Chapter 2: The training

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Error and Fresh were sitting on the couch, while watching a sad movie. Since, Fresh doesn't have a home, except the 'Doodlesphere' Error decided to let Fresh stay at his house to let him feel at home and to help him feel feelings. Error thought that if he let Fresh watch a sad movie, he'll be able to feel sadness. Right now, they're watching 'Hachicko', a Boy raising a puppy, until they were older.

<(2 Hours later)>

At the end of the movie, Error then felt shaking beside him and was shocked to see, that it was Fresh that was shaking, since they were sitting next to each other. He looked at Fresh to know why he was shaking, but Fresh quickly looked away. Error softened his eyes and placed a hand on the smaller's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Fresh? What's wrong?" "I d-dunno, Bruh. W-What's happening to me?" Fresh stuttered, confused while trying to avoid Error's gaze by looking away and trying not to shake.

"Fresh, come on. Look at me." Error said, while gently cupping the smaller's face and turning it slightly so he can look at him. Fresh let Error do his thing, since it was confusing him so much. Then suddenly, Error gasped at what he was seeing.

"What! What's wrong?!" Fresh said, panicked about the taller skeleton's reaction. Error couldn't believe it, Fresh was crying?! Error then gently wiped Fresh's tears, careful not to take Fresh's shades off, even though he was very curious about why he doesn't take them off, but respects the smaller skeleton's privacy.

"Fresh, your crying. Just deep breathes and calm down. It's fine" Error said gently, while wiping Fresh's other tear and gently patting the smaller's back. "C-Crying? W-What does that mean then?" Fresh stuttered, taking deep breathes and is slowly calming down. Error chuckled and smiled gently at Fresh's curiousness.

"It means, you are starting to feel feelings, Fresh." "I am? It feels weird..." Fresh said, wiping some tears left, behind his shades, without taking it off. "It kinda is supposed to feel weird, since your pretty new to this stuff. This weird feeling your feeling right now is, Sadness. It means, your sad, that's why your crying right now, cause we watched that sad movie." Fresh nodded slowly, listening to Error explain feelings, since he's pretty new to it.

For the rest of the day, the training seemed to came out alright, Fresh seems to improve a lot on feelings, thanks to Error explaining it, but he seems to struggle about love or feel loved. And it was pretty late, So Error decided to continue it tomorrow, since he noticed Fresh getting sleepy already. Chuckling and smiling softly, Error gently picked the smaller skeleton up and carried him to his spare room. He gently lay Fresh down and tucked him in. Error, who was starting to get attached to Fresh, quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching and quickly but gently planted a kiss on Fresh's forehead. Blushing madly, like a yellow lemon, he hurriedly went to his room and fell asleep, dreaming about Fresh.

<Hey there, everyone! I finally finished part 2, later or tomorrow I'll published part 3,4 and 5!! So see ya later, Dudes and Dudettes!! Oh! And I'm sorry if it's a bit short, Part 3 will be longer!!>

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