New Enemies,New heights of power

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Y/N: "What do you mean by exterminate me?"
Keel: "We're going to kill you Geez"
Tarro: "Were here to kill you for your crimes against the universe.You mortals think you can just do whatever you please"
I looked around him to Keel,and saw him smiling psychotically
Y/N: "I know that's not why you are here"
Tarro then cleverly smiled while closing his eyes
Tarro: "My my,you do catch on.Do you know why were really here?"
Y/N: "Your here for me,my power arent you?"
Keel: "He sure is smart,yes exactly why we're here"
Team RWBY then started to get ready for combat,Ruby started to run but I then stopped her
Ruby: "Huh?"
Y/N: "Stay back,you guys don't stand a chance against them"
Yang: "But we wanna help!"
Y/N: "Stay Back!I don't want you guys getting hurt"
Ruby: "But we can help,even if it's a little"
Y/N: "No Ruby,please.I love you and I don't want you to get hurt"
I then got into my fighting stance,ready to fight,as did Keel and Tarro,I then transformed into Kaioken which I learned training with Whis
Tarro: "So defending your little girlfriend?Do you think a little boy can defeat us?"
Y/N: "You know what?Yes I do!"
I then charged at Keel who was blocking all my punches,he threw punches left and right in which I was barely able to block,I then transformed to Super Saiyan and charged at Keel once more,this time dealing supreme damage and knocking him to the ground
Y/N: "Kamehame-!"
I was interrupted by Tarro who sledgehammered me to the ground,as I was being sent to the ground my sword fell out and stabbed the ground,I then dropped my sheathe from his back caught myself and landed on the ground safely,I then looked up and didn't see Tarro or Keel anywhere,I looked behind me and could see Tarro and Keel flying at me ready to kick me at the side,I quickly dodged out of the way and threw a ki blast at him,Tarro threw a ki blast as well which the blast impacted and caused the area to fill up with smoke,as I looked I saw Tarro shooting at me but missing every shot
Y/N: "Wait a minute,he can't sense my energy.Ha ha you can't sense my energy!"
Tarro: "No but I can hear you moron!"
Tarro then appeared behind me and kicked me to the side,I backflipped and landed back on the ground,Keel then appeared behind me but he was too quick for me to take action,I then received a kick to the face and hit punched by Tarro,As he was about to kick me I caught his leg and spun him around and sent him to crash into his ally.I then punched Tarro's face and sent him crashing to the ground,we then descended to the ground
Y/N: "Wow you guys are strong!"
Tarro: "You are somewhat tough,not what I was informed"
Keel: "I thought you would be the strongest we ever faced"
I then smirked at their comment of my strength
Y/N: "Well,your in for a treat!There's two transformations I haven't shown you,hopefully I won't need the last one"
Keel: "Oh?"
Tarro: "Then What are you waiting for?Transform!"
Y/N: "Alright then,right now this is what is known as a Super Saiyan"I then transformed to Super Saiyan 2,my hair getting spiker and electricity would surround me "This is the level of Super Saiyan That has ascended past the level of a plain Super Saiyan,for short Super Saiyan 2"
Keel: "That seems pretty useless,his hair changed but not too much"
Tarro: "Fool,he got stronger the transformation looks no different but I've seen this before"
Y/N: "Well just wait"
3rd person POV
Weiss: "What on earth is he planning?"
Ruby: "Who knows this is Y/N were talking about"
Y/N: "This is to go...even further beyond!!HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!"
As he powered up the whole Earth started to shake,Team RWBY then couldn't maintain balance and fell flat on their butts,while Tarro and Keel stay there unfazed
Y/N: "HAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"as he was screaming,his hair slowly started to grow,and his power was getting stronger
Yang: "What's he doing?"
Blake: "The ground is shaking!"
Weiss: "If he keeps this up,he'll destroy the city!"
Y/N's hair started to grow longer and longer and with one final push,a bright light covered the entire Earth,forcing Team RWBY to cover their eyes,Tarro and Keel closed their eyes and when they looked at Y/N,Both Team RWBY,Tarro and Keel all gasped in surprise,in front of them stood a man with long,golden blond hair,with eyebrows looking like they are hiding away,with a serious face,and every time he would speak his voice would be in a serious tone
Y/N: "Heh,sorry I took so long.J haven't really transformed into this form;this is the level of a Saiyan triple ascended past the normal Super Saiyan,for short.Super Saiyan 3"
Keel: "Outstanding,he can multiply his power that much?"
Y/N: "You'd be surprised,I'm not the only one who can do this.Son Goku was the one who discovered this form"
Tarro: "Your friend must be capable of gaining lots of strength,maybe we should target him next?"
Y/N: "You wish,but enough talk.Let the fight continue!"
Y/N charged at Tarro and begins throw a barrage of punches but his attacks get blocked,Tarro then lost control and received a punch directly in the face;Y/N then kicked him to the sky,vanished and sledgehammered him back to the ground.Keel was ready to attack until Tarro ushered him to stand down
Keel: "So my assistance isn't required huh?"
Tarro then charged at Y/N and delivered a flurry of punches as did Y/N,after a few minutes of delivering blows they both brought their arms back and punched each other square in the face
Ruby: "Woah!"
Yang: "It's amazing how he's barely standing up to him"
Keel: "Tch,oh please,Tarro is merely training him"
Blake: "What?"
Keel: "Y/N has no idea the true power Tarro is capable of"
Weiss: "And why aren't you fighting?"
Keel: "My master has instructed me to stand down"

The Love Of A Rose Vol 2(Male Saiyan Reader X Ruby RoseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant