Left alone

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Over at our friend's side of the story

Friday, June

-Jason's POV-

I was still a little fed up about her decision, even though I could perfectly understand her. We had found a flight that would depart tonight, at 8 PM. Since ___ had already packed up before we started searching for flights, she was ready to leave. But I didn't want her to. I was editing a video I had recorded a day ago, because I wasn't in the recording mood. ___ snuck into my room and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Hey.", I greeted her with a little smirk. I moved back a little and let her sit down on my lap to continue editing. "Aaaaah! Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaah!", a silly scream was running in a loop. I had decided to put a lot of effort into it, with slow-motion and everything. ___ giggled. "You like it?", I asked and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Yes, it's perfect." She leaned back and I muzzled her neck. Her smile turned into a frown. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you, too." We remained motionless and I silently stared at my screen.

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A little later we had somehow made it into my bed. We were watching funny videos and giggled every once in a while. After we had run out of things we could watch, ___ closed her laptop and snuggled closer to me. "You should take a nap." I told her, "the flight's gonna be long and you'll need a lot of energy for the next days." She nodded and closed her eyes. I stroke her hair and thought about everything that was going to happen. Will I ever see her again? Everything inside me considered trying to stop her again, but I knew it was pointless. ___ was set on leaving. I planted a kiss on her forehead. When her breathing slowed down into a steady rhythm, I cautiously left my bed and went downstairs. I halted on the stairs when I saw Dove and Bodil making out. Oh come on! Feeling repelled, I hurried outside and took a walk through our garden. I never really went outside here before. Mrs. Sheppard was tending to some bright red roses that were climbing up one of the back walls. She noticed me and straightened her old back. I smiled and gave her a small wave, which she returned. It was not until then that I realised Jake was inside the rosebush. He was wielding some huge secateurs, whincing every time a thorn got caught in his shirt or pants. "Uh... you guys need help?", I offered and came a little closer. "Oh thank you sweetling, but Jake is already helping me.", Mrs. Sheppard smiled her saint's smile. I nodded and continued. The garden was very pretty and well-tended to. Everything was green and all the flowers shone in bright colours. As I wrapped around the house, I noticed a girl looking lost. "Can I help you?", I asked her. She spun around quickly, lightly hitting me with her purse. "Y-yes, I'm lost...", she blushed. "Yes, I can see that. Where should I redirect you to?", I chuckled. "Uhm... I was looking for a Jake Stokewill, he lives around here somewhere...", her eyes turned down to the floor. "Well that's fortunate, he lives right here.", I pointed behind me. She was surprised and her mouth shaped an 'o'. I told her he was back in the garden inside the rosebush. "Inside?", she asked puzzled. "Yup." I beckoned her to follow me and lead her to our backyard. Jake had left the rosebush and was now sucking on one of his fingers, while Mrs. Sheppard cleaned up the gardening tools. His eyes widened when he saw the girl behind me, who waved at him shyly. "Mel!", he exclaimed and hugged her tightly. "What are you doing here?", he asked what I presumed to be his girlfriend. "I decided to grant you a visit.", she smirked and tucked back a strand of honey-coloured hair into her bun. Jake was extremely happy to see her. "I hope I'm not bothering you.", Mel added, fiddling with the straps of her purse. "No, not at all!" We all went back inside where Bodil and Dove had finally decided to move into Bodil's room. Jake went into the kitchen to brew some coffe and Mel and me sat down on the couch. "So... you're Jake's girlfriend?", I asked her with a smirk. She turned a deep beet-red. "N-No...", she stammered, "D-did he tell you I was?" I shook my head no. "I was just guessing." Mel nodded and smiled a little. Jake came back, the biggest smirk still stuck to his face. There was some creaking at the top of the stairs and ___ came sneaking downstairs. "Hey beautiful.", I greeted her with a kiss and let her sit down next to me. "Did you sleep well?", I asked and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. But she mainly ignored the question and sleepily rubbed her eyes: "What is Mel doing here?" "Hey ___!", she waved sheepishly in response. "I didn't know you guys lived together. But I was paying Jake a visit.", Mel glanced at him with a shy little smile. ___ yawned heartily. "Well, nice to see you." Mel and ___ were talking on and on about useless stuff. I had tuned out a while ago and entertained myself by tickling ___ every so often. Then I remembered to check the time. "Oh snap!" "What's up?", ___ asked me concerned about what it could be. "We gotta leave or you'll miss your flight!", I got up and ran upstairs to get her suitcase. When I came back down, she was hugging Mel and then Jake to say goodbye. "Tell Bodil I said hi.", she winked and I had to laugh. "Ok, let's go.", I handed her the suitcase and we dashed to our car. Except there was no car. "Shit!" I suddenly realised it had been Jordan's car and he had left yesterday. ___ ran back inside and I stared after her. Did she decide to stay all of a sudden? But she came back out jiggling Jake's car keys.

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The radio was off, just like when we went to drop off Mitch. I tapped the steering wheel and glanced at ___. She was silent and kept her eyes on the street. We reached the airport with half an hour time left to do all the check-in. When we arrived at her terminal she turned around and slung her arms around my neck, tears in her eyes. I rubbed her back and tucked her head under mine. She looked up at me and wiped away the single tear that was rolling down her cheek. I gently pressed my lips on hers. "I miss you already.", I whispered into her ear after we broke off. She kissed me in response. "Bye Jason.", ___ hugged me one last time and then slowly made her way into the plane. And so, this is how everyone leaves. And I am the one left behind. Alone.


Like dis if you cry evrytim ;-; See you soon!

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