips as a victory prize, but that all came short when miss goodwitch came in and fixed everything.

(Goidwitch) childeren, do not play with your food.

I then saw yang and (y/n) fall through the roof and (y/n) landed on his feet and caught yang from the fall.

(Yang) my hero.

She then kissed him on the cheek and he had helped her down, then ozpin came in.

(Ozpin) just let it go glynda.

(Goodwitch) but they are supposed to be defenders of the world someday.

(Ozpin) and they will be, it is a role they will have for the rest of their lives, but they only have so mush as childern, so why not let them play the part.

Suddenly panzer came from behind the door. He looked tramatized and then i saw that there was a sword fish stabbed in his rear end.

(Y/n) what did she do to you?

(Panzer) You don't want to fucking know!

He then procceded to the nurses office to get it removed and it was a fun and very weird day to start off the semester.

To be continued...

The Jade Warrior (Neglected/Abused Male Faunus Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now