|4|Dirty Cheater.

903 27 18

Small warning: Cheating and Death ;-;
I'm in an angsty mood, I apologize.

Tord sat in the chair, waiting for a curtain Brit to arrive home. He knew what the latter had been doing when he texted him, telling him that he was working late again.

The door clicked open as Tom walked in, his hair messy, and his tie undone. He looked in front of him and frowned when he seen Tord, staring at him with hurt eyes.

The stayed silent and they stared. Not a word being exchanged until Tord spoke up, "I hate you." He looked down, tears rolling down his cheeks, "I hate you so fucking much..."

Tom looked at tbe ground in shame. He knew that Tord knew. He knew that he knew about what he had been consciously doing for the last month.


"No! Fuck you! Five years, Tom! Five long years!" Tord stood up, angrily crying and yelling, "I did everything I could for you, Tom... I quit my job because you wanted to be with me more, I left contact with my family because they didn't like you... I did everything!"

Tom looked at Tord with a pained expression, "I'm sorry..."

Tord shook his head in disbelief, "You are not sorry." He bit his lip before holding up his left hand. He pulled off the two rings that were on his fourth finger.

He threw them to the floor as hard as he could, "I loved you! And I get you cheating on me in return? I don't know what I ever did to you to deserve that!"

Tord wiped his tears away, "I'm leaving you, Thomas. And I'm taking Torm with me. He doesn't deserve such a heinous man to take care of him."

Tom looked saddened. He regretted what he had done. He should have stopped before it began. He looked at the rings on the floor as Tord turned and left the room.

He couldn't do a single thing.

Tord returned to the room, a young two year old in his arms, along with a few clean clothes.

He shook his head as he looked at Tom, "I'm going to my parents house... I'll come back here later for the rest of our stuff... Just..." Tord sighed, "Just please don't burn any of it... I know you're crazy like that..."

Tom looked up at Tord and gave a small nod, "Tord... I-I really am sorry..."

The latter shook his head, "Please don't... Just... don't even..." He walked past Tom, holding the babbling two year old close.

Tom turned and watched them leave. He watched as the car started and drove off, leaving him alone.


Tom awoke with teary eyes. He held his chest as he cried softly. He looked to his side, the time being 03:00.

A five year old soon appeared in the room, holding an old stuffed bear, "Daddy? Are you okay?"

Tom looked at him with a hurt expression before he nodded softly. He patted the empty spot on his bed for the child to climb in.

When he was laying down, Tom covered him up with the blanket and wrapped his arms around him, "Torm... I'm so sorry..."

Torm shook his head and looked up, confused, "Why are you sorry?"

Tom sniffed, "I-I'm sorry that your Mama didn't make it through that accident... I'm sorry that he's not coming back..."

Torm looked scared, "Daddy... Y-You said Mama was gonna come back! Now he's not?"

Tom shook his head, "He-He's been dead Torm... You know that..."

It was true. After Tord drove off that night, He was too busy crying and talking to his parents on the phone. He was too distracted to watch the road, which ended in a terrible accident.

Torm luckily survived it, but Tord died instantly. Leaving Torm in the custody of Tom.

When Tom watched the News that night, he was broken. He didn't want to deal with anything anymore, but he had to for Torm.


It was his fault for cheating in the first place.

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