Chapter 5: A Overprotective and Jealous Boyfriend

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Error's POV:

I cursed to myself as I try to open up a portal to Ink's 'Doodlesphere'. I can't seem to open a portal, Ink must've used his magic to prevent me from concentrating to open one. I think I can still manage to open it a little and able to go through, But I need to be quick though."Dang it!" I cursed loudly, as I failed yet again to open up a portal.

"Why is it so hard, Ugh?!" I growled, as a picture filled my vision. It was Fresh with... Ink?! He was carrying Fresh bridal style and smirking?! A strange feeling crept to my Soul.'Jealousy' The word floated through my mind, as that feeling keeps creeping to my Soul, as I keep staring at the picture in front of me.

I growled and instantly a portal opened and I saw Ink hugging Fresh. I growled again, as I went through the portal, closing it behind me and angrily tackling Ink to the ground, surprising Ink and Fresh.

<(1 Hour earlier)>

Fresh's POV:

"Hey Fresh, can I ask you a question?" Ink asked, as I look up from my gameboy, that I apparently had in my pocket. I forgot he was there. "Wazzup, Bruh?" I smoothly replied back, even though I was missing Error pretty bad. "Can you... Feel feelings, like, right now?.." I nodded.

"Yeah, Error helped me with it-" I quickly covered my mouth from explaining further, but I think I was a bit too late, cause Ink is just staring at me, his mouth open like he was bout to scream-"What?! What did you just say?!" Ink screamed, as I placed my hands over my non existent ears, dropping my gameboy in the process, since we were right next to each other.

"Sorry! Sorry, But didn't he kidnapped you?" Ink said, confused."What? No, he didn't kidnapped me. He helped me feel feelings and he let me stay at his house too! And we even-" I stopped, as I hid my face with my hands, dark indigo blush covering my cheeks.

"You even what?" Ink said, while tilting his head to the side, still confused."U-Um, d-don't be mad, o-ok?" I stuttered. 'Ugh, I hate it when I stutter'. "Ok, I wont. But, please tell me what you did." Ink gently said, while placing a hand on my shoulder. "O-ok, um.. W-We even.. K-Kissed.. And n-now w-we're i love and we're now a couple." I quickly stuttered, but enough for Ink to hear. I just sat there, looking flustered and embarrassed.

Ink had his mouth slightly agape, shocked. But then, he squealed happily, hugging me while shouting."Oh my gosh, Fresh!! That is soo cute!! I'm soo happy for you!! Congratulations!!" A light indigo blush covered my cheeks, as I pat Ink's back and smile a bit. "T-Thanks, Ink!" "Hey, Fresh. Can I ask you a question?" I heard Ink ask. "Sure, Bruh! What is it?"

Ink's POV:

"Hey, Fresh. Can I ask you a question?" I asked, still a bit giddy about Fresh's new found lover. "Sure, Bruh! What is it?" I heard Fresh say, as he pats my back a little. "I'm sorry about-" I stopped, as I looked across me. It was a portal and inside it was.. Error?! And boy he looks mad! I think he's mad because he thinks I was 'doing' something to Fresh. Error growled, glitching a little and tackled me to the ground, surprising me and Fresh.

No one's POV:

Error and Ink kept on rolling around the ground, fighting to be on top, while Fresh tried to separate them both. "Dudes, please stop fighting! Your both gonna get hurt!" Fresh tried to pull Error off of Ink, but instead got pulled into the fight.

<(A few minutes later)>

Fresh managed to separate Error and Ink from rolling around the ground, getting a bit of bruises. "Ok, you Dudes need to chill out, ok?! You Dudes are acting like kids!" Fresh screamed, getting a bit annoyed, cause his hat got a bit ruined and he was ignored earlier. Error and Ink went quiet and looked down at the short angry skeleton between them.

Error's POV:

Me and Ink looked down, feeling bad, mostly me, because I was the one who started it. "Both of you Dudes need to apologize to each other, right now." Fresh crossed his arms and putting on a cute pouty face. I silently chuckled, but still putting on a scowl, while shoving my hands in my pocket."I'm sorry, Error.. I guess..?" I heard Ink say.

I looked away a bit, hoping not to apologize too, even though I was the one who tackled him to the ground. "Error.. Your turn.." Fresh said, as he looked at me. I huffed and looked away. I expected for Fresh to tell me to apologize to Ink, but I never expected for him to kiss my cheek?! I hid my further in my hoodie, as I growled a bit.

"Come on, Glitchy. Say your sorry." Fresh said, teasingly. I slightly blushed, but did so other wise. "I'm sorry too, Ink. " I scowled and looked at Ink. "Now, if you don't mind." I said, as I place a hand on Fresh's shoulder. "I'll be taking him now, Goodbye." As I was about to turn around, Fresh quickly said.

"Woah there, Glitchy. You Dudes are a bit hurt. I think you two should rest a bit.""We're fine, Freshy. Right, Ink?" I asked, turning to look at Ink, just as Ink was rubbing his sore back from rolling around the ground. Ink stopped rubbing his sore back at the sudden attention.

"U-Um, Y-Yep!" Ink stuttered, not paying attention to what they said earlier. Fresh just looked at me, with an eye ridge and a cute smug grin. I tried not to smile but failed. "What're you smilin' bout?" Fresh asked me, still wearing that cute smug grin. "Nothing, nothing." I said, my smile Faltered a bit when I saw the bruise in Fresh's left cheek.

"Your right, Freshy. I think we should rest, including you." "What? Why?" Fresh whined and pouted cutely. "Just making sure. We can rest at my house for a bit." I said, as I open a portal to my house. "You sure, Error?" Ink asked me. "It's ok, Ink. It's my fault anyways. I owe you one." I said, as I let Fresh go in the portal first.

"Gee, Error. That's real kind of you." Ink teased."Would you just get in!?" I shouted, startling Ink, as he hurriedly went through the portal. I went in after, closing it behind me. Fresh was already placing some pillows and blankets on the couch. 'This is gonna be 'fun'.' I thought miserably, as I sat next to Fresh's right and Ink on Fresh's left, so Fresh is in the middle, while we watch a movie.

<I'm so so sorry, that this took so long.. Its because of school and junk. I'll try to post Chapter 6 as soon as Possible! So see ya, Dudes and Dudettes later!!>

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