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After Easter the rest of the month seemed to fly by. I went to a doctors appointment this morning for a check up. Baby Blake is doing great and is a very healthy. Besides the hard kicking of the feet, I know she is going to have a good amount of mermaid genes in her because my genes are a little stronger. The doctors says to be extra careful during my last month. She could come at any moment. I did have a few Braxton Hicks this morning but other than that everything else is normal. I'm so excited to meet my little girl.

It has been four months since Mason was kidnapped and my mother was arrested. Not that I care how she is doing but I wanna know how long she has for her sentence. I don't need her out and about when Blake is born. I must admit I am a little scared. I shake her out of my thoughts and continue to watch the tv. I'm downstairs with the guys while Jungkook is out running some errands. "Bri, you want anything to eat," Jin ask. I ponder it for a minute and nod my head. "May I have a ham and cheese sandwich ?" "Of course." He pats my shoulder then heads to the kitchen. "You guys want to go in the pool," V ask. Of course I decline but the rest of the guys head to their rooms to change. Moments later they are back and running to the back doors to the pool. All but Jimin who stops midway and looks at me. He walks over to me and sits next to me. "Were still friends right ? What happened is water under the bridge right ?" I lock eyes with him and he turns his head to the tv screen. I reach for his hand and put mine on top of his. "Yes we are still friends. I just want you and Jungkook to go back to being how you were before." He removes my hand from his and stands up. "I'm trying but I don't think he wants to be." He walks away to join the others outside. As he leaves I can feel a single tear fall on to my cheek. I wipe it away and just in time for Jin to bring me my sandwich. "I put some chips on here for you to. Is there anything you want to drink ?" "Do we have sweet tea ?" He nods his head then goes back into the kitchen. He comes back with a cup and places it down on the table besides the couch. "If you need anything, just call for one us. The back door will be open." I nod my head and he walks away to change. I eat my food and continue to watch the tv. Mother's Day is coming up soon and I want to know what the plan is. It will be here before we know it.

Later that afternoon, Kookie is finally home and with me on the couch. I can't think of anything else to do because with Blake coming any day now, I don't want to leave the house. "We are having Brent and Addy over for Mother's Day. I talk to your brother while I was running errands." "That's fine." He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. "There is something else I want to discuss with you." I look over in his direction and raise an eyebrow. "This is completely up to you but I was thinking once Blake arrives, we get our own place." He goes quite and turns his head away from mine. "Why are you turning away ?" I grab his face and turn it back to face me. "Let's see how I feel after she is born because it's not a bad idea. Let's just give it a little more time. Then we can look as soon as we can." I give him a kiss and he smiles. It would be nice to live with Jungkook alone. We won't bother the guys as much and we will miss each other more. I giggle to myself and Kookie taps my arm. We really just spend the rest of the day doing nothing. I had a few more Braxton Hicks and it scared Kookie half to death. The guys came in and went to go take a shower. Jin started dinner with help from J-Hope and V. I went upstairs and talked a little with Addy about my doctors appointment this morning. She is super excited to me her future niece. I even told her about Jungkook asking me if we wanted to get a house of our own. She thought it was a fantastic idea. That way we can be alone and do whatever we want.

Dinner was ready in the next hour and we all sat at the dinner table. We ate and talked about our days. Also what was going to happen Mother's Day. The guys were going to stay home and Kookie and I will go eat lunch or something with Brent and Addy. After dinner, we clean up the kitchen and then head to our rooms. I wanted to go sit in Blake's room again so I that's what I did. I rocked back in forth in the rocking chair and started closing my eyes. I woke up a little from a couple of contractions but then they stopped. I closed my eyes again and began to fell asleep. I didn't hear the door to Blake's room open at all. The next thing I feel is little taps on my shoulder. I shudder from their touch and slowly open my eyes. Kookie is in front of me and has his arms stretched out in front of him. I grab his hands and stands me up. We walk to our room and get in the bed. He turns off the light and snuggles close to me. "Any day now." He kisses my cheek and nuzzles his head in the gap of my neck. I sigh happily and close my eye falling into a deep sleep.

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