Ultra Instinct Awakened Once Again!!

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Android 23: "Well I do hope you'll provide me some entertainment. Cmon! Show us what you can do with Ultra Instinct!!"

Y/N stays silent. He stares at 23 with an intense look as 23 simply laughs it off. 23 goes for a punch which never lands due to Y/N moving to the side. He goes for many blows but fails. Y/N recoils his right arm and a silver aura is engulfed on the arm. He lands a blow on 23 with his left arm and slams him down to the ground with his right arm

(Play Battle Music)

23 manages to catch himself before he falls to the ground and Y/N lowers himself to 23's level and the two lock eye contact. Y/N continues to stare at 23 until he dashed in, faster than the eye can see and dashes past 23. After a few seconds, the area Y/N dashed past explodes. He appears behind 23 and has his back facing him. When 23 turns around he's greeted to a kick to the face, but before he can be sent flying. Y/N grabs him by the leg and begins to spin him around. He launches him to the ground and causes a crater in the arena. Y/N chases after 23 and stomps on him but 23 dodged out of the way, leaving Y/N to cause an even bigger crater. 23 throws a ki blast at Y/N but Y/N grabs it and throws it back at 23. He barely dodged but fails to see Y/N kneeing him in the face. Y/N performs a back flip and lands a few feet away from 23, he recoils his right arm and extends it forward. A gust of wind begins to fly towards 23 and strikes him in the gut. Y/N strikes 3 more time and jumps up and performs a kick. All the attacks send a gust of wind towards 23 which all land on him. He then chases after him and proceeds to punch Y/N but Y/N moves across to the other side of the arena. 23 flys at Y/N to punch him but the same action follows. Y/N moves out of the way of every attack and jumps a pretty far distance from 23. He then collides his palms together in front of him and a blue orb appears

Y/N: "Ka....."

23 shoots an orb at Y/N but he vanished out of sight. Y/N appears above 23 and lands a mighty kick onto his face, sending him crashing to the ground

Y/N: "Me......"

23 once again shoots an orb to prevent him from charging his attack any further, but much like before Y/N dodges the attack and moves around the arena. 23 begins to shoot many string like ki waves at Y/N and each wave begins to follow him. Y/N swiftly moves out of the way of each wave and continues to charge his attack

Y/N: "Ha.....Me......"

Android 23: "If you think that pathetic technique of yours is going to damage me think again!!!"

He raises his hands above his head and a dark purple orb appears in the palm of his hands, he begins to struggle at first to contain the wave, he then grins and points his palms at Y/N

Android 23: "Eat this!! Pulverizing Death!!"

He launches the wave at Y/N. He breathes in deeply and begins to rush towards the blast

Yang: "The Hell is he doing?!"

Blake: "He'll be consumed by that blast! Surely he can't be that much of an idiot to storm towards it!"

Piccolo: "No, he's actually using his head for once. He has a plan. We just don't know what it is"

Beerus: "Hmph, Saiyans are so confusing at times, they are either a battle genius or complete morons"

23: "This is the end you fool! Die!!!!"

As the blast gets closer and closer he closes his eyes and disconnects the orbs in his hands, he places them in front of the blast and pushes forward as his ki orbs absorb 23's 'Pulverising Death'. As he finishes absorbing the blast, Y/N moves to the side of 23. He barely has time to turn around as Y/N points his palms in 23's face

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