School day

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Yuki looked away and tap her fingers on the desk, still flustered. Mr.Jekins passed out the papers on each student desk, staying a bit longer at Yuki's desk.

That disgusting old man, trying to prey on a innocent youth like Yuki.

Blank thought in disgust, shuddering.
He stared at Yuki, dreaming about what would happen if they were just a couple already. The boy smiled to himself, growing deeper into his thoughts.
Her soft lips against his own, his arms wrapped around her waist, taking in her warmth. He would rub his hands all over her body, deepening the kiss.

Blank shook his head when he felt drool on his hand. He groaned, and wiped off the substance. He sighed and started on his test, keeping the thought in the back of his head.

Hemlock sighed, scratching behind his head. He stared at the piece of paper in front of him, staring blankly at it.
Hemlock search in his mind for the answers but found nothing. He gave up and started scribbling on the paper.
Once he finish with the small drawing, he flipped over the paper to signal he was done. Mr.Jekins walked over to Hemlock's desk, raising an eyebrow at him. Hemlock shrugged his shoulders and began scanning the room. The teacher just sighed in dissapointment and walked off.
Hemlock smiled as his eyes settle on Yuki. He scanned her boy,

Yuki's body has changed ever since we came here. It seems more... curvy. She looks.. bigger.

Hemlock looked away before causing any suspicion. He noticed that a female student was staring at him, so he smiled at her. The girl became flushed and looked away.
Hemlock chuckled slightly, realizing he would have to turn another girl down.

"Alright, Class dismissed!" Hemlock began walking towards the door until he felt an grip on his wrist. He turned around to find the girl from earlier, gripping on his wrist.
"Hey, I-I was wondering if we could maybe chat for a bit?" Hemlock nodded, facing his whole body towards her. The girl backed up a bit, becoming flustered from the body structure of the male. The girl shooked her head, reaching for something in her bag.
Hemlock took the chance to look at her.
She was a pretty girl, short brown hair and aqua eyes. As well as the usall school uniform. Hemlock didn't even gave in more effort as he waited patiently for the girl.

The girl sighed fusterly, giving up on trying to find what she was looking for. She looked up at Hemlock, sallowing in air. "Listen.. I know you don't really know me.. but I just wanted to say..".
The girl gets tongue twisted, becoming more flushed. "I need to go to my-"
"I love you!" The girl yelled, causing the male to flinch. "It's just you're so kind and caring Hemlock! I love how you always stand up to those mean bullies, I admire you so much!" Hemlock just stared at the girl as she keep  blabbering on.

How pathetic.. I can't waste my time on her. My beloved Blossom is the only girl I need in my life. She seems like a nice girl, but she isn't worth as much as my Blossom.

Hemlock held up his hand to stop the girl. The slightly confused girl stopped talking, and tilted her head.
Hemlock calmy explain, showing an emotionless face. The girl mouth hanged open, feeling tears fall down her face. She wipe away her tears and ran out, cursing out the male .
Hemlock scoffed and shook his head, and walked to his next class.

"Ugh!" Blank yelled as he was shoved on the ground. An erupt of laughter followed as well as comments. He looked up at his bully and whimpered.
"What's wrong? You're going to cry to your mommy?" The bully taunted as the crowd behind chuckled. Blank just stared at his opponent, not giving in his little game. The bully scoffed, grabbing the male's hair and pulling him closer.
"You think you're all tough, don't you you little sh#t"?

"Hey! Just what do you think you're doing young man?!" Yuki yelled, pushing the guy off her friend. He stumble back, falling on his bottom.
Yuki fell to her knees and held Blank close to her chest. He could smell the minty freshness and smiled.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, feeling his face heat up. Yuki blushed as she pulled Blank's face to look at her,
"Blank! Are you alright?"
"I'm fine.. Thanks Yuki."

Yuki helped Blank stand up, smiling.
"Come on, how can a babe like you help a person like him?" Yuki ran up to the bully, ready to slap him.
She breath in and out, silently counting in her head.

"Listen, Blank is my friend and I would appreciate if you didn't bully him!"
The male decided to use this time to check out Yuki's body,
Damn.. This chick really did develop faster then the other girls.
Suddenly, the male felt an force hit him across the face. He rubbed his cheek as he stared at the fluster girl.
"And that's for staring at my chest perv!" Yuki grabbed Blank's hand and storm off. Blank looked back at the bully and flipped him off, smiling.

Douchbag. I'll  make you pay for what you did to my beloved.

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