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Ruby's POV
In the beacon library,I was thinking long and hard about what to do,Y/N was reading a comic book and Noe was reading along with him,and the rest of Team JNPR was studying except for Nora who was asleep I was thinking long and hard about what my next move should be,this is a life or death move
Ruby: "Hmmmmm.... All right... All right.Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!"
Yang: "Bring it on!"
Ruby: "I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet!Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!"I then made airplane noises and bomb sounds to show the effect
I deployed my card on the board game,Remnant:The Game and I was winning hehe
Yang: "You fiend!"
Ruby: "And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn"
As i was prepared for my victory I could hear Yang laugh arrogantly,she was planning something!
Yang: "Pretty sneaky,sis,but you just activated my trap card!Giant Nevermore!If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!"
Ruby: "But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!"
Yang: "That's just a chance I'm willing to take"
She rolled the dice and we waited for the big moment,the dice slowly started to land on the board and when it landed I was devastated...A 8
Ruby: "Nooooo!!! My fearless soldiers!"
Y/N: "Huh?"
Yang: "Eh, most of them were probably androids"
Ruby: "Goodbye my friends, you will be avenged"
Yang: "Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!"
Ruby; "Bah!"
Yang: "Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?"
Ruby: "Bah! Bah, I say!"
Yang: "I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!"I laid on the table devastated that I lost the game
Ruby: "Have you no heart?Noooo!"
Yang: "Well Weiss,it's your turn"
Weiss: "I have... absolutely no idea what's going on"
Yang: "Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus"
Weiss: "That sounds dumb"
Yang: "See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet—"
Ruby: "Noooo!"
Yang: "—and put it in your hand!"
Weiss: "Ok"she looked like she has no idea what's going on
Yang: "And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom! Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war"
Weiss: "And that means..."
Ruby: "You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!"
Weiss stood up and gave a psychotic laughter
Weiss: "Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!"
Yang: "Trap Card"
Weiss: "Huh?"
Yang then arranged the pieces on the board and showed Weiss' pieces removed
Yang: "Your armies have been destroyed"
Weiss had sat back down crying and whining like me
Weiss: "I hate this game of emotions we play!"
I then jumped into Weiss lap as we were both crying
Ruby: "Stay strong, Weiss! We'll make it through this together!"
Weiss: "Shut up!Don't touch me!"as she said this she started hugging me
Yang: "Alright Blake, you're up!"
Blake: "Oh, um, sorry, what am I doing?"
Yang: "You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the Kingdoms of Remnant!"
Blake: "Right"
Jaune: "Hey! Can I play?"
Ruby: "Sorry Jaune, we've already got 4 people"
Weiss: "Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess"
Y/N: "You attacked your own naval fleet a few turns ago"Weiss then made a sound as if she was annoyed
Jaune: "Bring it on, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told that I am a natural born leader!"
Weiss: "By who?Your Mother?"
Jaune: "A-and Pyrrha!Also Y/N!"
Pyrrha: "Hello again!"
Y/N: "Yo"
Jaune: "Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!"
Weiss: "I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!"
Jaune: "Why not? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before. I mean, you told us all that Blake is secretly a Fa-!"
As he said this,Y/N and Pyrrha shot up from their chairs and slapped a hand in Jaune's mouth,Y/N dropped his comic in the process
Noe:(in background) "Hey!I was reading that!"
Pyrrha: "Fun-loving person!"
Y/N: "Whom we all admire and respect"
We all looked at Blake who looked annoyed that her big secret was out!Why Jaune?
Jaune: "Right. That. Ladies, enjoy your battle"
As he said this Pyrrha,Jaune and Y/N went back to doing their normal thing
Sun: "'Sup losers"
A familiar voice steps on the scene,Sun shows up with another person next to him,he had blue hair and was wearing a red sweater with dark blue pants
Ruby: "Hey Sun!"
Sun: "Ruby, Yang, Blake... Ice Queen and umm......never really got your name"
Y/N: "It's Y/N, Y/N L/N"
Sun: "Got it!"
Weiss: "Why does everyone keep calling me that?"
Sun: "I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend"
Sun's Friend: "Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?"
Ren:(throwing his arms in the air) "Thank you!"
Nora: "Pancakes!"
Sun: "Shut up. Don't be a nerd"
Neptune: "Geh, geh, geh, geh! 'Intellectual', okay? Thank you.(waving)I'm Neptune"
Weiss: "So Neptune, where are you from?"
Neptune: "Haven. And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel"
Weiss: "Um,I'm Weiss"
Jaune: "Are you kidding me!?"
Neptune: "Pleasure to meet you"
Sun: "I never took you as the board game playing type"
Blake: "Right, well, I think I'm done playing actually. I'll see you guys later"as she said this she shoved Sun aside and left the library
Nora: "Woman"
Y/N then just facepalmed
Sun: "So what is this game about?"
Yang: "You play as one of the kingdoms and try to conquer Remnant!"
Sun: "Well can I take Blake's place?"
Ruby: "Yea!Hey Y/N?Wanna play?"
Y/N: "Huh?Nah you guys look like your having fun"
Ruby: "Cmon take my place!I want to see if your good at strategizing"
Y/N: "I'm good"
Yang: "What?Afraid your gonna lose?"
Y/N: "Oh it's on!Im gonna send you home crying!Now Rubes.....teach me how to play"we all then started to laugh a little
Y/N flashback POV
Ozpin: "I'm sure that after a night of thwarting attempted robbery, you probably just want to go home and take a nap. But, I was hoping that maybe we could have a chance to talk"
Blake: "Of course"
Ozpin: "Wonderful.As you know, in order to enroll at my academy, students must first pass a rigorous entrance exam. Most applicants spend years of preparation training at one of the many combat schools around the world. You and Y/N are one of the few that did not. And you passed the exam with flying colors"
Blake: "I was raised outside the kingdoms. If you can't fight, you can't survive"
Y/N: "I Well,I trained with some friends named Goku?Im sure you know him,and even fought powerful beings alongside him and his friends"
Ozpin: "Including a God"
Y/N: "Yea,I have faced a God"
Ozpin: "Indeed.I admire your drive. And I am proud to run a school that accepts individuals from all walks of life. Rich, poor, Human...Saiyan and Faunus"
Y/N: "How did you know?"
Ozpin: "Your tail is not that hard to hide"
I then felt my tail that apparently was hiding in my pants
Y/N: "What?!?I thought I cut it off permanently!"
Blake: "Your a Faunus?!?"
Y/N: "No it's in my genes!"
Ozpin: "No Ms.Belladonna,all Saiyans are born with a tail"
Blake: "I see"
Ozpin: "I must ask Ms.Belladonna.Why do you wear that bow, Blake?Why hide who you are?"
Blake: "You may be willing to accept the Faunus, Professor Ozpin, but your species is not"
Ozpin: "True, but we are continuing to take strides to lessen the divide"
Blake: "With all due respect, you need to start taking some larger strides. Until then, I'd rather avoid any unnecessary attention. I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am"
Ozpin: "And what are you?"
Blake: "I don't understand what your asking"
Ozpin: "How did you know the White Fang would be at the shipyard tonight?"
Blake: "I didn't. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time"
Ozpin: "And you Y/N?"
Y/N: "Well I know a criminal will most likely be where the precious loot is,so basically same thing as Blake"
Ozpin: "You wouldn't have been the first. But what happened tonight was not an isolated incident. I may be your headmaster, but I am also a Huntsman, and it is my sworn duty to protect this world from the forces that conspire against it. Blake,are you sure there is nothing else you would like to tell me?"
Blake: "I'm sure"
Ozpin: "Now Y/N,Why would you cut off your own tail?Why remove something that is a part your race"
Y/N: "Well,What you don't know about the tail Professor is,when we look at a full moon.We grow into something called a Great Ape,some Saiyans can control it,but that's the Saiyan Elites,lower class warriors like me can't control it;we go beserk and attack anything in our sights"
Ozpin: "And Although we have a cracked moon,you fear you will go Great Ape and attack your friends?And the world you are protecting?"
Y/N: "Exactly"
Ozpin: "I see"
Y/N: "It's also a weakness,if someone were to grab it,I become weak and powerless;I basically become paralyzed"
Ozpin: "Now you both were able to stop the White Fang.Y/N your skills could be useful,keep training and become stronger,also I will not inform the authorities about your previous crimes"
Y/N: "Wait.Really?"
Ozpin: "Of course.You're a changed man,also it was years ago"
Y/N: "Alright"
Blake: "Are we able to leave now?"
Ozpin: "Very well. Thank you for your time, Ms. Belladonna,Mr L/N.If you ever need to talk to me.Please, don't hesitate to ask"
Flashback end Y/N's POV
Yang: "Ugh, we should have never let him play!"
Y/N: "Aww what's wrong Yang?Mad cause I beat you?"
Yang: "Shut up!"
Ruby: "Your just mad cause my boyfriend beat you!See, if you had just attacked when I told you none of this would have happened"
Y/N: "Or maybe she could have planned her attack a few turns before"
As we were walking in Blake started to leave the room but was stopped by Weiss
Weiss: "Stop.Lately you've been quiet, antisocial and moody!"
Yang: "Ugh,have you not met Blake?"
Weiss: "Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual! Which quite frankly, is unacceptable! You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong! So, Blake Belladonna, what is wrong!?"as she said the last part she flipped backwards and landed on a chair while pointing at Blake,upon realizing what she did she put the chair back and got back in her normal posture
Blake: "I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm"
Ruby: "You're still thinking about Torchwick?"
Blake: "Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!"
Yang: "Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the Huntsmen, I'm sure they can handle it"
Blake: "Well I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do!"
Y/N: "I know the White Fang are dangerous but don't you think we should rest?"
Blake: "Rest?Do you think those criminals rest just cause we want to?They will keep doing whatever they are planning to do!"
Weiss: "Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the three of you think that you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells!"
Ruby: "Uh who?"
Y/N: "The baddies"
Weiss: "But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're students! We're not ready to handle this sort of situation!"
Ruby: "Well yeah,but"
Weiss: "We're not ready!"
Blake: "And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day.They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not!"
Ruby: "Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye"while saying this she raised her hands in the air and started to look manic
Yang: "Yes! I love it when you're feisty!"
Weiss: "Well, I suppose it could be fun"
Ruby: "None Of you said aye"
Y/N: "Aye aye captain!"
Blake: "Alright then, we're in this together!"
Ruby: "Let's hatch a plan!"
Yang: "Yeah!"
Ruby: "I left my board game at the library!"
Weiss: "We're doomed"
Ruby: "I'll be right back!"
Yang: "Y/N?"
Y/N: "I'll go too"I then followed Ruby and ran out of the dorm to the library,Ruby not looking where she's going,ran into someone with light green hair,and dark skin
Ruby: "Oo-oof! Oh g-!Sorry. Are you okay?"
Emerald: "I'm fine. Just watch where you're going"I then helped Ruby back up on her feet
Ruby: "Oh, right, sorry.Um, I'm Ruby! Are you new?"
Cinder: "Visiting from Haven, actually"a girl with black hair and orange colored eyes appeared
Y/N: "You guys look familiar?Have we met before?"
Mercury: "I don't believe we have.The names Mercury"
Emerald: "Emerald"
Cinder: "And I'm Cinder"
Ruby: "Ooh! You're here for the festival! But exchange students have their own dormitory"
Mercury: "I guess we just got turned around"
Ruby: "Hey, don't worry, it happens all the time.Uh, your building is just east of here"
Cinder: "Thanks. Maybe we'll see you around"
Ruby: "Yeah maybe"just as they were about to leave Ruby waved and yelled "Oh, uh, and welcome to Beacon!"
Y/N: "Ruby?Did Noe come with us when we walked back?"
Ruby: "No?"
Y/N: "Crap he fell asleep at the library!"
Both of us then started to the library
3rd person POV
We could then see the three people Y/N and Ruby talking about Y/N
Mercury: "He was so onto us"
Emerald: "Probably bad to give out our names like that"
Cinder: "Relax,he has a small memory of course he wouldn't remember us,as long as we don't blow our cover"she then made a small flame come out of her hand "Our plan won't fail"

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