Chapter 5: Preparation

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Enjolras had explained in detail what was expected of Caoimhe and the plan. The party was to be the following Friday so they did not have much time to prepare. It sounded simple, but the difference between 21st century parties and 19th century parties was vast. Enjolras employed the help of Combeferre in their scheme; Combeferre would pose as Caoimhe's first cousin and chaperone. For this feat, they had to come up with an entirely new background for her. The name Levecque originated in Normandy and almost all of Les Amis were from Southern France. To explain why Combeferre had a cousin west of Paris, they decided that she was the adopted daughter of Combeferre's aunt who passed away alongside her husband three years prior. She was born in Paris, but resided in Dieppe until the untimely death of her adoptive parents and returned to Paris to live under the watchful eye of Combeferre. She and Enjolras met when Combeferre had brought his precious cousin along to an outing. The history of Dieppe wasn't too hard to remember; it was a beach-side playground for the bourgeois. As for her first name, Caoimhe, she told them that her middle name was Marie, so they decided that she would be introduced as Mademoiselle Marie Levecque. To avoid any mistakes, Enjolras would refer to her as Mademoiselle for the evening while Combeferre would try and say her name as little as possible.  Most of her time was spent with other lessons.

It was necessary for the three to spend the weekend together as they taught her proper etiquette and dancing. Etiquette was easy enough for her to learn, especially given the brief lessons she received in high school in preparation for prom, but the dancing was another story. Combeferre and Enjolras had pushed the table and chairs in the backroom of the Musain to the side and began teaching her what dances to expect. The quadrille and minuet intimidated her; there was no way she could hide the lack of upbringing while dancing with someone who was not Enjolras. After numerous failed attempts, Combeferre and Enjolras agreed that she should perhaps only dance the waltz and when it was time for other dances, Enjolras would ask her for a walk. They were unable to play music to practice, but Combeferre was a patient teacher and sounded out the rhythm for her. 

"Alright, Caoimhe. You're going to dance with Enjolras now while I tap out the rhythm. I am not going to give you any verbal instruction at the party so you have to know how to do the dance without being told," Combeferre stepped away from her and gestured for Enjolras to come over, "Let's take this from the top when you're asked to dance."

Enjolras turned to Combeferre and bowed his head, "May I ask Mademoiselle Levecque for this dance?" Combeferre gave him a nod and looked to Caoimhe. Enjolras turned to her and bowed to her and held out his hand, "Mademoiselle, may I have this dance?"

Caoimhe placed her hand in his and gave a curtsy, "I would be delighted, Monsieur."

Enjolras escorted her to the middle of the floor and placed his right hand on her waist and held his left held her right as he lifted it. She placed her left hand on his arm by his shoulder and the two waited for Combeferre to begin tapping. He could see that she felt uncomfortable. It was odd to see her so nervous and quiet. He tilted his head down a bit and spoke to her in a gentle voice that was unlike him, "Caoimhe, it's alright. Just follow my lead."

Caoimhe nodded and the tapping began. Enjolras took it slowly so she could get used to the steps. She felt her heart accelerating with every step she took. The whole time, she was looking at their feet, "Caoimhe, it's not proper to watch your feet."

"But how will I know if I'm doing right right?"

Enjolras was being remarkably patient, "You follow the music. Look at my face."

With hesitation, Caoimhe obliged, staring up at his face. His marble mask was void of emotion and his movements were robotic. Enjolras was too handsome to be real, she concluded. A part of her wondered if she was in a coma or something, stuck in this perpetual dream. But, everything seemed so real, especially now that they were so close and touching. 

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