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This is just a brief background on Caoimhe so I don't have to go into too much detail about her.

Name: Caoimhe Marie Levecque (Pronounced Kiva)

Age: 22 (at the story's start)

DOB: 12/31/95

Hair Color: Copper (a shade of red)

Eye Color: Green (but can change to gray or blue)

Height: 5'4"

Background: Caoimhe grew up in Ashburnham, Massachusetts (Yes, a real place) and had an older brother named Padraic (pronounced similarly to Patrick) who died about eight years before the start of the story. His death impacted her greatly which will tie into the story. Both her parents are alive and well; her father owns a restaurant and her mother is an elementary school teacher. She graduated from Boston University with a degree in Political Science (my degree, so I feel more comfortable writing about it) and decided to take a year off to work and save money for law school. Unfortunately, she's struggling financially so she has begun to lose faith in what she's studied. She loves reading; her favorite books are Les Miserables, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and Memoirs of a Geisha, but she finds herself enjoying books with political intrigue. 

Personality: Caoimhe is generally a pretty pessimistic person, but still holds out some faith in humanity (Key Word: SOME). She's an ambivert and a decent listener (meaning she can flit between being extroverted and introverted). However, certain topics and actions are touchy points for her and will cause her to fly into a rage (alcoholism, sexism, etc.). She has a hard time not cursing when she's surprised, mostly using the word "Frickin'" or sometimes "Wicked pissah,". She has a good, charitable heart and watching people suffer, particularly children, angers her. She hates being told she can't do something and often will try to prove that person wrong just to satiate her own pride.

This is it for now. If anybody ever has any questions about terminology or Caoimhe, feel free to ask.

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