Chapter 7

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Jeff's POV

"Let's go home, Ben." I pulled back from the hug, seeing him nod. He pulled his bag back over his shoulder and bounded up the stairs, waiting for me to make my way up before we left the house together.

We talked as we walked, but not about anything in particular, more just of how he found me and what happened in that basement.

Ben carefully held my bandaged hand as we walked, since the burns still hurt like hell from the straightener. The sun had set by then, causing us to set up camp for the night. Ben helped me straighten out a blanket on the grass, seeing it was dry despite it raining only the day before.

"Did you happen to find my knife, by any chance?" I asked him when he handed me a bottle of water. He nodded before pulling it out and handing it to me.

"Bless you, Ben." I grinned, Ben chuckled and continued to search through his bag to find some useful things for the night outside. He came up with another blanket that we'll have to share, not that I mind though.

I used my arm as a pillow as we stared at the sky, huddled under the blanket. We just talked about stuff, the usual. I'm surprised we haven't gotten into an argument yet, since we used to get into them constantly at the mansion.

"I'll have E.J. look closer at your wounds when we get back, since he's the professional medic here." Ben smiled, leaning closer.

"That's probably smart, despite how much I hate the masked freak." I sneered, looking over at Ben.

"Don't be mean, Jeff." Ben laughed, elbowing my side gently, as if I'd break if he hit me too hard.

I sighed contently, smiling more than I already was if possible. After awhile I looked back over to Ben to say something, but discovered he was fast asleep. I silently screeched at that, I always thought Ben was adorable when he slept, not to be a creep or something.

I shifted onto my side, just staring at his sleeping face until I, too, fell asleep.


Ben's POV

I groaned softly when I woke up, stretching. I stared at the sky for a second before looking over to Jeff, jumping when I saw him staring right at me.

I waved a hand in front of his face, deciding that he must be asleep. I couldn't tell, since he didn't have any eyelids. I sat up and looked around, seeing we were still camping out in the woods.

I looked back over at Jeff, just examining his features as he slept. I wondered if his hair is as soft as it looks?

I decided to find out, slowly inching my hand to it until my fingers were intertwined with the soft black hair. I ruled it was as soft as it looked, despite it being burnt.

"Ben?" I jumped when Jeff said my name, quickly pulling my hand back and blushing out of embarrassment.

"Yes?" I looked away, hearing Jeff chuckle.

"We should keep moving." Jeff stood, folding the blankets up and shoving them back into my bag as I nodded an agreement. And off we were on the road again.

I listened to Jeff sing a song as we walked, surprised by how soothing his voice was. I found myself leaning closer to him as we walked to where our arms were brushing constantly. I blushed brightly when I felt Jeff's fingers lace with my own, squeezing my hand gently.

Our feet were sore by the time we got back to the mansion, letting go of Jeff's hand so no one gets suspicious of us. Nothing eventful happened the rest of that walk, but we did get into an argument about which brand of cereal was better.

"We gotta go report to Slenderman now." I sigh, walking up the stairs to the third floor.

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