The Jade Warrior Meets The Obsidian Knight

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(Timeskip - Docks of vale 2 weeks later)
Pov. (Y/n)

All of us were at the docks abd to be honest i didn't know why. All i know is that weiss had dragged us out here for something related to the vytle festivle.

(Y/n) so weiss may i ask a question, why are we here when we could be relaxing at the dorm?

(Sebastion) yeah what he said.

(Weiss) why not come out here, this is the beginning of the vytel festivle and it is just gorgeous around this time of year and the way everything is neatly decorated!

(Yang) wow weiss you really know how to make something sound so boring.

I high fived her after she said that and as they were talking we overheard some officers talking about something.

(Officer 1) darn, another dust shop robbed in the middle of vale.

(Officer 2) you thinking what ime thinking?

(Officer 1) im thinking we don't get paid enough.

As we thought about who could have done this, blake and weiss had started argueing and we heard a man yelling at someone.

(Man) Hey stop that faunus!!!

We looked toward the docks and saw a monkey faunus jumping onto a poll while eating a bananna, after he threw the peel at the man and started running weiss started running after him along with the rest of the team. As we ran down the ally way only to find him gone.

(Weiss) darn he got away.

(Yang) uhh.. weiss.

She said while pointing down and weiss finally noticed she was ontop of two people, a girl with ginger hair and a boy with jet black spikey hair and a pair of gautlets similar to mine.
After they had gotten up they introduced themselves, the girl was named penny polendina and the boys name was obsidian fury, he seemed like me almost, his hair, weapons and his looks in general except he wore all black and had orange outlines.

After they had left weiss and blake started having an argument about the whole ordeal about weiss calling faunus dirty animals, to be honest me and sebastion were pretty hurt at thoes words made by weiss, but then everyone was caught off by suprise.


She had basicly revealed that she was alos a faunus and that i was one too, as she said that she ran out and i knew i had to go after her, so me and sebastion ran out after her knowing how she felt but as we got out of the dorm she was nowhere to be found.

(Timeskip the next day)

(Pov yang)

We were seaching high and low for blake, but came up empty handed.

(Ruby) she is'nt even at her usual places and that seems a little off.

(Weiss) i have an idea on who can help us find her.

(Y/n) if you say the police then im gonna-

(Weiss) The Police!


Y/n was about to start a fight with weiss but i held him back and tried to calm him down.

(Yang) hey calm down y/n, we will find blake soon and once we find her we will here her side of the story and have everything sorted out.

(Weiss) and when you hear her you will see that i am right.

(Penny) and i think weisses hair looks great today.

(Obsidian) and (y/n)'s armor looks extra shiny.

As we heard them we all jumped up in shock as we didn't even know they were there.

(Timeskip - the docks) pov(y/n)

We had had seached everywhere for her and came back empty handed, turns out that my new freind obsidian was actually a robotic replica of me made by atlas in order to study my abilities. It was weird at first but i soon accepted this. We were at the docks and that was when we heard the battle between ruby, blake, penny, and the monkey man vs roman and a few white fang members.

(Y/n) ok sebastion, obsidian lets show the white fang what power we posses!

(Sebastion/obsidian) BANZI!!!

We charged into the battle when we were fighting me and obsidian decided to use our chain swords, i then realized that atlas alos upgraded his weapons compared to mine, they we glowing a red like color on the blade and that they also converted to a plasma caster set but they also had a second ability which was a gravity cannon.

(Y/n) gosh i didn't think that atlas was still working on thoes weapons, but lets see what thoes can do

He then procceded to attack the members and it seemed that every cut he made had cauterized the wound and left a deep scar on them.

(Y/n) ok sebastion unleash the beast!!!

He then pulled back his head and shot out three types of blasts at once, this was amazing to see, as the blast died down we see roman escaping and all of us were ok.

(Timeskip - 1 hour)

The police had arrived on the scene along with the team. Blake was next to me and sebastion, as for obsidian he had disappeared as soon as they arrived along with penny.

(Blake) im sorry y/n, i didn't mean to run out on you guys like that and im sorry i didn't tell you guys i was in the white fang, can you forgive me?

(Y/n) again you have to earn my trust in order for me to for forgive you, but since you apologized, its a start.

She smiled and hugged me, then weiss showed up and blake was about to give the same speech she gave to me but weiss cut her off and immediatly forgave her, i then noticed something that caught my eye, it was sebastion giving ruby a kiss on the lips as if they were going out.

(Y/n) You sly dog sebastion!!

As i said this everyone turned to sebastion and ruby kissing, weiss looked disgusted, blake had a happy smile as did i and yang well... she looked pissed.


(Sebastion) welp time to go, pick you up yomarrow for the date ruby!!

When he said that he started to fly away, but was shot down by yang and started to run for it.

(Timeskip - back to the dorms)

As we were back at the dorms yang cooled down and sebastion explained what was going on.

(Sebastion) and that is all that happened between us.

(Yang) fine ill leave you to alone, just no funny buissnes unless she agrees and do not brake my sisters heart.

(Sebastion) ok yang i understand, well time to hit the sack, goodnight guy, gals and ruby.

He then placed a kiss on rubys head and both had fallen asleep as for me and yang we had started to snuggle togeather before falling asleep.

To be continued...

(Sorry for the delay, i hit a writers block and i need help, please leave some suggestgions in the comment section and all support is loved, till next time)

The Jade Warrior (Neglected/Abused Male Faunus Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now