Chapter three

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"We're having a ball." Ysme declares two moons after her coronation. She enters the dinning hall in an extravagant pink fur trimmed night gown, her black hair staining the collar. Mother and I look towards her, stopping mid bite. "I want everyone there, and I want word sent for the greatest dragon hunters and slayers in the kingdom."

She flops into a chair, a servant rushes to her aid. Mutely placing an array of foods on to my sisters plate before vanishing into a dark alcove in the far corner of the hall.

"Where has this idea come from my dear?" Mother resumes eating, her gaze calculating every move my sister makes. "I have an announcement to make, and I've always loved the balls father held. I want this ball to be next lunar cycle." I choke on my goblet of water. Ysme looks towards me as if unaware I existed till now.

"The servants and maids can't possibly have the ballroom ready by then. They are still cleaning up the coronation." Ysme dismisses me with a wave. "They have until the end of the cycle. I will give them no longer, it gives all guests a chance to look their best and the farthest I'm willing to send for dragon hunters is less than three moons away." She smirks down at her food before taking the next bite.

"What news do you bring daughter mine?" Mother prods resting her silverware down beside her plate. "You shall wait and see like everyone else, mother dearest." I see the unease in mothers eyes as Ysme looks to her. I clear my throat into my napkin setting it on my plate before rising and exiting the room. It is unwise to allow yourself to be under Ysme's gaze, I have seen men go crazy from it. Their minds poisoned with hysteria and madness. Mother is one of the few able to withstand her Villainous gaze.


I was never under the impression being the princess meant being the queens nursemaid. Ysme and I stand in the center of the ballroom. Ysme is ordering maids around, determined to make the ballroom dazzling. She won't let me leave either.

"What do you think Alys. Should there be more banners? I feel there should be more across the ceiling." I look up at the tapestry across the ceiling. Strands of purple and pendragon clan green intertwine and weave in great hanging art coming from above the center most chandelier.

"Do as you think my queen. The ballroom looks glorious." I agree plainly. The floor reflects our figures perfectly. The windows are invisible, cleaned to nonexistence. The dais housing Ysme's throne is draped in crimson carpet. The servants and maids have outdone themselves over the last four Moons. Now their serving skills will be put to the test next moon.

"Are you ready sister?" Ysme looks down at me, dark eyes holding a glint of secrecy and delight. "A ball is always enjoyable." I answer. "No, is your dress, I had the tailor sew you a new one. It should be in your chamber sister." I'm shocked. Ysme has never done anything for anyone but herself.

"No sister I have not. I'll take my leave. Thank you sister." I walk stiffly away, outside the doors I bolt down the halls making my way up to the second level of the castle making up my chambers and mothers.

As Ysme said, a purple and black dress is draped across my dark satin sheets. The fabric is warm and heavy. The bodice is black, held firmly until the hips where it flares out into a long deep purple skirt, the threads are green like mothers eyes, as is the lace tying the corset back together. It is beautiful. I'm concerned now. The craftsmen ship of the dress is outstanding, better than the tailor that lives in the keep. Ysme went out her way to have this dress made and brought to me. Her surprise ball may be a larger threat than we anticipated.

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