I still love you! (Mewki Pt.1)

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I just watch Yuki's newest video and I cried like the crybaby I am. So since Mewki is awesome and I love it, I decided to write an alternative ending where after Yuki is done apologizing to everyone, mewbone change his mind and after a while, Mewbone confessed his feelings.

It has been weeks since Yuki and Mewbone became friends again. Connie has been drifting apart from Mewbone since the day Yuki told her Lenny died. Mewbone understood, growing closer to Yuki. And falling in love more.

Yuki laughed as she and Mewbone walked into school. "Yuki, oh my god not again'! "It's just, you said joke instead of yoke"! Yuki laughed louder, catching some people attention. "No Yuki"! Mewbone giggled, grabbing newspaper. "I'm sorry Mew"! Yuki smiled, standing close to him. Mewbone blushed, tensing up. "What's on the news today Mew"? Mewbone scanned it for a moment, then looking into Yuki's eyes. "Umm, there's a dance tomorrow to congratulate the end of this school year"! "Really? Time sure flys by"! Yuki said, grabbing the newspaper. "Yeah... sure does".
Mewbone sighed, staring at Yuki. "So... do you wanna go with me"? Mewbone asked, Yuki blushed a bit. "Oh, of course"! "That's what friends are for right"? Yuki giggled nervously, looking down slightly. Mewbone felt his heart break a bit, hearing the word friend.

"Yeah.... friends". Mewbone repeated, in a sadder tone. "Ahh shoot, I'm going to be late for class"! Yuki's eyes widen, running to the stairs. "Bye Mewbone"! Yuki waved, running upstairs. Mewbone waved back, smiling like a dork. "That's so adorable"! Mewbone jumped, punching whoever was behind him.
"Ow, what the hell"?! A girl voice yelp, revealing it to Nammie.
"Oh Nammie, sorry". Nammie groaned, rubbing her arm. "Yeah Yeah, whatever"! "Wait, what do you want"? Nammie smiled. "To help you with Yuki"! "What?! What do you mean"? Mewbone laughed nervously, tugging his shirt. "Please, it's so obvious that you still love her"! Mewbone shook his flaming head, walking to his classroom. Unfortunately, Nammie followed him. "Why would you even want to help me"?! Mewbone said, walking into Ms.B class and sitting down. Nammie sat right next to him. "Because you two were the cutest couple"! "Yeah... until she cheated on me". Mewbone groaned, looking down.
Nammie laughed, nearly reaching Mewbone's temper point. "You know, she never cheated on you". Mewbone eyes widen, looking at Nammie. "What do you mean"? "She and Hemlock were just close, your jealousy took over"! Mewbone looked down, realizing how stupid he was. He mentally slap himself, Nammie smiled.

"So, do we have a deal"? Mewbone thought for a moment, and finally decided. "Fine...".

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