Chapter 21: Tomorrow Comes

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Before all went dark, Caoimhe felt a sudden jerk of her arm as if someone was pulling her backwards. She slammed into someone's chest and heard the blaring of a horn. She opened her eyes, gasping aloud at the sight. She was back in Boston, the rain coming down as it had before. Someone had pulled her out of the way of the truck (of which the driver had stopped and rolled down his window, screaming obscenities at her). The body was warm and familiar. The rain seemed to have stopped hitting her head as if she had lost feeling. Then she heard him.

"You nearly killed her! Pedestrians have the right of way! Keep running your mouth and I might just find a reason for her to sue you!"

"What are you? Her fucking lawyer?"

Caoimhe's eyes widened and she slowly turned to face the man who was holding her. His hair was cut short and damp, but was the color of gold. His face was stony and serious, but still held that bit of compassion. He was handsome... Capable of being terrible. Enjolras...

"Miss? Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

She blinked a few times and released a sigh. His voice was the same, if not slightly accented when speaking English. She smiled sheepishly and he released her, concern obvious on his face. His free hand was holding an umbrella, "I-I'm sorry. I was just in shock is all."

He smiled gently, something that seemed to bother her a bit. The Enjolras she knew wouldn't smile at a stranger like that. Then she had to remind herself. This wasn't him, "I completely understand. Was something on your mind? You were nearly killed!"

"I was just lost in thought... I've had a lot going on. Thank you for saving me though."

"It really isn't a problem. I'm Alex by the way. Alex Enjolras."

"Caoimhe Levecque. Your name is just..."

He laughed and rubbed the back of his head, "Just like Enjolras from Les Mis? Yeah. Believe it or not, it's a real name. I come from Brioude... It's in Haute-Loire, France. However... Caoimhe? That's a strange name. Pretty, but strange."

She couldn't help but chuckle, "It's Irish."

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Caoimhe," he began to walk around her.

"Wait! Um... Listen... I'm going to Dick's to meet with some friends... It's at Fanueil Hall. Could I maybe buy you a drink? As a thank you, of course!"

Alex seemed to think about it for a few seconds before shrugging, "Why not? I was just heading home anyway."

He held the umbrella over their heads with a smile, "Stay close to me."

She couldn't help but chuckle, "Certainly."

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