Rivals 1#.

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It's's not everyday you met a girl like Yuki. She's like a needle in a hay stack.
Or a diamond in dust and coal.
For something that rare, many will want to have it. To claim it as their own for forever and so on.
Unfortunately, Yuki just happened to be desired by many of her peers, aswell of those much older then her.

There are those who lust for her and those who envy her. But they don't compare to the first five.


These five have grown obsessed with the pink little goblin.
Apparently, they already made a plan for her heart.
They all decided not to compete against eachother, they care about each other too!
But to compete those outside their little group circle! Neighbors, students, teachers! It doesn't matter who they had to hurt, Yuki is theirs.

No one will take her from them.

Or maybe someone will?

Yuki ran through the halls, running late for her math class.
She was mentally screaming in her mind for waking up so late.

She ran into the classroom, ready to make up a excuse.
Yuki looked around and there was no sign of the teacher. Some kids greeted her with a smile and a small wave. But some kids just have to extra.

"Hey Sugar Tits!~ How about you take that ass over here?" One of the jocks yelled, patting his lap. The rest of the jocks laughed, slapping the one who made that comment on the back.
Hemlock, who happened to be in that group, faceplam and mouthed the word "sorry".
Yuki just gaved a small smile and nodded her head and made her way  to her seat.
She turned around and faced Blank, who was also in that classroom.
"Man, it sucks being popular sometimes". Yuki giggled. Blank grinned back, "Well I'm not very popular so I wouldn't exactly know the feeling Yuki!" Yuki stopped giggling and scratched behind her neck. Feeling embrrassed, she said "I'm so sorry Blank!" Blank smiled warmly to her, slightly blushing. "It's okay Yuki! Don't put so much pressure on yourself."
Blank placed a hand on her shoulder, slightly gripping on it. Before Yuki can replied, the teacher walked in.

"Alright class, I'm so sorry I'm late! Traffic was horrible." He said, placing a stack of papers on his desk. "Now as you kids know, we have a quiz today!"
The teacher announced excitingly, while the students groan. Yuki grinned, the reason of her waking up so late was that she was studying for the quiz.
"I know some of you will do very well-"
The teacher glanced at Yuki and smiled,
"Those who will do well, will get a very special prize." The teacher explained, looking right at Yuki. Yuki blushed insanely, not because of the way he said that sentence, but because of his starring.

The teacher was Mr.Jekins . He was known as the hot teacher from the females and others who fancy him.
He had dark emerald eyes and dark brown hair with pale skin. His muscles can be seen through his sweater and his voice melted student's hearts.

Yuki noticed this and even though she doesn't fancy him as much as other stufents, she still finds him very handsome and charming.
Blank and Hemlock looked at eachother and nodded,

They found their first rival.

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