Chapter 1: A very Unexpected Meeting.

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Error walked around the empty white void, bored out of his mind. He sighed in frustration and decided a walk wasn't gonna cure his boredom. Opening up a portal to Outertale to cure his boredom. He sat there, knowing Ink is gonna open a portal to scold at him for destroying another Au. Error sighed once again, letting his mind wander off.

A few minutes later, a portal opened up, just behind Error. Upon hearing a portal open, Error turned his head to face Ink. But oddly enough, it wasn't. It was a Oddly, Bright Skeleton, wearing a Hat backwards, a pair of Shades that says 'YOLO' in blue and yellow, and was a bit shorter than Error, just below his mouth.

Error eyed the Smaller Skeleton a bit and opened his mouth to question him, but the shorter one beat him to it.

"Yo, Yo, Yo, Waddup my home slice dawg!!" The smaller exclaimed, pointing finger guns at Error and putting on a goofy smile. Error, well, he just looked at the smaller skeleton weirdly. The smaller skeleton seems to catch up on Error.

"The name's Fresh! Ink sent me to check up on ya, Dawg! Says you like to destroy Au's and stuff. Not cool, Bruh." Fresh said smoothly, while putting his hands in his pockets.

"Ink sent you?.. I don't care if I destroy Au's!" Error snapped a little at Fresh and turned his head away from him. Fresh just stood there, unfazed. But took a seat next to Error, who flinched at the sudden movement and answered his question, while looking at the stars above them, ignoring Error's answer bout not caring if he destroys Au's.

"Yep! Ink sent me cause he told me to check up on ya. He told me also to call him back if I see ya destroying Au's." Fresh explained coolly, amazed by the stars above them. Error just looked at Fresh, curious why he looked like he only just saw the stars for the first time. Error looked around, wondering what was so amazing about the place. Sure, it was fascinating, cause of the stars and the galaxy, but you always see them whenever you travel portal to portal, right?

"Your a strange looking parasite. Where did you come from?" Error said, while shifting to a comfortable sitting position. Fresh tore his gaze away from the stars to look at Error, frowning a bit.

"Nah, Bruh. Even Ink doesn't know where I came from. All I know is I woke up from a white place and meeting him." Fresh stated, glancing at the glowing lake in front of them, curious to why it was glowing, by poking it a little. Error looked at Fresh with sympathetic eyes, feeling bad that someone can't even remember their own past. Fresh then looked at Error, putting on a goofy smile, exclaiming and offering a hand to Error.

"Hey wanna be my rad new Broskie?" Noticing the subject changed, Error looked at Fresh confused to why he changed the subject and by the nickname.

"Broskie?" "Yep! Please?" Error looked at Fresh's hand then at Fresh. "Why are you so determined on making me your friend? You should hate me since I destroy Au's!" Error snapped, but not at Fresh, who flinched a little, but remained his position.

"Well, since you don't have friends. I guess it's better to atleast have me as a friend than no one. Sides, I don't really have friends either, except Ink bossing me 'round, Heh." Error chuckled, and blushed lightly at Fresh's words and wondering why he doesn't have friends.

"Hey, Fresh?" "Wuzzup, Dawg? Error was it?" Error nodded. "How come you don't have friends, don't you travel portal to portal?" Fresh looked away a bit, frowning a little, then lowering his hand and fumbling a little echo flower beside a taller one.

"Nah, Bruh. I don't really know how to open up portals, yo." Error just looked at Fresh, shocked. "Then, how'd you get here?" Fresh then looked back at Error. "Ink opened the portal for me, telling me to check up on ya. But, I think he just wants me gone, since I always bother him in his 'Doodlesphere'.." Fresh then sighed and hugged his knees to his chest.

"At first, when he first met me, he told me that I was a parasite and have no feelings, that's why he moved me to his 'Doodlesphere' and tries to help me feel feelings. But he doesn't anymore, since he's always busy fixing up Au's, when I always go talk to him, he just pushes me out of the way. Guess I finally broke his breaking point." Error, who was silent all the time, felt bad for the parasite next to him. Then suddenly, Error scooted closer and asked.

"So you can't feel feelings, huh?" Fresh hugged his knees closer to his chest, like it was his teddy bear. "Kinda. It just seems to came out of nowhere... And.. It confuses me so much." "And you say that Ink doesn't help you anymore?" Error looks at Fresh with sympathetic eyes. Fresh tried to avoid his eyes, by looking down at his arms, nodding slowly.

"How bout I.. Help you instead?" Fresh then looked up at Error, his shades bouncing a bit and changes into 'YOLO' to exclamation marks. "R-Really? Y-You want to help m-me?" Error nodded and looked at Fresh's shades, since it covered his eyes and became curious to how it changed and why he never takes it off.

"T-Thanks so much, Broskie! Your the most Awesomest Pal ever!" Fresh shouted happily and hugged Error tightly. Error, who didn't like being touched, just growled at Fresh. "I don't like being touched, Fresh.." Fresh ignored Error's comment, still hugging Error tightly and smiling.

Error just sighed and patted Fresh's back, thinking that it was gonna be a long day. Then, Fresh quickly let go of Error and took out his hand infront of Error. "Um, Fresh?" Error stated, looking at Fresh, confused.

"Well, ya haven't answered my question yet. So, wanna be my Rad new Pal?" Fresh stated happily, putting on his signature, goofy smile. Error smiled, surprising himself, he usually doesn't smile. He shook Fresh's hand with his.

"Yep, I'm gonna be your 'Rad new Pal'." "Oh yeah!! We're gonna be so Awesome. It's gonna be diddly darn cool!" Fresh shouted with excitement, as Error rolled his eyes and chuckled at how excited Fresh was.

Yep, this was gonna be a long day.

<Hey There! I'm sorry if it's a bit cringey. I'm still pretty new to it and please tell me if you love or there is something I did wrong. So see ya, Dudes!!>


<For inspiring me to create my own story! If you may read it, I may have wrote some part of the story like yours and I'm sorry, please don't hate me.>

<Oh! And I'm gonna complete this story, and if it may take a while, I'm sorry, it's because of school. I'll try to squeeze Part 2,3,4, and 5 in the story. But mark my words I will finish this!!>

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