Just one risk

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The party last week was great. I spent the rest of the night held tight in Jungkook's arms. The party lasted past midnight but we left after awhile. I fell asleep on Jungkook the way home because I was so exhausted and felt a little tipsy. We reached home and he picked me up to carry me inside. He brought me upstairs to my room and placed me in bed. I tried to get up so I could change and take off my makeup but Jungkook stopped me. He bent down and took off my shoes. He left for a minute then came back with on of my t-shirts. While he left to grab a makeup remover wipe for me I slipped out of my dress and pulled on my shirt. He came and I wiped my face clear. Pulling off his own shirt then tossing it to the floor, he jumps in bed with me. I lay my head on his chest and sigh. "Are you okay ?" I look into his eyes and nod my head. He pulls me closer, kissing my head then rest his head on top of mine.

The next morning I wake up in my bed alone. I get up and walk downstairs to find the place is empty. "Guys ! Is anyone here ?" I walk into the kitchen and find a note on the counter. I pick it up and read it. "Bri, we went out for awhile to do somethings. We will be back soon. Enjoy a little you in the meantime." With love , from everyone. I place the note back down. So I have the whole place to myself for a few hours I think. A mischievous smile appears on my face and I dash up the stairs to my room. I strip of my clothes then run back downstairs. There is a pair of glass sliding doors that lead outside from the back of the kitchen. I open the doors running and dive into their huge pool. I had only discovered the pool a few days ago and I've been wanting to go in it ever since. As I dove in my tail appears and I swim to the surface. They have a built in waterfall and it's so pretty. Carved out of stone rocks and a little lights built in to illuminate it. I swim over to it and sit on the step underneath it. I see their names are even carved on the outside of the walls.

I swim for almost two hours. Never wanting to leave as the water relaxes me. I must of zoned out because I didn't even hear the front door open. "Hey Bri, we are heading to the beach. Want to ...." I turn around and gasp as I see Jungkook standing there. I try to move toward him but he backs away. "Jungkook, wait. I can explain." He shakes his head vigorously then turns running the other way. "Jungkook ! Please come back ! I scream and shout, but it doesn't matter. He's gone. I get out and steam dry myself. I grab a towel to cover myself and head upstairs to get dressed. I come back down the stairs and see the rest of the guys in the living room. "Where is Jungkook ?" "We don't know. We tried to ask him what happened, but he ignored us and walked off ," V says. I have to find him before he tells someone or gets himself hurt. I can't live with myself if something happened to him. I need to fix this. I only have a few more days left before I can't return to the ocean.

"I'll go find him. I have to. I promise I'll explain everything when I get back." With that I walk out the door and down the street. Where could he be I think as I continue to walk. I feel like I've been searching for hours and I still can't find him. I decided to walk along the shore of the beach to think some more. I'm so angry at myself. I should have been more careful. As I continue to walk I spot someone sitting down on the sand. I walk up to him quietly, trying not to scare him. He looks my way and starts to stand up , about to run. "Wait, please don't go." "Then explain yourself. What are you ? When I saw you, you had a... a tail." I nod my head to confirm that what he saw was true. "Yes I'm a mermaid. Ive been one since I was six years old." "No, no that's not possible. Mermaids aren't real." "I wouldn't lie to you if haven't already seen it for yourself." "You mean lie to me even more than you already have." He sighs out in anger then folds his arms. "You know,Bri. When I came back to get you today I was planning on trying to kiss you and I tell you that I love you at the beach. Now I don't know what to do. I don't know weather to love or be afraid of you." My eyes start to tear from his harsh words. He loved me and I ruined it all. I won't be able to go home ever again. "Let's just go home. I won't tell anyone, but I think I should keep my distance for awhile." I nod my head to let him know I understand. We start to walk home and all I can do is hug myself for comfort. Soon we reach home and walk through the front door. Everyone is on the couch watching tv as we enter. Jungkook continues to walk up the stairs not saying a word. A door slams shut and everyone looks at me. "Did something happen with you two ?," jimin ask. I nod my head and run up the stairs to my room. Slamming the door behind me, my eyes start to get teary again. I slid down my door and start to sob. Tears fall down my round cheeks and hit the floor. Because of the tears, my tail appears again. I let my head fall back, hitting the door, and think, What Have I Done ?

( sorry for the short chapter, but hope you enjoy it and another chapter will be out soon. )

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