Chapter 6: Arrival

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Note: The names I give the characters are not their real names. For now, these are the names being used.
Enjolras= Alexandre Enjolras (I was thinking Alexander the Great)
Musichetta= Musichetta Blanchet (Paleness was associated with her)
Combeferre= Julien Combeferre (Random name)
Joly= Louis Joly (Just fun to say)
Lesgle= Auguste Lesgle (or L'Aigle)
Bahorel= Henri Bahorel
Feuilly= Pierre Feuilly
Grantaire= Raphael Grantaire (play on the "R" nickname and that he is allegedly an art student)
Courferyac= Baptiste de Courferyac
Jean Prouvaire and Marius Pontmercy are the only full names given of Les Amis in the book.

The day came when they left for Lyon. Technically, it was Caoimhe's first time in a carriage, but she tried to pretend otherwise. It was an extremely uncomfortable experience; she had imagined the inside to make the ride tolerable with cushioned seats, but she was far from the truth. The dress she wore was unlike any she wore up to this point and on top of that, she was wearing a corset. The sleeves were extremely puffy and the dress was heavier than she had anticipated. It looked nice, but it certainly wasn't pragmatic. She thanked God that the evening gown she was wearing to the party wasn't nearly as heavy. The weather was gradually warming, but it was still chilly; however, the cramp quarters of the carriage made up for the chill. She and Musichetta sat across from each other since side by side would have made the lack of space even worse. Combeferre sat next to Caoimhe while Joly sat next to Musichetta; Comebferre offered to chaperone the two since he claimed he was chaperoning his "cousin" anyway. Occasionally, they would stop to take a break before continuing their trek. It was about a day's journey from Paris.

When they arrived in Lyon, she was sore, nauseous, and exhausted. They found an inn and she opted to rest while the others explored. She changed into a nightgown Musichetta gave her and fell asleep. Her slumber wasn't even disturbed upon their return. Joly fretted over her, thinking she was sick, but cooler heads prevailed. Musichetta woke the grumpy woman who proceeded to scold Joly and return to sleep.

They awoke early the next morning for the train. It would take the women quite some time to prepare for the journey, so they weren't taking the train until around noon. They helped each other tie their corsets and get their petticoats and dresses on. Caoimhe went on and on about how useless the clothing they wore was and how it wasn't fair that women couldn't wear pants like men. The two confided in each other about nearly everything. 

"I do like Monsieur Joly... But I find myself drawn in by Monsieur Lesgle..."

"Lesgle?! But he's unlucky and bald! Sure, his humor is fine, but are you really compatible with him?"

"Well, what about you and Enjolras?"

"There is no us. Enjolras is a friend, nothing more. I am helping him just as he has helped me."

Musichetta looked confused, "You two aren't courting?"

"That is what we're telling his parents. He doesn't wish to marry and he's trying to avoid the girls his parents have picked."

"How odd. You two get on so well together."

"Do we? He hardly speaks a word unless it's necessary."

"Yes, but he always seems to be by your side."

"Only recently. When I'm about Paris, I'm usually with others. It changes depending on who he needs present for their... academic meetings."

"Monsieur Enjolras controls who escorts you?"

"Enjolras is part of the reason I'm always with an escort. I had a bit of a run-in with some unsavory people not long ago and from that point on, he insisted I never venture out alone."

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