Quitting Wattpad

2.8K 104 33

Hello my readers. It's me, the girl who's been compiling all these rants and publishing them on this site. If you've been reading Wattpad Rants for a while, you'll notice that I haven't been very active, posting a rant once every month or so, even less than that. It is a new year, so I'd like to announce that I'm quitting Wattpad. Wattpad was such a big part of my life in 2016-2017. My Flash fanfic got reached 7k reads, and this book has 51k! Can you believe that? I was honestly so stoked. All the lovely comments and support from you guys, yes, YOU, fueled me to keep posting knowing I was making my audience happy doing something I loved. But now, writing isn't as big of a hobby as it was. I've moved on, I've found new interests and new things to keep me busy. I am honestly so grateful that you guys have supported me since the beginning and for the new readers who are enjoying this book right now. But, it's my time to go, and I hate making up excuses and giving people false hope that I'll update this book soon. It's been such an amazing experience, but it's time for bigger things. Will I return? Most likely not. With all due love and respect, peace out.


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