|1|Future Nights

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Tord's left hand glided across the paper as he read, he sighed heavily before setting his head against his desk. He felt a hand comfortingly rest onto his back, "Sir, you really should be retiring for the night soon."

He shook his head softly, sitting up before turning to the voices carrier, "I can't Thomas, I have the rest of this work to do, it has to be done by the end of this week and I have at least one-hundred more to go!" Tord rubbed his eyes and looked to the side. Tom had moved his hand and held it behind his back once more, straightening his posture.

"Thomas?" The Norwegian spoke quietly, shifting his gaze back to Tom. "Yes sir?" Tom never looked towards Tord, not wanting to disrespect him. The green pixels on his visors continued staring forward. "Why dont you head to sleep for now."

Tom immediately shook his head, "Sir, there is no way that I am going to sleep before you. You know that, I do not care if you are my leader or not."

Tord nodded in defeat. He went back to his papers, yawning deeply as he continued the writing. He would occasionally flinch awake, his head drooping.

"Red Leader, are you sure you-" Tom stopped, hearing Tord snoring with his face against the desk. He couldn't help but to smile softly before sighing.

He walked slowly over to him and moved the chair carefully. He began whispering quietly, "See, you still fall asleep at desks, even after growing out of that stupid hentai addiction." Tom slowly picked Tord up, not expecting to feel his light weight. He realized that Tord hadn't been present to any meals lately. He seemed to only eat one of those stupid granola bars per day. "What are you trying to do? Starve yourself?" He only got a small whimper in response, causing him to smile softly.

Tom held Tord bridal style. He was used to carrying him around like this by now. He would have to carry him to his room every time his leader fell asleep. It gave him something to look forward to. It made him feel useful.

Tom walked from Tords office, carrying him down the hallway and stopping in front of a smaller wooden door with many locks. There was also a hand scanner that was only accessible for one person, the red leader himself.

The brit took Tords left hand and pressed it to the scanner, hearing a few beeps before a click, the door unlocking. Tom smiled in satisfaction before walking in. He gently shut the door and stood for a moment. He soon moved forward, carrying Tord to his large bed.

It had fleece covers and black sheets. It had a comfortable mattress, and Tom only felt it while placing Tords limp body on to it.

Tom looked at him for a few moments, gently brushing the mess called bangs from his face. He smiled softly before caressing his cheek and turning away. He began walking forward before hearing a small voice, "Tom..?"

Tom turned, blinking softly, "Yes, sir?" Tord had sat up, and was looking at him, kicking his boots of slowly, "Could you talk to me for a moment?"

"Yes sir." Tom walked back over, standing next to his bedside before being spoken to. "Have you ever had nightmares of the... incident?"

Tom froze, gulping before nervously speaking, "I-I, Maybe Sir..." Tord noticed the nervousness in Toms expression and voice. "Please cut with the Sir, Thomas... I'd much rather you call me by my name."

"Yes Sir..."

"Anyway... I- I was hoping you could help me... Every single night since that day, I've been having nightmares... But i died in those nightmares, and I killed you in those nightmares..." Tord looked down, guilt filling his eyes, "I regret that day.. I really do..."

Tom looked at Tord, his gaze softening, "Tord- Please don't feel guilty... It's the past..." The Norwegian looked back up to Tom, tears beginning to trace his cheeks, "T-Tom... I want the nightmares to end! I'm scared!"

Tom didn't know what to do so he just looked to the side, "I'm sorry..."

"Can... Can you help me..?" Tords voice stuttered slightly and his words were coated with his thick accent. Tom blinked towards him, "How..?"

"Stay with me.."

Tom's face soon had a partnering pink shade follow upon his cheeks, "I- I don't think that's too professiona- ah..." He gave in as Tord looked up with pleading eyes.

He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, only to be pulled down by the shorter male, "Tom... Please..."

Tom just looked at him before slipping off his shoes and throwing them onto the floor. He layed fully onto one side of the bed. Tord smiled before taking the blankets and covering them both.

The norwegian leader scooted close to Tom, leaning his head against his chest whilst speaking in a sleepy tone, "Thank you..."

"Jeg elsker deg..."

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