Chapter 6: The healing process and new encounters

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Ink and Fresh were watching T.V with ice bags on their heads, to heal their bruises. Error was in his room, napping a bit. Ink was watching over Fresh, since he fell asleep on his shoulder. A few minutes later, Ink was about to drift off to sleep. Until, a loud crash erupted outside the forest that surrounded Error's house, causing to Fresh to fall off the couch.

"What the Frick was that?!" Error shouted, while going down the stairs, he was awoken by the loud crash. "Yeah, ugh, it sounded like something crashed outside, Bruh.." Fresh groaned, while sitting up and held his head. Error helped Fresh up, as Ink headed towards the door.

"What the Frick are you doing, Ink?" Error exclaimed, crossing his arms, as Fresh sat on the couch. "I'm going to check it, you guys stay here." Ink stated, as he reached for the doorknob. "Wait, I'm coming too. Fresh, you stay here." Error said, as he went outside with Ink. "Oooh, man.." Fresh whined, as he lay down on the couch.

<(With Error and Ink)>

Error and Ink were wandering through the forest, trying to find where the source of the crash was. Error, who was trying to not glitch out of boredom, groaned. "Ugh, this is useless! We're getting nowhere-" Error was then cut off by Ink, shushing him and crouching down in front some bushes.

"Shush! Error, look!" Ink whispered, while pointing towards a big crater. And inside the big crater, was another short skeleton, but a bit taller than Fresh, just above his eyes. The short skeleton looked around, dusting some dirt off of his clothes. He wore a cape, a blue t-shirt, a belt that has a symbol that says 'DS' with orbs at the side of it, that hooks his long pale shorts and wears a yellow crown, gloves and boots.

Ink blushed a light rainbow, as it covered his white cheeks, As he stared at the short skeleton in the distance. "Woah, he looks.. Cute.." Ink breathed, as he looked back at Error, who was smirking and crossing his arms. Error was about to tease Ink, but was cut off by Ink shouting.

"S-Shut up!! Don't tease me-!" Ink covered his mouth, but was too late, the short skeleton had already heard him and was now walking towards the bushes they were hiding in. "Who are you? Show yourselves!" The short skeleton shouted at the rustling bushes. Ink and Error slowly stood up, showing their hands to show they're not here to do any harm.

"Answer my question.." The short skeleton said, while summoning a small spear and pointing it towards Ink and Error, like a sword. "U-Uh, M-My name is Ink and this is Error!" Ink stuttered, as he looked at the small spear that was pointed towards them. The short skeleton retracted his small spear and answered happily.

"Please to meet you, Ink and Error! My name is Dream, guardian of the tree. May I ask, why you two were following me?" "Oh, we didn't follow you. We came here to see what caused the crash. I live by the forest with Fresh and Ink was just visiting." Error said smoothly. Dream widened his eyes a bit and smiled.

"Oh? You live here? And who's Fresh?" Dream asked, as Ink chuckled at his curiousness. 'He sounds a bit like Fresh actually.' Error thought, as he put his hands in his pockets. "Oh, he's my Boyfriend, a bit shorter than you actually." "Really?! Finally! I'm not the shortest skeleton ever!" Dream exclaimed happily, Ink smiled at this.

"So, Dream, how did you crash or ended up here?" Ink asked. "Oh, well, actually.. I'm not the only one who crashed here accidentally.. I have a Brother named, Nightmare. He is the other guardian of the tree. We got in a fight and he changed to his second form and fought with me through portal to portal. We accidentally crashed through here and got separated. The only thing I'm worried about though, is Nightmare doing bad things.." Dream explained, worry creeping to his Soul, Error feeling the same.

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