The mysterious warrior of Universe 6

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Announcer: "The next fighters will be!!! Krillin and Bardock from Universe 7! And Hit and......."

The arena stood silent as they were waiting for the final result of who the next fighter from Universe 7 will be

Announcer: "Android 23!"

Champa immediately shouts out loud in pure joy, but quickly sits back down. Whis
whispers something to Beerus which causes Beerus to shudder a bit

Y/N: "What's up with the gods all of a sudden?"

Ruby: "Beats me"

Piccolo: "That Guy right there!......I can sense his ki  although he's an Android!"

Android 18: "What?! An Android has Ki?!?"

Vegeta: "Just how strong could he be?"

Krillin and Bardock get to the stage  as well does Hit. Android 23 simply crosses his arms and looks down and vanished to the stage, causing Krillin to jump back a bit

Krillin: "Oh man! Hit is already a powerful opponent! We need a miracle to win!"

Bardock: "Doesn't matter who it is! I'll beat him to a bloody pulp"

Hit: "Android 23 was it? I don't sense any kind of power from you, but I can tell you are strong"

Android 23 stays silent and just closes his eyes as he grunts in annoyance

Y/N: "You's weird that he looks like Goku but he's nothing like him at all"

Goku: "Well he IS my dad and is a full blooded Saiyan who has pride like Vegeta"

Y/N: "That explains a lot actually...."

Noe: "Dad, That Guy over there is scary"

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he is just like a normal Android. You know like the ones Atlas makes......just a bit more advanced"

Announcer: "Let the match begin!!!"

Bardock turns Super Saiyan and charged at Hit. He starts to shoot ki blast at Hit but all of a sudden get knocked back by Hit. Bardock gets back up and strikes Hit, but the attack misses, causing Bardock to step forward giving Hit an opportunity to strike. Bardock bends forward and kicks Hit up in the air and chases him while preparing to smash him to the ground, he proceeds but Hit dodged out of the way and slams him to the ground. Meanwhile with Krillin

Krillin: "Alright then! Come on!"

Krillin charges at Android 23 and delivers an all out assault, but the attacks don't seem to phase him, in fact there seems to be an invisible force blocking each attack. Android 23 simply gives out a hmph and all of a sudden Krillin starts to get attacked by a barrage of fists. Krillin gets knocked back and flips over trying to gain balance.

Android 23: "This over!"

All of a sudden the stage starts to tremble and causes rocks to form creating pillars and small mountains, the stage breaks off from the bleachers and creates a void of space. Android 23 appears in front of Krillin and opens his eyes which strikes Krillin with fear

Android 23: "Begone.......weakling"

Krillin gets punched in the gut and sent flying off the stage and into the void of space. As he descends  deeper into the void he all of a sudden disappears and appears back in the bleachers.

Goku: "Krillin! Are you ok?!"

Krillin: "Yea! I'm fine, this is kinda what I expected hehehe" he chuckles nervously, knowing that he probably wouldn't have been of much help either way

Y/N: "Krillin! When you were being attacked did you feel as if it was someone doing the attacking?!"

Krillin: "Uhh Yea, Why?"

Y/N: "Just.....needed to know" (Damn it! That is him!!)

Blake: "Y/N, is everything ok?"

Y/N just stays silent and sweat drops from the side of his head as he grits his teeth. Bardock is
still facing off against  against Hit,  it 23 steps in a stops a punch from connecting

Android 23: "This ends now"

He sticks his palm out to Bardocks chest and launches a Ki blast, sending Bardock flying out of the ring and into the newly created void. Appearing next to Krillin in the bleachers

Announcer: "Android 23 and Hit are the winners of this round!"

Bardock: "Damn it! I lost!"

Frieza: "Ohohoho! As expected of a lower class monkey"

Bardock grits his teeth in anger, as he can't do anything about his loss

Beerus: "Listen up! If you all don't work together! We won't win this tournament. You all need to get along or else I will destroy you before Zen-Oh Samoa gets the chance"

Weiss: "But, wouldn't we be destroyed even if we lost?"

Beerus: "That's not the point! The point is that they work together so they can win!"

Goku: "You're right! But that Android 23 guy is really strong, I wonder if he's anything like Jiren!"

Vegeta: "If he is, we are in big trouble!"

Announcer: "The next fighters will be..... Y/N and Piccolo from Universe 7 and Kale and Caulifla from Universe 6!"

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