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Pyrrha Nikos was fighting Team CRDL and totally beat them up
Glynda: "And that's the match"
Cardin: "Lucky shot!"
After saying these words he collapses being tired from the major beat down he and his team received
Glynda: "Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament"
Pyrrha: "Thank you,Professor"
Glynda: "Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match.
Y/N(in mind) "Please pick me,Please pick me,Please pick me!"
Kugutori: "Are you that eager to fight?"
Y/N(in mind): "Maybe"
Glynda: "Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?"
Y/N: "Damn"I said this under my breath so no one could hear me
Glynda: "You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -"
Just then a student with grey hair raises his hand,the boy Ruby and I bumped into a few days ago
Mercury: "I'll do it"
Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent"
Mercury: "Actually..Hmmm"he puts his finger on his lip,thinking about which opponent to fight "How about.......Him"his fingers land on me
Y/N: "Me?"
Glynda: "Of course.Y/N!Would you like to spar with Mercury?"
Y/N: "Alright!"we both head to the fighting arena and got into a fighting stance,we both stared at each other waiting to see who would attack first.Mercury then charges at me with a kick but I dodged by moving his leg,knocking him off course,he charged at me again but from behind as I then make it look like I got hit,only for the image of me to disappear;I charge at him and deliver a few punches before sweeping his feet off the floor,after I did this he backflips and kicks me in the face knocking me back a little,he then charged at me and kicks at me but I blocked every blow with one hand and punched him the face;I jumped in the air and tried to kick him,only to get blocked by his arms,I quickly launched my self back in the air,backflipping in the process and shot a little ki blast at him.He quickly dodged my blast,and charged at me,we both clashed our arms together and gritted our teeth at each other
Y/N: "You're pretty tough!"
Mercury: "As are you!"
Y/N: "Yup,but....."
I then swept his feet,knocking to him the floor,equipped my sword and aimed at him
Y/N: "Your putting too much strain on your body,try to relax a little.After all,it is just a sparring match"
Mercury: "I'll remember that!"
Glynda: "And that's the match,class dismissed"
As I was walking back to my friends outside the classroom,Noe went to my side and started talking about the fight and how I easily won
Noe: "That Guy didn't stand a chance!"
Y/N: "Well....he was a little bit troubling but he has potential to get stronger,which reminds me-"Just then I saw Sun talking to Blake who looked really tired,she has been working nonstop on the investigation and hasn't been acting like herself
Sun: "Hey, Blake!You uh, doing okay?"
Blake: "I'm fine!"
Sun: "So I hear there's this dance going on this weekend... ah, sounds pretty lame, but you and me, I'm thinking, not as lame, huh?"
Blake: "What?"
Sun: "The dance! This weekend! You wanna go, or what?"
Blake: "I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that"
She then walks off as Sun sinks into his rejection he just received
Timeskip to dorm
Blake: "You What?"
Ruby: "We want you to go to the dance"
Blake: "That's ridiculous"
Yang: "Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head"
Weiss: "You can't sleep,you hardly eat,and to be honest, your grades have been suffering"
Blake: "You think I care about grades?"She shrugs and then gestures out the window "People's lives are at stake!"
Yang then put her hand on Blake's,lowering it down
Yang: "We know, and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to"
Ruby: "Thanks to you and Sun, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale"
Weiss: "And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months."
Yang: "Don't forget about their missing military tech too"
Y/N: "We also found out who were the people who helped get him those tech"
Blake: "But there's still unanswered questions!"
Ruby: "Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!"
Yang: "All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day"
Weiss: "It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it!"
Yang: "Yeah! We're planning the whole event!"she pumps her fist which causes the bed to bounce Blake
Blake: "Excuse me?"
Weiss: "Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected"
Yang: "So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night"
Weiss: "And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready"
Blake: "I think this is a colossal waste of time"
Blake then stood up and walked to the door
Blake: "I'll be in the library"
Yang: "Great"
Weiss: "She can't keep going on like this"
I then thought of going after her,but decided not to.Just then Noe tugged on my pants
Y/N: "Sup?"
Noe: "Speaking of the dance,what will I do that day?"
Y/N: "You.will be staying at my friends place until the event is over,I can't leave you here and I can't take you since I'm pretty sure you don't want to see some people being all lovey dovey"
Noe: "Yuck"he says as he sticks his tongue out,
I then chuckled at his response,as Ruby was about to speak there is a knock on the door,Weiss gets up and answers only to back up a little out of peer shock.I looked to see Jaune with a guitar in his hands
Jaune:(singing) "Weiss!"
Weiss slams the door in his face
Jaune: "Oh, come on, open the door! I promise not to sing"
Hesitating at first,Weiss opens the door
Jaune:(singing) "I lied! Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!?"
Weiss: "Are you done?"
Jaune: "Yes?"
Weiss: "No"she then closes the door and turns around to see us staring at her
Weiss: "What?"
Yang: "And that is why they call you the Ice Queen"
Y/N: "That's EXACTLY why they call her that"
Weiss: "All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind"
Ruby: "Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go"
I then decided to go and talk to Blake,I got up and headed for the door
Ruby: "Where are you going?"
Y/N: "Hmm.....places,I'll be right back"I then left and headed for the library
Timeskip to library
As I was wandering the library for some history books,I was secretly looking for where Blake was sitting.She had sat down at a table far from other people,I quickly grabbed a book and headed to her way
Y/N: "Yo Blake!"
Blake: "What do you want?"
Y/N: "I can't study with a friend?"
Blake: "I know that's not why your here"
Y/N: "And how do you know?"
Blake: "You grabbed a comic book instead of a textbook"she says as she points to the book in my hand
Y/N: "Alright you got me"I said as I put my hands up in surrender
Blake: "You're not convincing me to go to the dance"
Y/N: "I know,but can you at least slow down and take breaks from this investigation?"
Blake: "No!I can't believe there's lives at stake and you're not worried about what's going on!"
Y/N: "I am,but remember what Ozpin told us,they will deal with it.Please Blake,just take a break"
Blake: "No!I can't!With so many things going on I can't!"
Y/N: "You shouldn't act like it's your responsibility to do everything"
Blake: "But things aren't going great,I have to at least try to do something!That Guy you fought says he kills us all,are you not worried it will happen again?"
Y/N: "Worried?I am beyond terrified!But I won't allow anything to happen to you guys,no matter what!"
Blake: "But you don't know how strong he is,Keel said he was barely showing off his power"
Y/N: "I know,but that's why I keep getting stronger.My mission now,is to protect all of you,even if it takes my own life.Look I know I can't convince you but just know,you don't have to stop,just take a break,there's lots of people who are worried about you"I then got up and left Blake to her research
3rd person POV
Emerald: "And finally,Y/N L/N"
Cinder: "The strongest student"
Mercury: "Should we be worried?He's the man we saw that night"
Cinder: "As long as we don't blow our cover,we'll be fine.Thanks to Emeralds illusion,we know he's stronger than that 'Mira' illusion"
Emerald: "But still,the prophecy tells that a man filled with light and dark will defeat the Grimm by mastering aura,could Y/N be that man?"
Cinder: "That is a story told by poor,defenseless people to being hope to all nations,it won't be fulfilled"
Mercury: "We should still keep an eye on him"
Emerald: "Who knows what the son of a legend is doing now
Back at Team RWBY dorm
Y/N: "Hmmm,ok so please explain to me how these 'video games' work exactly"
Yang: "Have you lived in a barn?!How do you not know what a video game is?"
Y/N: "What?!?(in mind: "It's common nature?Weird")
Ruby: "Shut up Yang!Look it's not that complicated,you can use your scroll to play,you play as Ninjas and you fight to the death!Kung Fu Ninja Slayer Ultimate Death Battle 2!"
Y/N: "Umm ok?"
Weiss: "If I can learn the game,even a man who has never had an any experience with technology can pick it up too"
Yang: "Ruby plays this game a lot,so she will most likely kick your butt in this game!"
Y/N: "Challenge accepted!"
???: "So this is you training huh Y/N?"
They all look to the window to see Goku floating in the air upside down with his arms  and legs crossed
Y/N: "No!Just a break is all"
Goku: "Ok,well here I brought some more Senzu Beans for you!"he throws a bag to Y/N and he catches the bag
Y/N: "Thanks!"
Goku: "See ya later,you should be sleeping if you have classes you know"
Y/N: "Oh right!See ya!"Goku then floats away and Team RWBY continue to have fun goofing off and laughing at Y/N attempt video games

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