Chapter 4: A very unexpected visitor

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As Error and Fresh stared at the starry night above them, Error took out his phone, to look at the time. "Holy Frick-, it's almost midnight?! I thought we were just here two hours?!" Error exclaimed, surprised they were that long away from home, while placing Fresh's shades on Fresh's face.

"Calm down, Glitchy. It just means time goes by when we're having fun!" Fresh kissed Error's cheek, in attempt to calm him down. Error smiled softly at Fresh, standing up and offering a hand to Fresh. Fresh happily took it and held hands with Error, while going to Error's house.

<(A Few minutes later)>

Error and Fresh later arrived at Error's house. Error opened the door for Fresh to go through, Fresh chuckled but happily went through. He yawned, as Error locked the door behind them. "You should go to bed, Freshy. I'm gonna watch some T.V for a bit." Error smiled gently at Fresh, who nodded and groggily made his way up to his room and fell asleep.

Error sat on the couch and turned on the T.V, watching what comes up. A few minutes later, Error was starting to drift into sleep, as he slowly lay down on the couch and fell asleep, his golden flower crown falling down on the ground beside the couch.

<(The next morning)>

Error woke up slowly, yawning revealing his three blue tongues. Rubbing his eyes a bit, he went to the Kitchen to get some coffee. After getting some coffee, Error sat on the couch, taking a few sips of it, while watching T.V. Error turned the volume down a little, letting Fresh sleep, since his "Feelings Fiasco" had worn him out.

A few minutes later, a loud but not too loud to wake Fresh up, knock erupted outside of Error's door. Causing Error, who was sipping coffee at the moment, to sputter it out. Error then angrily stomped off to shout at the person who ruined his coffee and his quiet moment. Only, that 'person' wasn't a person, but a skeleton. A rainbow one to be exact.

Error just scowled at Ink and opened his mouth to scold him for ruining his coffee and his quiet moment, only to be cut off by Ink, shoving his giant paintbrush at Error. Error, who was caught off guard, got knocked off onto the floor, beside the couch.

"What the Frick is your problem Ink?! First, you ruined my coffee and my peaceful moment and now you came here, barging through my door to fight me?!" Error said angrily at Ink, while sitting up. "I knocked, didn't I?" Ink said sarcastically, while looking around a bit. Error eyed Ink a little, confused and angry for knocking him off guard.

"Yeah, but you knocked me down with your stupid mop!?" "It's not stupid and a mop. It's a paintbrush- Wait! Your doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Ink then slowly inched closer to Error, as he gripped his giant paintbrush with both of his hands. "Do what on purpose?" Error said, confused, as he slowly stood up and backing away from Ink.

"Don't play games with me, Error. I know you kidnapped him!" Ink exclaimed angrily, as he pointed his paintbrush at Error, like a sword. "What are you-" Error then recalled to where he first met Fresh.

<'Ink sent me to check up on ya, Dawg!' 'But I think he just wants me gone, since I always bother him in his 'Doodlesphere'.' 'When I always go talk to him, he just pushes me out of the way.' 'How bout I.. Help you instead?' 'R-Really? Y-You want to help m-me?' 'Thanks so much, Broskie! Your the most Awesomest pal ever!'>

"Oh... B-But, w-wait! Ink I can explain-!" Error tried to explain to Ink, but was cut off by Ink angrily shouting. "Shut up! Where is he, Error?! I'm just gonna take him and we'll leave calmly!" Ink then inched closer to Error, cornering him. Until, another voice was heard.

"What's *yawn* goin' on, Bruh?" Fresh slurred, half asleep and awake, his shades slightly tilted. Fresh rubbed his eye sockets, unknown about the fight that occurred downstairs, while going down the stairs. Ink and Error just stared back at each other, confused and surprised. Error opened his mouth to speak, but Ink beat him to it, again..

"Fresh! Your okay!" Ink shouted happily, while shoving his giant paintbrush to Error, as he ran to Fresh, hugging and knocking him down on the floor, jarring Fresh awake. "I-Ink?! W-When did you get here?!" Fresh squeaked, surprised and confused.

"Come on, Fresh. Let's go we need to get out of here!" Ink said, while picking Fresh up, bridal style, as Fresh blushed madly. "Eep! I-ink?! W-What are you doin' Bro?!" Fresh squeaked in surprise. "Saving you, Duh!" Smirking, Ink headed towards the door, but was stopped by Error, blocking it behind him.

"Where do you think your going? And where are you taking Fresh?" Error crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Ink. "None of your business, Error." Ink scoffed, as he placed Fresh down and stood in front of Fresh, frowning a bit.

"Of course its my business, Ink. Where are you taking Fresh?" Error said angrily, getting a bit overprotective and a little angry that Ink carried Fresh bridal style. "Why do you care? Your the one who kidnapped Fresh!" Without waiting for Error's comeback, Ink quickly threw Fresh over his shoulder and went through a portal, closing it behind him. Error just stared were Ink and Fresh were and began cursing to himself. "Are you serious?! Freakin'! Ughh! Dang it, Ink!"

Ink's POV:

I quickly threw Fresh over my shoulder and went through the portal, closing it behind me. I smirked in triumph, as I walked through my 'Doodlesphere'. "Welp, no need to thank me, Fresh! For saving your Life of course. But, I think I've earned it actually!" I said happily, as I teleported my giant paintbrush in my other hand.

"U-Um, I-Ink?" I heard Fresh stutter a bit, I was confused to why he was stuttering a little. "Yeah, Fresh?" I asked. "U-Um, C-Can you put me down n-now?" Fresh said. 'Oh yeah, I forgot.' I thought, as I placed the smaller skeleton down on the ground. I look at the smaller skeleton infront of me, as Fresh just looked around, flustered and embarrassed. I then remembered something.

"Fresh, your not hurt, are you? No broken bones, bruises or cuts, right?" I said, as I frantically searched around Fresh's arms and legs, checking if there were injuries. "W-What? No, I-I'm fine, Ink, really. But, where are we?" Fresh asked, while looking around, a light indigo blush still covering his cheeks.

"We're in the 'Doodlesphere', silly!" "O-Oh yeah..." Fresh said, looking a bit sad. 'Wait.. Can he feel feelings?' I thought, but I'll ask him later. "What's wrong, Fresh?" I asked concerned, while placing a gentle hand on Fresh's shoulder. "O-Oh, it's nothin', Ink. Don't worry bout it." Fresh said, to reassure me. "You sure?"

"Yeah.. It's fine." Fresh then walked a bit and sat down. I sat down next to him, doodling a bit. 'I'll definitely ask him later...' I thought, as I doodle more.

<To those who have already read this, I accidentally deleted this and I re-typed it again. So here you go, Dudes and Dudettes!!>

A Glitch and Parasite Love!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora