Chapter 5

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Yuya POV

I did my best to impress someone who is watching our practice, I wanna show her I can play well.

break time , Kei run towards me and give me bottle of water also towel to wipe my sweat.

"You dont have piano lesson?" I ask her.

"No I dont, and I miss you thats why Im here" she said and look around.

"wow sweet, I wish I have a girl friend  too" Yuto say as he pass by them.

"Just pick someone in the crowd" I said since there are girls keep flailing at us.

"How about my sister" kei said and smile widely.

I look at her and cant believe it  no not Daiki.

finally the practice ended and we eat at the restaurant Kei suggested.

I excuse myself for a moment, Im not really in the mood as i keep silent. I dont know which makes me angry is it because Kei talks to Yuto more than to me or the fact that she is trying to set-up Daiki and Yuto.

walking home we holdhands with Kei.

"Your silent today? is there something wrong?" she ask in concern.

"no im fine" I lied.

Why thoose to walk far from us  I tried to walk slower so they can catch up to us. I heard them laugh , I try to calm myself.

"Yuya ?"


"never mind your mind is somewhere far away" she said.

I didnt bother to ask her again which makes her angry at me, then they enter the house.


Its been two weeks and we are having a lot of arguement, I really dont understand why, well I cant help it if i forgot of our dates. I just have a lot going, Cant she just consider it.

I go to the arcade and play and release my stress. Then I heard some guys talking about a girl and they plan to bring her to someone home.

I was curious and find the girl they talk about.

I leave my game and walk towards her.

"Daichan, lets go". I hold her hands and pull her away.

"ehhh choto matte". she said but I still pull her going out of the arcade.

"what are you doing there?" I ask her a bit angry.

She lower her head " Were just having fun with ryochan" she look at me and glare. "whats up with you? dragging me. " she ask.

"Its dangerous inside" I said.

"Then why are you there if its dangerous?"

"Im just playing"

"so are we, ehhh ryochan" she remember and quickly rush inside the arcade to find her friend being corned with some guys.

"Hey cute, wanna come with us, were going to have  a party at his house" the guys said.

"Its his birthday now, It will be fun" the other guy said and put his arms around ryosuke.

I panic when I saw the seen and ryosuke looks abit scared.

"Get your filty hands of my Girlfriend" someone shout.

The guys look at him.

"huh? Girl friend ? Boy, this cutie wont want you as her boyfriend" the guy said.

"You look like a monkey" other guy said.

"really? then if im a monkey then your a Pig , oink oink" the boyfriend said.

The guys get insulted and fight with him.  I run towards ryochan and I saw Takaki join their fight he was helping the so called boyfriend.

"yamachan are you alright?" I ask her.

"Im not, Its scary" she said and hugs me.

"gomen ne~" I say sorry to her as we watch the them fight.

The guys get deffeted.


Yuya and the so called boyfriend rejoyce as they win the fight and the guys run away. He walk toward us.

"Are you alright?" The boyfriend  ask.

"Im ok, thank you" yamachan said and bow. then she glare at yuya.

"Its your fault! If you didnt drag daichan those guys would not come near me!" she say to yuya and pout.

"Sorry I did not see you were with Daiki, I heard those guys are planning something then I just grad Daiki away".

He explain and Ryosuke understand, as an apology takaki offered to treat them.


"Oishiiii" the two girls said.

As they eat their cakes, as takaki say last time he treat Daiki at the johnnys cafe where he work .

"Just enjoy yourself" Yuya said.

"ano thank you again for saving me" ryo-chan told the so called boyfriend . " by the way what is your name?" she added.

"ohh Im Hikaru Yaotome, you can call me hikachan" he said and smile

"ne how you girls know my stupid friend over here?" he added and yuya hit his arm.

"who you call stupid, monkey!" yuya said as they have a friendly argruementation.

and the two girls laugh at them. Yuya told hikaru that Daiki is Kei sister that why they know each other.

"wow , so Kei is telling the truth she really have a Cute sister " Hikaru smile and was about to pinch daiki's cheeks but yuya stop him.

"hey! your not allowed to go near her!" yuya said .

"you cant forbid me, your not his father!" hikaru said and let out his tongue as he tease yuya.

" still, she is Kei's sister " yuya said.

"It Doesnt makes sense" Ryochan said. and hikaru agree, Yuya think deeply and everyone laugh at his reaction.

The four went home , Yuya, Hikaru and Ryochan send Daiki home first. Hikaru wave goodbye as he walk the other road.

"Ne Takaki-san, You like Daichan, dont you?" Ryochan said.

"ehhh , what?" Yuya been startled all of a sudden.

"you like her, right?" she repeat

" I, I .. hahaha what kind of question is that.. haha " he cant answer.

"just a simple question, and its answerable by yes or no. " she smirk.

they reach her home.

"this is your home right, you should go inside" yuya said.

"answer my question first" she insisted.

"your really are persistent" yuya laugh abit and nods.

Ryochan smile as well.

"jyaa.. goodnight and take care on your way home" she wave goodbye as she enter her home.

Yuya smile thinking he actually said that he likes Daiki . it makes him crazy  and he walk home with a smile in his face.

not far from Ryochan house, Kei Saw Yuya sending home ryochan though she did not hear their conversation she clearly saw the smile on yuya's face.

to be continue...

note: sorry it takes to long for me to update.. im still looking for insperation.. thanks for reading .. comments will help me improved ..

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