Time for some PRRRRRRIZZA!

170 8 0

Wednesday, April

-Bodil's POV-

After Jordan suggested to order some pizza, we all went downstairs into the kitchen and Mitch set the table, still playing grumpy because of his skipped Hunger Games. ___ still seemed confused but she waited patiently for some explanation.

That's when Jordan's stomach revealed itself. "Ooooooh, when's that pizza coming?!", he sat down and clenched his belly. "Oh don't worry, I think you'll survive." Jason remarked sarcastically. We all sat down now, except for Mitch who leaned against the counter, arms crossed. "So, ___..." Jason started.

"You might have wondered what we", he gestured around, "exactly do for a living.", her ___ eyes shone with excitement. "And, after what we did up there in the livestreaming room, you might even be more confused by now." "Jason, come to the point." I urged him.

Ding dong! (still that crappy doorbell! Need to replace that sometime...)

"I'll get it." ___ got up and lingered to the door. "Guys, I don't wanna do all the explaining!" Jason whisper-shouted, so ___ wouldn't hear us from the door. "What if she doesn't like it?" He looked very worried. "I do.", Mitch held up his hand in a school-fashion. "All right then."

"Oh, guys! This pizza smells.... mmmmmh!", ___ practically inhaled our pizzas. "Hey! Leave something for me! Or I'll eat you!" Jordan jumped at the boxes and immediately stuffed two pieces in his mouth before anyone of us could even see one of the pizzas. ___ laughed. "So, you guys were about to tell me about your jobs?" Her ___ flickered provocatively. (Pls tell me if that's a word! -.-')

-Jason's POV-

Mitch didn't talk. Why didn't he talk? Jordan's mouth was literally full with pizza, Bodil would never find the right words to say. And Mitch was just staring. Staring into her ___ eyes. Ok, I stared, too. But I stared at Mitch, whose job was supposingly to tell her. But he didn't.

"Uhm..." ___ must feel awkward. First we were half a sentence from telling her, then she gets our pizza and now everyone is either staring at her or eating pizza. Great. Finally, Mitch fell out of his trance.

I'd never seen him in such a stadium before, but whatever. If he tells her, I'll be happy, that's all. "So, uhm... sorry", he scratched his ear. "What we do is...uh..." "Yeeeeeees?" Clearly she was getting impatient. "Miiiiiiitch", I urged him. "We record YouTube videos.", he said plainly. ___ let it sink in. "Somehow, I'm not surprised." Some cute red rose into her cheeks.

"I mean, you guys are awesome and stuff, and that thing upstairs... I guess I was suspecting something like that." She smiled broadly and we all returned that smile. Except for Jordan, who was still chowing down huge bits of pizza. "But, there's still one question. What's the Hunger Games? I mean I know the books and stuff, but... I don't think you mean that." Again, her expression was a mixture of embarassement and confusion. Bodil started to eat some pizza, too.


Hey doods, hope y'all enjoyed! Join the mailbox, every mail is welcome! Spread this story like a chain letter and request that vote button if you dare spamming me like that and peace out!

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