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Tuesday, May

-Jason's POV-

"YOU WHAT?!", I screamed. Everyone's mouths dropped the second she told us. "Do you guys remember when I told you my grandparents paid for 6 months in the Sunshine Hotel? I lived there for 4, and now I've been living with you guys for a while.", she stared at the floor. Everyone remained silent. Jake kept glancing at everyone in turn, he didn't really know what was going on. ___ grabbed a slice herself, she was sad, too. How could she forget to tell us? I mean, yeah, we've had a lot of stuff and fun going on and maybe she just forgot... Didn't she think about staying with me at all? "How about doing some fun stuff together then?", Mitch suggested. "Like what?", Jordan drank some of the coke we had set up. "I don't know. Something like bowling, swimming pool, hiking... Just some activities.", Mitch shrugged. ___ nodded. "Yeah, that'd be awesome!", she said looking at me with a little sad smile. I smiled back and decided to tighten my arm around her waist. It seemed like the right time for it. I don't want to loose her. "Do you guys wanna watch a movie?", Jake asked trying to lift the mood. "Woohoo! Movie Night!" My time to shine, buddy.

-Jake's POV-

Everyone had decided for a Horror Movie, and we started cleaning up the living room to set up the movie. "Oh, wait a second guys. Gotta phone someone real quick...", the Bulgarian guy said, dashing for the stairs. I should probably learn their names, but I have a bad memory for that. I can just remember special stuff like him being bulgarian. "You sure? It's pretty late.", I told him. "I know, I know. But it's important." "Ok, do what you gotta do, then.", I let him go. Everyone in this house was either crazy, weird or in another way special. Perfect place for me! I'd love to have some more friends packed with explosive randomness! The hotel had almost killed me with its boredom. Grinning I walked back into the living room where the old guy and the weirdo were discussing the movie and the hat guy and ___ were chilling on the couch, watching them struggle. I really don't plan on being rude, but I should really ask ___ if there's something going on in between her and that cappy dude. I think his name was Jason or something like that. He wasn't that nice to me, I hope he treats her differently. He probably does, ___ can tell apart who's good and who's not good for her. Like those girls at the Volleyball training. I just wonder why he's so nasty towards me.

-Bodil's POV-

I hurried upstairs so no one would miss me and I could have enough time to call Dove. Unfortunately, Jake had caught me at the bottom of the stairs and I almost considered not going upstairs, but I really don't want to seem like a jerk in front of Dove and just cancel our date tomorrow. I rushed into my room and quietly shut the door. I dialed the number she had written onto an orange when I left her. Luckily I could still read the writing, even though the orange had started to turn brown rather than orange. I didn't put it into the fridge because I was afraid one of my clumsy flatmates would just eat the orange without paying attention to the phone number on the peel. "Dove Gillan, hello?", her lovely voice answered. "H-hey, it's m-me.", my sight started to change into tunnel view. "Uhm... who...?", she chuckled a little nervously. I cleared my throat and tried again. "M-me, Bodil from the market?" "Oh Bodil! Hi! How's your nose?", her voice changed from happy to worried. "Oh that's all fine, it was just a little nosebleed, don't worry." She was about to respond something but I cut her off: "Sorry, but I gotta dash. I just had to tell you that our date tomorrow will have to be in the park if that's ok for you? It's just that my flatmates are... let's say... not clean?", I laughed. "Oh. Yeah sure, no problem. Same time?" "Same time, see ya." Dove hung up. Phew.

-Mitch's POV-

"Ok, let's watch this one...", Jordan finally gives in with a sigh and I chuckle. I love seeing my parents and Connor again, I haven't seen them in forever. My parents said that they needed someone to babysit Connor for some time, because my sister had moved out now, too, like my other sister and they both have better things to do. I don't mind taking care of Connor, but it's so sad that ___ has to leave for Germany. If she stayed here we could stay in contact through Jordan or Bodil. I feel like her big brother. I know, I have a brother and two sisters myself, but still. Being protective of her is a good thing, right? I'll miss her alot. But I'm afraid it will be worse for Jason, he's really into her. Right now he was whispering something into her ear.

-Your POV-

"I'll miss you.", Jason whispered into your ear. "I'll miss you, too. All of you.", you responded much louder, so everyone would hear. He was being very sweet to you and you liked it and all, but if he wanted to start a relationship, he should just ask you out and not play around like that. "We'll miss you, too.", Jordan answered, sitting down on the couch next to Jason. Jason himself had grown a little red around his cheek part. You felt sorry for exposing him like that so you ruffled through his fluffy still orange hair. He smiled broadly as you mockingly flipped his cappy off and pulled you in for a strong hug. It almost felt as if you two were a couple. And it sure must look like it, judging by the mocking expression on Jake's face.


Hey doods, hope y'all enjoyed! Join the mailbox, every mail is welcome! Spread this story like a chain letter and request that vote button if you dare spamming me like that! See ya next Monday, peace out!

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