|3|Forever and Always.

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This is highly inspired from a scene in a roleplay me and _Kmsoul_ did a while back. It will always be my second favorite scene from our roleplays ♡ :>

Walking slowly, Tom and Tord were bundled tightly in winter-wear. Finally, after two years of dating and planning, they saved enough money for this trip to Paris.

They walked through the snowy park, Tord occasionally looking up at his taller boyfriend. They held hands tightly, hot chocolate's in their free hands.

The plans from the past went through their minds. They smiled as they thought.

"Tom! You know, I've always wanted to go to Paris!" Tord smiled widely, his hands intertwing with Tom's as he bounced on his heels, causing Tom to chuckle lightheartedly.

"I'll add that to the bucket list then!" Tom pecked his shorter boyfriends cheek lightly before Tord skipped to the kitchen of the apartment, returning a few moments later, a glass jar in hand. "Collect the money in here!"

He pulled a few quarters from his pockets before dropping them in. Tom grabbed a dollar bill from his own and dropped it in as well.

Tord clapped his hands together, "I can't wait!"

Now here they are, finally completing a goal. Together.

Tord noticed a small flower bed near by. He quickly dragged Tom towards it, "Look how pretty they are!" He set his hot chocolate to the ground, using his now free hand to swipe his finger over a flower petal.

Tom smiled and mocked his action. Tord stuffed a hand into his pocket, playing with a velvet feeling object. He smiled to himself as he looked up at Tom.

"They're amazing." Tom smiled softly and looked down at Tord. He tilted his head, "Is something the matter, hon?"

Tord chuckled and nodded before standing and turning his body to face Tom. His fingers swept over the object before he took his hand out from his pocket, grabbing both of Tom's hands.

"Thomas, we've been together for almost three years, so I must ask... Do you love me?"

Tom nodded, he looked slightly confused, "Of course I do. With all my heart."

This gave Tord enough motivation to begin his speech.

"So... I know we used to never get along..." Tom nodded in agreement to Tord's statement.

"And alot of things happened, including the robot. But even after that, I found you drunk that morning and I didn't know we could possibly be friends again. And we did. Even more after that. All this time we've spent together had sent me into thinking... Deep thinking... And I realized, I want that time to be forever."

He slowly moved to one knee, still holding one of Tom's two hands. Tom had brought the other to his mouth as he realized what Tord was doing, he felt tears prick at his void-like-eyes.

Tord used his free hand to pull out a velvet-black box. He smiled softly, "I know I may not be the most reliable person, nor beautiful, but you're the only person that's tolerated me for this long... And that's the kind of person I want to marry... So Thomas Ridgefield, will you do me the honor to be yours forever, and marry you?" Tord let go of his other hand to open the box, showing a silver, diamond ring.

Tom just stared in surprise, "Oh my Jehovah... T-Tord... I- Yes! Of course!" He quickly tackled him into a hug, sending both of them to the snowy-white and concrete ground.

He showered him on many kisses, tears of joy rolling down his cheeks.

Tord giggling before they both slowly sat up, still sitting on the ground. He took Tom's left hand into his own before slowly sliding the ring into its signature finger.

Tord smiled before planting a small kiss against Tom's lips. When he pulled away, he spoke with a happy, yet calm voice.

"Forever and always?"
"Forever and always..."

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