Chapter 1

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Daiki's POV

"I dont know when , how , why it happened but I think...  I Love my sister's Boyfriend".

It was christmas night when my sister Kei Inoo introduce her Boyfriend to the family.

Our daddy accept him also my step mom. Yes your right we are half sisters , My mom died when I was 2 yrs old and I really dont remember about it. My father remarried when i was 5.

Thats when we became sisters, Kei neechan is only one year older than me thats why we became close really close like a real sisters. We share clothes , we both have same interest , also keep each other secrets. Now i wonder we might also have same taste when it comes to guys.

Even if we talk about boys before, she didnt mention that she likes tan, masculine, tall, brown hair guy. It was my ideal guy. As far as i know she like someone tall fair skin black haired and a bit slimmer guy.

But it really happened quickly , after she introduce him to us. I just cant take away my eyes from him, its like im glued.

That night i almost forgot he was my sister's Boyfriend. Im not also sure if it was just my imagination or he was also looking at me from time to time. It makes my heart beats fast.

Kei's POV

Its been 3months since we start dating with my Boyfriend before I tell my parents about me dating him. His name is Takaki Yuya.

December came and I invited him over to join our family this Christmas Eve and Im glad that he came. Mom and Dad welcome him and also my sister.

Im realy so happy that they accept him or us dating.

Time pass since then something wrong is happening I can feel it. Im hoping it is not what I'm thinking.

He barely call or chat, then if we have a date he came late and sometimes forgot about it he have a lot of excuses and he is being cold this pass days.

It makes me nervous , Dont he love me anymore? or maybe he find someone better than me?

I ask him this question and he deny it ofcourse and say he loves me. I believe him cause I love him.

Yuya's POV

Im leaving alone since my parents are in other country, and Im on my way to grocery , looking at the milk section I scan it then I saw a beautiful girl.

She have a fair skin, long black hair, pouty lips, and offcourse her body is WOW. definetly my type.

I walk towards her and clear my troat before I start the conversation. I look at her and saw her getting some fresh milk and putting in her cart.

I just said "fresh milk low fat, thats healthy" she look at at me and smile then nods.

Then she say "you should try some it also taste good" . and our conversation continue as we pay our groceries together and I accompany her to her house and ofcourse I didnt forget to ask her cellphone number.

And there I start to court her until she became my girlfriend my friend Hikaru is very jealous of me that he dont wanna believe she is  my girlfriend.
cause he say she's to beautiful to fall for me. not until I introduce Kei to him. now his is bugging Kei asking her if she had a sister beautiful as her.

Kei said yes but she teases Hikaru. she didnt show any picture or describe her.

December came Kei invited me to her home. I get myself ready to meet her parents but then when we arrive and introduce me. I spot someone.

Someone I been looking for. We look at each other but Im being distracted everytime Kei will talk to me I'll look at her.

I was not expecting to see her that night. The last time I saw her it was at the beach. Its summer and lot of people are on the beach so i get irritated at the crowd. I transfer and find a spot where there are less people.

I was 12 yrs old when i see her playing sand castle. I was so shy to talk to her, She was so cute it makes my heart doki doki.  So I just watch her from a far and every summer I find her at that beach.

For the past 3 yrs i saw her every summer. But at the time Im brave enough to talk to her . I cant find her at the same place she didnt come. the other year past and still no sign of her.

Now that im 17 , I started leaving alone and a few months after summer I meet Kei my girlfriend.

to be continue...

note: The pov are finish, please dont kill me.. im gonna update my other stories aswell.. i just feel nobody reads it thats why i stop writing..

im so sorry for the wrong spelling and grammar. :'(

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