Chapter 8: Saving him...

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Fresh's POV:

I woke up, groaning. I looked around the room I was in. It was dark. I looked down and realized that I was on my knees. I looked up to see my hands above my head, a chain tying my hands tight and connecting to the ceiling.

"H-Hello?" I asked, my voice a little raspy from not using it. I realized that I wasn't wearing my orange basketball shorts, only my short neon green boxers, and I was only wearing my neon pink sweater. My neon jacket may be inside that drawer across from me, since I see a bit of my jacket sleeves sticking out.

The door then opened, revealing it to be, Lust.. He then walked over to me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I whimpered.

"Are you awake, my pet?~" Lust purred. I turned my head away from him. Lust chuckled, seductively and placed a hand on my cheek.

"Don't worry, it'll feel great once I'm inside you..~" Lust purred seductively  and forcibly placed a finger in my mouth, pushing it in and out slowly. I bit it hard, drawing a bit of blood. Lust yelped and took his hand back. I narrowed my eyes at him. Lust growled and looked at me.

"Feisty one, hm? I can deal with that..~" Lust said, summoning a whip and ducktape. He placed the ducktape on my mouth, so no one can hear me. He then raised the whip above his head. I widened my eyes and shook my head rapidly. He brought down the whip and it hit my leg.

I screamed in pain, but it was muffled by the tape in my mouth. Fresh indigo tears dripped down my face. A few minutes passed, Lust stopped hitting me with his whip and looked at me, now grinning seductively. My legs and thighs are burning from the pain. My whipped wounds are bleeding. I whimpered, my voice getting more hoarse from the screaming. I heard Lust chuckle evilly.

"Now you follow my rules, pet.~" Lust said, as he reached for my short neon green boxers. I whimpered and shook my head weakly. Lust was then cut off by his door, bursting wide open. He growled and turned his head to face who interrupted his 'fun'. It was Error.. And he was glitching and growling ferociously.

No one's POV:

Error pinned Lust to the wall, his eyes clouded with glitches and growling ferociously. Error then punched Lust in the face, as Lust yelped and held his cheek where Error punched it.

"Dont you dare touch him again!! You hear me!? He belongs to me!" Error yelled angrily and punched Lust very hard, making him go unconscious. Error breathed heavily and turned to face Fresh, he gasped at the wounds in Fresh's legs and ran towards him.

"Fresh, are you okay!? H-Hold on.." Error stuttered, as he broke the chain that held Freshs hands and held Fresh close to his chest. A few yellow tears left his eye socket.

"Don't worry, I got you.. I'll never leave you.. Ever again.." Error muttered the last one and held Fresh even closer, as he slowly took the ducktape in Fresh's mouth off.

"G-Glitchy?.." Fresh whispered, as blood trickled down his mouth. "What is it, Fresh?" Error asked gently. "I-I love you..." Freshy managed to say in a raspy voice and then fell unconscious.

Error panicked and quickly but gently carried Fresh, bridal style. Opening up a portal to his home, Error jumped in quickly, closing it behind him. Error placed Fresh on the couch and went upstairs to get a few pillows and blankets.

A minute later, Error went back down, pillows and blankets in hand. Error placed the pillow under Fresh's head and kissed his forehead gently. He then went to the bathroom to fetch a First aid kit and a wet cloth.

Error went back to the couch, placing the First aid kit beside it. He then grabbed the wet cloth and carefully and gently placed it on the whipped wounds. He noticed Fresh winced in pain in his sleep.

He then took a hold of the smaller skeletons hand and gently rubbed it in circles with his thumb. He saw Fresh relax a bit. Error continued to clean the whipped wounds and everytime Fresh would wince, he would rub circles with his thumb on Fresh's hand.

A few minutes later, Error finished cleaning the whipped woumds and then bandage it. After bandaging it, he tucked Fresh in with the blanket and kissed his forehead. He sat next to Fresh, placing the pillow Fresh was sleeping on, on his lap.

Error placed the other pillow under his head and gently petting Freshs head. The taller then dozed off to sleep, placing a hand over Fresh, protectively.

<(Hey dudes and dudettes!!! Sorry for the delay, Here's chapter 8! Chapter 9 is still on hold, but it'll come out soon. So see ya!!! Oh! And in April 22 its gonna be a long delay, so be patient please..)>

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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