The proposal

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The next morning I wake up bright and early. I leave kookie's arms and sit up. I stretch and groan before I stand up. I lean over and kiss him on his soft warm cheek then quietly close the door behind me. Everyone is still asleep as I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I begin pulling out ingredients to start making breakfast for everyone. I crack the eggs into the frying pan, pour the grits into a bowl and open up the biscuits. I turn on the oven then begin placing the biscuits on a sheet of foil on top of a pan. As I wait for it to heat up, I make the milks for everyone then place them back in the fridge. By then then oven is heated and I place the biscuits in. I stir then pour the eggs into the frying pan. I get out the other ingredients I need for the biscuits including the butter and strawberry or grape jelly, even the Nutella. I flip over the eggs and scramble them. While I let them cook, I add the water to the grits and heat them up. I grab the plates for everyone and then begin placing the food on them. I place all the places down on our big table then grab the milks. Lastly, I get the utensils and place those down. My cooking skills must be great because soon I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. They all stop in their tracks and look at the food then back to me. "Bri, did you make all this," Layla ask. I nod my head and smile. I feel so accomplished right now. "Good head. Sit down and eat." At my command, they sit down and begin to eat.

I didn't realize at first, but some one is missing at the table. I push my seat back and walk out the kitchen, up the stairs. I head to my room and there he is, still laying in the same spot as I left him. I sit down on the bed and get close to his ear. "Kookie, wake up. I made breakfast and it's getting cold." He stirs a little as my warm breath tickles his ear. I begin placing kisses all over his face as I beg him to get up. "Come on babe, please wake up. Please ? Please get up." He is so difficult sometimes. Before I can give him another kiss, he sits up and cups his hands around my cheeks. "Alright. I'm up, I'm up," he says with a laugh. He gives me a quick kiss then pulls the covers off of him. We walk downstairs and join the others. We eat our breakfast then chill in the living room for the rest of the morning. During this time, I schedule an appointment for a checkup today. I haven't been to one in awhile and I'm pretty excited. Later, around noon, Jungkook and I get ready to head to the doctors. I brush my teeth and put on a little makeup. I pull on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I decide to leave my hair down then pull n my pair of converse. I meet kookie downstairs and we tell everyone bye. They thank me again for the breakfast and we head to the car. The trip there takes about half an hour. We pull in a parking spot and walk into the building. We get in the elevator and head to the floor we need. We arrive at the door and Jungkook opens it for me. I sign in at the front desk then we take our seats. Can you believe it ? I'm just a few more days, I'll be five months pregnant. This can't be going by any faster.

We sit in the waiting room for about 15 minutes until I'm finally called to the back. The nurse leads us to a room and says she will be back in a minute. As she closes the door, I sigh and smile. "You okay, baby ?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just so excited." The nurse comes back and checks all my vitals. Next we are lead to another room to take the ultrasound. I lay on the table and raise my shirt above my bellybutton. The nurse put the gel on my belly and moves it around. We start to hear my babies heartbeat and I'm in awe. "There he/she is." I look over to screen and see a small figure. "Your baby is about 10 inches long weighs from 1/2 to 1 pound. The heartbeat is about 145 beats per minute." I feel my eyes start to tear up as she says this. I can't believe we have come this far and only have a few more months to go. Jungkook gives my hand a little squeeze and smiles. "Now you are about to be five months in a few days. You may feel some movements. Also, you could find out your babies gender. Would you like to know ?" I think about it for a few moments then look at Jungkook. He shakes his head no. "No thank, we would like it as a surprise." She nods her head and fills out some documents. "Who would you like to know ?" "My best friend Addy." She nods her head and I give her the number. Once all the sheets are filled out, we leave the room and tell the nurse bye. We head back down the elevator and out to the car.

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