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Back with Mitch! Who's pumped for the party? ^^

Friday night/early Saturday morning, June

-Mitch's POV-

I drove up to Mat's house, only to find all parking lots taken. I had no other choice but to look for another one. It took me about 10 minutes, and now I had to carry the fingerfood and beer bags all the way back to Mat's house. I guess that's what you get when you arrive too late, Mitch. I sighed and lifted the bags. I wondered how many people actually were at this party. In less time than I had expected it to be, I arrived at Mat's doorstep and rang the doorbell. There was noise from the inside, but the music I heard wasn't too loud yet. Mat opened the door but before he greeted me he shouted something back into the living room, earning some laughter. "Hey Mat."

************************* Some time later **********************

All the others had begun to get drunk. I myself had some beers, too, but I didn't really feel like getting drunk yet. Besides, it was funny to see what the others were doing while being drunk. I rose from the couch and walked into the kitchen hoping to find a few chips or something else to eat. But when I entered there were about seven dudes; I recognized some but most of them were unknown to me. Nothing wrong with that, to be sure, Mat did have a lot of friends I didn't know, but the weird part was that they were all standing in a circle as if they were plotting something - to cut to the chase: those people were obviously drunk. "You planning something?", I chuckled and ate some chips from a small red bowl on the counter. They all turned around simultaneously, scaring the crap out of me with their evil grins. "G-guys?", I chuckled nervously. They all jumped on top of me and I was lucky not to hit my head on one of the counters. I was furiously fighting back, but there was nothing I could do against seven of them. Every time I got one off me, another was back on top. They stripped me down to my boxers and carried me towards... the bathroom? One of the guys I thought I'd seen before quickly unlocked the door and the rest threw me inside. "Hey! What are you guys--?", they slammed shut the door and locked it before I could finish my sentence. I banged my fist against the door: "This isn't funny! Let me out! Can you hear me? Guys, open the damn door!!" I screamed as loud as I could but the only response were some loud drunk snickers from the other side. I ruffled through my hair and turned around. Mat's bathroom  was rather large; he'd spared no expense. A large tub, a nice sink, stone-like grey tiles on the floor and bright ones along the wall. I quickly eyed the window, but it would be impossible to escape through it. Then I noticed there was someone sitting on the opposite side of the room, staring at me. "Uh... hi.", I was astonished. I hadn't expected anyone in here. The girl flinched and was even more frightened. She was wrapped in a towel, but I could see the strings of what I assumed to be her bra. I fixed my hair and asked her: "Did they strip you, too?" She eyed me suspiciously, so I gave a little chuckle as well. "I'm not gonna hurt you, don't worry. Maybe I should add that I'm not drunk. Or at least not as drunk as they are." A little smile escaped the corner of her lips and she relaxed a little. I approached her slowly and pointed at the floor next to her: "Mind if I take a seat?" This time her smile gave free a small glimpse of her teeth. After I sat down, she reached over to the tub on her left side and silently offered me a towel. I accepted it gladly, even though it didn't make much of a difference to my boxers. I acted overly serious to get a smile out of her when I asked: "You're not mute, are you?" "No! I mean... no.", she said first offendedly but then more decently. After some more silence she asked: "Are you a friend of the host?" "Yeah." I watched her from the corner of my eye as she pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them. For some reason I liked her. Of course, she was frightened and I didn't really know anything about her. But I liked the first impression she had on me. "So... do you come here often?" This time she actually chuckled. "No", she turned her head to look me in the eyes, a relieved but honest smile escaping her mouth "not really." Her eyes were a werid mixture of colors, that's why it looked as if they were shattered candy. Green-grey with tiny brown specks inside. She tucked a little on the top of her towel and leaned onto the tub so she could face me better. That's when I realised I was showing off my muscles to her. My belly and both my arms were stressed. It's a thing I do unconciously, as a kind of habit. I couldn't tell if she liked it or not, but I kept on doing it. "So I'm assuming you don't know Mat." She shook her head no and pushed a strand of thick brown hair back behind her ear. "How did you end up in here then? Did they grab you from the street and carry you in here?", we both laughed. "Luckily not. You know, a friend dragged me along. The usual thing." she shrugged and I nodded in agreement. She opened her mouth to ask something, but closed it again shyly. I made an encouraging sound and our gazes met. "Where are you from?" I was stunned from the unexpected question. "I'm sorry, I was just making smalltalk...", she apologized immediately. I smiled warmly and answered: "Barbados." Her eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry, but... did you fly to Canada just to take part in... Mat's... party?", she asked doubtfully. "What?", I suddenly realised she hadn't asked where I was originally from, but just where I lived. "Oh... I thought you heard a little accent or something... I was born in Barbados, but I live nearby." She was amused by that little fail. "That's cool. I'm from Spain actually.", again she tucked back a strand of hair that kept falling in front of her eye. The situation was a little awkward to be honest. Every now and then she would glance at the door. I couldn't help but ask: "How old are you?" She blushed a little. I noticed how wrong the question sounded in this context, so I quickly leaned forward embarassedly and added: "I mean, uh.. just... er..." She chuckled, being a little embarassed too, and sighed in relief. I suddenly took notice of how close our faces had gotten. I quickly glanced at her lips, only to see that she was biting her lower one. It wasn't exactly the thing one might call 'sexy'; The way her two front teeth stuck out ever so slightly made her look a little like a small bunny. Nevertheless, it made me realise how cute she was, bunny teeth, petite body, shattered candy eyes and all. I edged a little closer, found my balance and lightly touched her lips with my finger before connecting them with mine. The kiss ended as quickly as it came, because the door flung open and both our heads jerked in the door's direction. It was Mat himself, as drunk as I had ever seen him. He didn't take notice of our presence at all, and instead went straight for the toilet to barf. Before I could turn back around to my new friend, she was already up and running out of the bathroom, trying hard to clutch onto her towel. I cursed quietly and went out after her, dodging Mat and dumping my own towel on the way out. She must've been lightning-quick, because by the time I was in the living room, she was dressed again and on her way out the front door. I stumbled over some passed out guys, not able to catch up with her. "Wait!", I screamed after her through the corridor. I asked the only question that came to my mind in those few split seconds: "What's your name?" I was astonished she actually paused in the doorway. She didn't turn around fully, just so I could see the tip of her nose behind her thick hair. Finally she whispered the answer that would haunt me for the next few months and ran off into the cool night. "Maggie."


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