Chapter 7: Something's not right..

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Fresh's POV:

I groaned and opened my eye sockets, rubbing them a bit. I looked around and blushed realizing that I was still on Error's lap. I slowly got off, careful not to wake Error up and quietly headed to the Kitchen to grab a drink. I sipped from my cola and went back to the couch, watching T.V, voluming it down to not wake Error up.

No one's POV:

A few minutes later, Error woke up and looked around to see Fresh awake and watching T.V. "Look who's awake.." Fresh teased, putting on a goofy smile while looking at Error. Error smiled and pulled Fresh closer. "How long have you been awake?" Error asked.

"Eh, not long. But, I gotta say ya are as sleepy as a log, Sleeping Beauty." Fresh teased, laughing a bit. Error pouted but grinned. "Well, I think you deserve a prize!" Error smiled, as Fresh turned around to look at him. "Really? What is it?" Fresh said curiously and excitedly, wondering or guessing what it was..

"A kiss!" Error then softly kissed Fresh on the lips(?), making Fresh squeak in surprise. "And I'm gonna teach you how to open up a portal." Error continued, as he stood up and lead Fresh outside. "Really?! Aaaw, that's so nice of you, Glitchy!" Fresh said, still blushing from the kiss.

Error's POV:

I lead Fresh outside by the hand and stopped when we're a good distance outside my house. I walked a bit, placing some distance between me and Fresh. "So, to open up a portal. You need to concentrate, Freshy." I said, as I walked around Fresh, circling him while I explain stuff. I see Fresh pout. I chuckled. 'Well, this can be interesting.' I thought, as I smirk.

"What?! B-But, I thought it was just a flick of a finger to open one, Dude.." Fresh whined a bit. crossing his arms. I chuckled again. "Well, it is. But, it does require concentration. Now, focus on opening up a portal. You can open up any Au's." I explained, as I walked back to my spot, still smirking. Fresh sighed and stood straight, trying to concentrate. 'Wait a sec. Does he even know the other Au's?.. Nah, he'll be fine.' I thought.

No one's POV:

<(A few seconds later)>

Fresh concentrated and just picked any Au that was something he still hasn't heard of and snapped his fingers. Instantly, a portal opened up. Fresh widened his eyes and hugged Error, thanking him in the process. "Oh my gosh!! I did it! I did it, I did it, I did it!! Thank you so much, Glitchy!" Fresh said excitedly, kissing Error's cheek. Error kissed back.

"Your welcome, Freshy. Since you don't know the Au's. I guess this is the best way to show it." Error explained. "Well, when I was still living in Ink's 'Doodlesphere', I recalled when Ink was fixing up some Au's. I think he said was Underswap and Dancetale and some other stuff.." Fresh rambled a bit, turning to the open portal. 'So he does know some of the Au's..' Error thought.

"Really? So what Au did you choose?" Error asked. Fresh turned to look at Error. "Oh, just an Au I didn't know about!" Fresh said, smiling and jumped in the portal, not hearing Error's response. "Wait what?! Fresh come back-!" Error stopped. Error sighed and looked at the still open portal with worried looks. "I better go after him.." Error said, jumping in the portal and closing it behind him.

???'s POV:

I was walking around the forest, clearly bored. Until, I heard a portal open. I quickly hid behind the tree, listening to who comes out of it. "Well this looks radical!" A voice exclaimed. I grinned evilly, ready to jump out. But was stopped by an another voice. It seems the other voice was a year older than the 90's one.

A Glitch and Parasite Love!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ