Burning The Candle

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Yang and Weiss have asked us to help with the decorations,mostly me helping reaching the high places and the heavy objects like the speakers.After I moved a speaker I took a little break and went to the table where my girlfriend was feeling glum. I then sat at the table and rested my arm on the table while resting my head on my arm
Y/N: "Hey"
Ruby: "Hey"
All of a sudden two palms slammed the table, I look to see Weiss with two tablecloths
Weiss: "I need you two to pick a tablecloth"
She then shows us two tablecloths which look the same but different shades of white
Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"
Y/N: "Exactly what I was gonna say"
Weiss: "I don't even know why I asked!"
Weiss then leaves out of frustration while Yang comes in carrying a massive sound speaker on her shoulder, which bounces her sister and I along with the table were sitting on
Yang: "So, have you picked out a dress yet?"
Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"
Yang: "Oh, don't worry; she's going.What about you?You found something to wear for the dance Y/N?"
Y/N: "I found a suit,but I'm not much for dances"
Yang: "Well at least your going.Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!"Weiss then walks to her and points to her face
Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!"
Just before they were going to start arguing,the sound of doors opening is what grabbed their attention,we looked to see two familiar faces
Neptune: "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?"
Weiss: "We were thinking about it..."
Neptune: "That's pretty cool"
Sun: "You ladies all excited for dress-up?"
Ruby: "Pffft....yeah right"
Yang: "Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!"
Weiss: "What are you two wearing?"
Sun: "Uhhhhh....this?"He gestures to his current outfit he is wearing now,in which Neptune puts his hand in front of him to silence him
Neptune: "Ignore him for he knows not what he says"
Sun: "Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place"
We all of us then threw faces of being told something very obvious
Yang: "Yeah, we noticed"
Sun the started to rub the back of his head
Sun: "Soooo... what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know... Blake-y?"
Weiss: "Obviously"she crosses her arms in disapproval
Y/N: "We're thinking of ways to change her mind"
Ruby: "But I still can't think of a way to change her mind"
Yang: "Guys. Trust me; Blake will be at the dance tomorrow.Y/N can you come with me?"
Y/N: "Umm sure"I then got up and walked out the door
Yang: "Where would you presume Blake is?"
Y/N: "Library"
Yang: "Alright!Library it is!"

To the library!
Yang and I hid behind some book shelves and saw Blake using a computer,she's so sleep deprived that she can barely look at the screen and focus
Y/N: "So what are we doing here and why are we hiding behind these book shelves?"
Yang: "Sssh!Keep your voice down.We're going to bring her out of here and talk to her in private;whether she likes it or not"
Y/N: "Alright.Whats the plan?"
Without looking at me,she hands me a laser pointer
Y/N: "You're evil"
Yang: "Do you have a better way?"
I opened my mouth to speak but thought of nothing,I then sighed in defeat
Y/N: "Lets just get this over with,we look like stalkers"
I then pointed out the laser pointer at Blake's screen,she soon got annoyed and turned around in which we ducked behind the book shelves.After she turned around,I pointed at her screen once more,she then got up in which I drew it to the floor;which I drew it closer to where we were,drawing her away from her screen. She finally reached us and looked a bit shocked to see us shooting the laser
Yang: "Hel-lloooo!"
Y/N: "Sup?"
Blake: "What are you...?"
Yang then grabbed her arm in a fast motion
Yang: "We need to talk"
Without wasting time,we left the library and headed our way for an empty classroom.Yang made her way to the control desk and sat down,Blake in front of her and me at the seats of the classroom
Blake: "Yang, Y/N, if you're going to tell me to stop, you may as well save your breath"
Yang: "I don't want you to stop; I want you to slow down"
Blake: "I don't have the luxury to slow down"as she says this she is crossing her arms and pacing around the room
Yang: "It's not a luxury; it's a necessity"
Blake: "The "necessity" is stopping Torchwick"
Yang: "And we're going to. But first you have to sit down and listen to what I have to say"she then pats the desk she's sitting on, ushering her to come sit by
Blake: "Fine"
Y/N: "Oh there's my scroll! I've been looking for this thing for weeks"
Yang: "Ahem!"
I then looked at Blake and Yang who gave serious looks at me,I scratch my head out of nervousness
Y/N: "I'm sorry....continue what you were doing"
Yang: "Anyway....Ruby and I grew up in Patch, an island off the coast of Vale. Our parents were Huntsmen. Our dad taught at Signal, and our mom took on missions around the kingdom. Her name was Summer Rose, and she was, like... Super-Mom: Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters. And then... one day she left for a mission and never came back. It was tough. Ruby was really torn up, but... I think she was still too young to really get what was going on, y'know? And my dad just kind of... shut down. It wasn't long before I learned why. Summer wasn't the first love he lost; she was the second. The first... was my mom. He wouldn't tell me everything, but I learned that the two of them had been on a team together with Summer and Qrow, and that she'd left me with him right after I was born. No one had seen her since."
Blake: "Why did she leave you?"
Yang: "That question.....why. I didn't know an answer, but I was determined to find out. It was all I thought about. I would ask anyone I could about what they knew about her. Then, one day, I found something. What I thought was a clue that could lead me to answers, or maybe even my mother. I waited for Dad to leave the house, put Ruby in a wagon, and headed out. I must've walked for hours. I had cuts and bruises, I was totally exhausted, but I wasn't gonna let anything stop me. When we finally got there, I could barely stand, but I didn't care; I had made it. And then I saw them. Those burning red eyes... There we were: A toddler sleeping in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl too exhausted to even cry for help. We might as well have been served on a silver platter. But, as luck would have it, our uncle showed up just in time. My stubbornness should've gotten us killed that night."
Blake: "Yang... I'm sorry that happened to you, and I understand what you're trying to tell me, but this is different. I'm not a child, and this isn't just a search for answers! I can't jus—"
Yang: "I told you: I'm not telling you to stop! I haven't! To this day, I still want to know what happened to my mother and why she left me, but I will never let that search control me. We're going to find the answers we're looking for, Blake. But if we destroy ourselves in the process, what good are we?"
Blake: "You don't understand! I'm the only one who can do this!"
Yang: "No, you don't understand!"she turns around and looks at Blake with anger in her eyes,her eye color changing from lilac to flaming red
Yang: "If Roman Torchwick walked through that door, what would you do?"
Blake: "I'd fight him!"
Yang: "You'd lose!"she then pushes Blake
Blake: "I can stop him!"Blake then tries to push Yang but is too weak to use any force
Yang: "You can't even stop me!"she gives one final push which causes Blake to be pushed back to the desk behind them.As Blake gets up Yang does the unexpected and embraces her in a hug
Yang: "I'm not asking you to stop. Just please, get some rest. Not just for you, but for the people you care about."
Blake: "I-I will"
She then let's go Of Blake and walks to my direction as does Blake
Yang: "Do you have anything to say Y/N?"
I then looked at my arm and grasped it.I took in a deep breath and got up
Y/N: "You remember those two people who nearly killed us in the beginning of the year?Well that's not the first time stuff like that happened to me,we've had so many villains try to destroy Earth or kill the people on it.I remember this one time,there was an evil space tyrant named Frieza that I once fought,we didn't stand a chance until my buddy Goku showed up however;the battle ended up into both opponents lives ended or at least we thought;anyway we heard that space tyrant still survived and was coming to Earth.The minute I heard these news,I tried to get so strong to defeat him on my own.Almost like Blake trying to find out what Torchwick is up to.I trained so hard to the point where I almost went insane"
I paused and clenched my fist
Y/N: "I lost all I loved as a child and was not fixin' to lose everything I had then.I was so keen on getting strong so that no one I loved were to be harmed or murdered,but I-I didn't know I was secretly harming myself and others until my friends son told me,he also explained it to me the same way that Yang did.Blake,don't stop what your doing but don't overdo yourself,there's only so much the human body can do,if I hadn't stopped abusing my body to get stronger I would not be standing here right now"
Blake: "I-I understand"
Y/N: "Well...that's all I have to say,take it easy ok Blake?"
Blake: "Ok"
Yang: "And if you feel like coming out tomorrow, I'll save you a dance."
She winks at Blake as both Yang and I walk out and head to our dorm
Yang: "So are you going to the dance?"
Y/N: "Like I said...I'm not keen on dances but I'll go if Ruby wants to go.Who knows?I might have fun"
Yang: "And what kind of 'fun' are you talking about?"she then nudges my shoulder and winks at me
Y/N: "Stop thinking like that now"as I give her a stern look,she then chuckled
Yang: "At least I know you won't do anything funny with her"
Y/N: "Yea what kind of man do you think I am?"
We then continued walking until I realized something
Y/N: "Oh right!I have to drop Noe off at my buddies place!"
Yang: "He can't just stay at the dorm?"
Y/N: "No,Professor Ozpin said he had to be with me or the team at all times or with my friends.And seeing that every team member is going to the dance?I have no other options"
Yang: "Ok.Go and get ready,dance starts in a few hours!Ill go help prepare!"
A few hours later
After finally convincing Ruby to go to the dance,I got my suit ready for the dance,but there was a problem.....I was having trouble with my tie.As I was struggling,Noe just sat on the bed playing a game Ruby showed him earlier on today.After a few minutes Ruby finally finished changing into her dress while I still struggled with my tie,I looked away from the mirror to see Ruby wearing a red dress with a black lace and belt and pumps.Overwhelmed by her beauty I stood there turning into a red tomato.I shook my head a little and finally opened my mouth so I could speak
Y/N: "You look beautiful"
Ruby: "Thank you"she said while blushing,she then noticed my tie and giggled a bit
Y/N: "What's so funny?"
Ruby: "You having problems with your tie?"
Y/N: "No no no,it's just.....I'm....Yea..."
Ruby: "Let me See"I then walked to her in which she started to fix my mess of a tie and wrap it around me perfectly
Y/N: "You sure know how to tie a tie"
Ruby: "Yang taught me"
After a while she finished,I looked at the mirror and groaned a bit
Ruby: "You look great!"
Y/N: "I look like a fool"
Ruby: "You look handsome"
She hugs my side as I also give her a hug
Y/N: "Alright,I'll take Noe to my friends place now"
Noe: "We're leaving?"
Y/N: "Yup,Cmon!"
I grabbed his hand and put fingers on my forehead,I looked to Ruby and thought of something
Y/N: (in terminator voice)"I'll be back"
This caused her to giggle a bit before giving me a peck on the cheek,I then instant transmissions to Capsule Corp,mostly in the middle of a sparring match for Goku,Gohan and Vegeta,their fists were about to land on me until they both forced themselves to stop
Goku: "Y/N!"
Vegeta: "What are you doing here?!?"
Y/N: "Hello!"
Noe being a little shy hid behind my leg
Gohan: "You need us to take care of him?"
I then scratched the back of my head out of embarrassment
Y/N: "Yea,there's a dance going on and I have no one to take care of"
Goku: "A dance?"
Y/N: "Yea"
Vegeta: "Hmph,a true warrior wouldn't waste his time on useless things like those"
Gohan: "We'll take care of him,don't worry"
Y/N: "For some reason I Trust Gohan more than Vegeta and Goku"
Bardock: "You're a Saiyan and your going to waste your time on a dance?Pathetic"
Y/N: "Oh hello there Bardock!"
Goku: "Hey!I just got an idea!"
Y/N: "Huh?"
Goku: "Why don't you and my dad spar against each other?"
Y/N: "Wait he's your Dad?!?!?"
I then looked in shock as I realized they do resemble each other a lot
Bardock: "Thats not a bad idea!My Saiyan blood is tingling to see how strong you are!"
Y/N: "I would now but I got a dance to get to!Also can y'all teach Noe a bit about fighting and ki?"
Noe: "Huh?"
Vegeta: "Whatever,we'll teach the brat to fight"
Noe(whispering): "Dad!What are you doing?I wanted to learn from you!"
Y/N: "I know but listen,These guys are WAAAAAAY stronger than me,I learned from them so they could teach ya somethin'!"
He looked a bit nervous but then shook his head slightly
Y/N: "I'll be back for you in a while ok?"
Noe: "Ok"
I put my fingers and teleported back to where the dorm room.I walked out the door and saw Ruby in the hallway on her way to the dance.I walked to her and tapped her shoulder,causing her to jump and yelp a little.I proceeded to chuckle
Y/N: "Hello~"
Ruby: "You scared me!"she slightly pushes me away from her
Y/N: "You should see the look on your face!"I laugh out loud while I slapped my hand on my face
Ruby: "You're the worst!"
Y/N: "I'm sorry"
Ruby: "You are forgiven"
Y/N: "Shall I escort you to the dance my queen?"I then stick my arm around for her arm to wrap around,in which she does
Ruby: "Onward!"she pointed towards the hallway with her other arm as we started to walk
Timeskip Authors  POV
The sight of the lonely, abandoned rose turns into a large collection of the same flowers, one dropping outward, in a large vase behind Yang, now in a short white dress with black heels as she stands at a podium. The doors in front of her open and she flips out upon seeing who walks in
Yang: "Ooohh, you look beautiful!"
Ruby groans as she looks distressed as she walks in the dance
Ruby: "Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?"she tries to walk solo but quickly trips onto Y/N's chest much to her sisters amusement
Meanwhile outside, Sun is seen walking around and wearing a new black jacket with a white tie hung around his neck, which he proceeds to fight with before going inside.
Sun: "Stupid... dumb... neck trap!"
Blake: "I knew you'd look better in a tie"
Sun stops his struggling and stares at the dark purple dress worn by Blake, now looking like she traded her dark bags for violet eyeshadow, as she steps forward and takes him by the arm
Sun: "Sooo, does this mean we're going... together?"
Blake: "Technically, though my first dance is spoken for"
Inside the ballroom, streamers are hung through glass chandeliers, pink and blue balloons are everywhere, and students in dark suits and bright dresses are stepping with each other to the music between the white-clothed tables. Blake is spun around by Yang before they curtsey to one another, and Sun comes up and takes his date's hands as Yang gestures for him to do so. She goes to hang with Ruby, Weiss (in a similar white dress as Yang's) and Y/N in the back of the room, watching Blake laugh and enjoy herself before smiling at her team
Yang: "I told you she would come"
Weiss: "Mission accomplished"
Ruby: "Soooo, what do we do now?"
Yang: "Just have fun!"
She proceeds to walk away and do so, with Weiss going the opposite direction and leaving Ruby and Y/N behind
Ruby: "Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now?(upon receiving no answer, she waddles around in her painful footwear while Y/N chuckles slightly) Stupid lady stilts!"
Ozpin: "Not enjoying yourself?"
Ruby: "Oh, no, everything's fine! I'm just not much of a fancy pantsy... dancey girl"
Ozpin: "Well, you can't spend your whole life on the battlefield, even if you may want to"
Ruby: "Yeah, that lesson's been floating around a lot lately"
Ozpin: "If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked, although one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot"
Ruby: "Or a twisted ankle"
Y/N: "Or a toe in pain"
Ozpin: "It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget"
Ruby and Y/N smile at the words of wisdom, but both turn their heads at the sound of the doors opening. Yang is back behind the podium, and smiles at the new arrivals.
Yang: "You guys are just in time!"
Mercury: "Wouldn't miss it for the world"

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