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Do not say "reference to DSB" anywhere in the shot. I did not reference it at all. I only wrote what I felt was right and what went along with the flow of the story in general.

A small key before we start!
(~~~)= Flashback/The end of Flashback
(////)= Timeskip

//This has not been proofread or edited just yet.//

Words: 5235

It had started a week ago. Tord stood, staring at himself through the glass of the bathroom mirror.

He was still confused. Ultimately, and utterly, confused. What else would he be, in a situation like this? Coughing up flowers isn't a normal thing.

This had been going on for a week. He remembered the day as if it were yesterday.


Everyone had returned home after one of Edd's exciting Eddventures. Tom and Tord bickering back and forth as they always did when they were both moody for their own reasons.

"Well it's not my fault that my foot somehow moved in front of you when you were walking by!"

"Really? Really now? You just happen to stick out foot right when I walks in front of you!?" Tord's voice was quick, causing a few words to be missed or pronounced wrong due to his accent.

Tom just rolled his eyes, "Sure. Blame it on me and not my foo-"

"Would you guys just shut up for at least five minutes?! Jesus Christ. Neither of you know when to stop talking!" Edd's voice silenced everyone in the room.

But just because both of them had shut up, it didn't stop Tom and Tord from glowering and make it seem like they were silently arguing back and forth.

They just stared at one another for god knows how long before Edd clapped his hands to get their attention, "Are you seriously just going to stare at eachother like that? Do you not remember what we were going to do after our mini-journey?"

Tord just looked towards him before exhaling and turning heel towards the hallway nearby.

His thoughts clouded his mind, and before he knew it, he was at his bedroom door, Tom behind him. He was going to question it before remembering the exact reason he was there.

The two had been forced to share a room due to needing more space to store items. And since Edd owned the house, Edd's plans and sudden swaps were never went against. No matter the amount complained about it.

He went into room, immediately going to his side of the makeshift line.

Yes. They had a line.

But as stated, it was a "makeshift" line. All it really was, was a few pieces of cheap duct-tape that Edd had stuck together and set in the middle of the floor since the two rivals were arguing and complaining.

Tord was relatively okay with this whole room thing by now. He found most things to be comfortable, or just normal in general.

At first, Tom would stay up until the crack of dawn, complaining or facetiming his stupid girlfriend that lived in New York.

He still did that, yes. But alot of the time, he would just do the calls earlier in the day, and then sleep when he immediately got into the room.

And for some odd reasons, Tom's quiet mumbles and/or snores always granted his sleep earlier on in the night than usual.

They did hate eachother, but they were respectful when it came to items and room-space. Most of the time.

After the two took of their shoes, and grabbed their smaller blankets, they exited the room. Tord trailing behind Tom casually.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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