Chapter 11: A Little Love

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 "Let me go to the window... Watch there the day-shapes of dusk... And wait and know the coming of a little love..." 

Caoimhe was walking alongside Jehan, the two returning from handing out pamphlets. They had begun to discuss poetry and their favorite poets. Caoimhe, of course, could not reveal the names of her favorite poets because they weren't even born yet. Instead, she insisted that she didn't know their names. She had just finished reciting Carl Sandburg's poem. Jehan seem to think over the words.

"I like that one, but I think I can  do better."

"One day, Jehan... One day. You'll become a famous poet!"

He couldn't help but laugh, "Alas,  if my poetry is ever published!"

"It will be."

"May I recite a poem for you? Not one of my own, but one that's been on my mind."

"Of course."

"Oh you who appeared to me in this desert of a world, Inhabitant of the sky, passenger in these parts! O you who made this dark night shine... A ray of love in my eyes.  To my astonished eyes, show yourself all whole,Tell me your name, your country, your destiny. Were you cradled here on earth? Or are you but a divine breath? Will you see the eternal light again tomorrow? Or in this place of exile, of mourning, of misery, Must you still follow your troublesome path? Ah! Whatever be your name, your destiny, your land, Daughter of the earth, or of divine dwelling, Ah! Let me, all my life, Offer you my devotion or my love.  If you must, like us, complete your course, Be my support, my guide, and suffer that in all places, I kiss the dust of your worshipped feet, But if you take your flight, and if, far from our eyes, Sister of the angels, soon you will rise back up to them. Having loved me some time upon the earth, Remember me in heaven. Alphonse de Lamartine."

"That's a lovely poem. Why has it been on your mind? Someone caught your eye?"

"Well, I suppose. Unfortunately, it's from afar. It's like she isn't from this world. She came into existence out of nowhere and I must watch her. Her eyes are always upon another. She is warm, but to him, she is the warmest. She cares about me, but she doesn't love me. However, I will always be her unfaltering friend."

Caoimhe gave him a comforting smile, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry for your trouble, Jehan. I wish I could be of more help. One day, you'll find a girl who will love you, a girl like the the ones in your poems."

Jehan gave her a sad smile, "Perhaps.  I wish I could say I found her and she returns my feelings."

"Jehan, Caoimhe!"   The pair looked up to see Enjolras walking towards them. He seemed to be in a good mood. In fact, Jehan couldn't help but notice that he'd been a good mood a lot more lately. He gave his friend a polite smile, but he couldn't help but glance down at Caoimhe. There was something in that smile that she gave to Enjolras that seemed to speak more than the usual being happy to see him. Enjolras too, seemed to be warmer to her now. Perhaps the others ignored it or they truly were ignorant of love, but Jehan could see it. He watched them, he couldn't help it. Occasionally, Enjolras would pull Caoimhe aside and lean down to whisper in her ear. He never knew what they whispered, but they usually looked tender in those moments. He was usually gentle with her before, but never in an endearing way like that. Jehan believed that Enjolras probably didn't realize it himself. 

"Did you hear me, Jehan?"

Jehan looked at his friends in confusion, who stared at him back, wondering what was wrong to make him zone out. The poet cleared his throat, "Sorry, Enjolras. I've had things on my mind. Just some folly is all. What were you saying, friend?"

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