Y/N vs Android 23. The biggest fight in the tournament

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Y/N quickly puts his hands in his pocket, Kugutori begins to rush as well 23's Mugutori. The two demons begin to trade blows faster than light

 The two demons begin to trade blows faster than light

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23: "Let's get this fight started, shall we? Old friend?"

Y/N: "Gladly!"

Y/N and 23 stick their hands in the air and point at each other with determination in their eyes

Y/N: "Maki modosu!!!!"

23: "Yameru!!!"

All of a sudden, time stops. 23 walks up to Y/N and sticks his hand in a blade formation and stabs Y/N in the heart

23: "What a waste, I should've kept this fight going"

Y/N: "You should've, let's at least enjoy the last round like you said, old friend"

All of a sudden everything reverses back to where they were. Y/N wound doesn't appear but Y/N is in front of 23 and delivers a flurry of blows, yet 23 doesn't seem fazed

23: "How! How did my wound not pierce you?"

Y/N: "You can stop time, but thanks to Kugutori I can reverse time"

23: "Impossible!"

Y/N: "Now this is goodbye!"

Y/N kicks 23 to the side of his head in which 23 catches. 23 grins as he slams Y/N on the ground all around the arena. He throws him up in the sky and chases him for a devastating attack. Y/N moves to the left but is still unable to dodge the knee to the gut, he spits out blood and 23 grabs Y/N's head and slams him into the ground, digging his face into the stage

RWBY: "Y/N!!!!"

23: "You sure do have a lot of friends who care for you. Tell me what's your secret?"

Y/N(muffled): "Well maybe it's because I'm not a tall emo teenager who keeps saying they have no feelin-!"

23: "I've changed my mind!"

He kicks Y/N, sliding him across the entire arena to crash into 18. Just as he's about to crash into her, Kugutori catches him by the shirt and tosses him back to 23

Kugutori: "Y/N! Take this seriously will you!"

As soon as he says this, the Red Namekian, Mugutori, elbows Kugutori in his torso

Kugutori: "Ow! Right in the tit!"

Mugutori: "Cmere You bastard!!!"

The two continue their battle. Y/N notices blood coming from his mouth and he wipes it off, he rushes towards 23 and the two begin to clash. Meanwhile, Goku transforms to a Super Saiyan and delivers an elbow to Hit's chin. Hit retaliates by moving to the side and delivering a set of blows. Goku performs a back flip and moves around the arena, little did Hit know he was planting little ki blast mines around the arena while Hit chases him; oblivious from the actions Hit walks over the mines and they begin to explode. Goku then rushes towards Hit while transforming to Super Saiyan Blue and delivers an all out assault. He finishes it with a kick to the sky and charges a ki blast wave in his hands. He fires a Kamehameha at Hit who is unable to see what's happening but he skips time and appears behind Goku and punches him repeatedly. When he stops Goku appears to be given an all out assault. Goku kneels down and begins to backstep away from Hit but he appears behind him. Goku looks behind him but only gets kicked to the side of the arena. He backflips and catches a fist from Hit and delivers an elbow to Hits torso. Hit recovers from the attack and powers up, Goku does the same and they both charge at each other, ready to land a blow but Hit lands a blow on Goku's torso faster than he can react. Goku coughs out blood before collapsing to the floor. 18 and Dranos begin to clash and land blow after blow. Dranos lands a blow in 18's stomach but she retaliates by kneeing him in the gut. They both back off and launch a ki blast at each other. Android 18 uses the dust created by the blast to her advantage and launches a disc shaped ki blast at Dranos. The attack scratches Dranos' cheek, she appears on top of Dranos while charging a ki blast with her hands above her

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