Unbelievable Discovery, Ymir's Secret

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With Sarah

They heard the titans beginning to bash on the castle doors, and scrape the bricks. Gelgar glared down at them.

Gelgar: Hey, wait! Wait, wait, wait up! DonMt you be coming in here! You're fricking kidding me. Gotta be fricking kidding me. I'd be drinking right now if it wasn't for you! This is all your fault!

Nanaba: Stand back rookies. Leave it to us.

All the scouts with their gear rushed to the edge of the tower, and drew their blades.

Nanaba: It's time we show off our ODM gear. Let's go!

Scouts: Yes!

The four of them leaped off while Sarah stayed on the edge. She turned back towards the group behind them and gave a smirk with a thumbs up.

Sarah: Leave it to me. I'll get you home.

Christa: Sarah!

Sarah leaped off the edge, and latched onto the first titan she saw. She went full speed towards its face, as her blades were sharpened beyond belief.

Sarah: HYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Flashback, 2 Hours Earlier

Sarah along with her team of scouts and cadets, were resting next to a fire campfire, keeping warm. As they were resting inside the tower, they had found a recently used campsite, that had a used campfire, a kettle, and two tin cups.

Henning: Looks like someone was here recently.

Nanaba: That's odd for a place this near the wall.

Lynne: Some bandits probably used it as a base.

Sarah: It said "Ruins of Utgard Castle" on one of the signs.

Nanaba: Who would have thought there was a castle around here?

Just then, Gelgar walked out of the closet in the room, with a green bottle in hand.

Gelgar: Hey, check it out. Look what I found.

Lynne: Gelgar...is that booze I see?

Gelgar: Yeah...

He turned the bottle and tried to read the label, but was unable to due to the different writing on it.

Gelgar: What the heck does it say?

Sarah: You're not gonna drink it now, are you?

Gelgar: Gah! Don't be stupid. Not at a time like this.

Henning: Convenient...all this contraband to enjoy for ourselves.

Nanaba: Now you're making us sound like bandits.

Gelgar: You rookies should get some rest.

All the cadets looked towards him as he set down the bottle.

Gelgar: Titans won't be roaming around at this hour, but the rest of us will take turns keeping watch. We'll leave from here four hours before daybreak.

Christa: Um...What if the wall isn't actually broken at after all? The Titans, where could they be invading from?

Gelgar: Finding the answer to that...*turns away* is our job for tomorrow. *walks away*

Christa turned back to the rest of the group as Gelgar walked up the tower to take first watch.

Christa: But what if--? Maybe it's not nearly as bad as we thought from the start? I'm just saying, but...

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