Chapter nine

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"I insist you turn around."

I face Rendroktheil who is defiantly curled in a ball in the center of the cave with his snout high. "You are being absurd. I am a dragon, we do not care for human girls." He huffs. "I will close my eyes and put my wings over my face though, if that will make you happy." I cross my arms. "Turn around. Keep watch or perhaps have a conversation with another soul in your kingdom. I will not change in front of you, nor shall I leave this cavern to risk being eaten."

Rendroktheil grunts before wiggling around until he faces away. "...would tasteless..." He mutters as he turns.

My first action is to strip the dress off my body. The task is not as easy as I think it would be, the corset back is still done up. I must swing around wildly until my fingers grab the lace threading the back and pull it out. I let the dress drop to the ground and scoop my new clothes up. They're simple, dark brown britches with a loose white tunic topped with a wool lined cloak and a pair of leather boots.

As I do up the cloak I see a shadow dance across the stones. "Rendroktheil." I flatten against the stone wall out of sight. "Yes opaskai?" Rendroktheil grumbles. "The human girl has been spotted. Guard says they saw her with you, my king. I deny it to be true." He stutters. "If you believe me to not have been with Alys, then you would not have come to me to see if these rumors are true." I snigger, my fist clamped into my mouth. Rendroktheil is true to his word. If opaskai truly believed his king to not be meddling in human affairs he would have not come. Not that his curiosity was wrong or that the guards weren't correct on their sightings.

"What was that?!" My eyes go wide, my heart and lungs seize. "What?" Rendroktheil inquires. "That sound? It sounded like laughing. Is she here?!" Opaskai nearly shrieks. "Hush before the entire kingdom is in uproar. I moved my tail across the stone." He lies. I see rendroktheil's tail twitch on the stone and snigger again, aiding his lie.

Opaskai seems to accept the lie. "I am sorry for accusing you my lord." He hangs his lead. "I shall have a word with the guards." "No. Leave them. The kingdom is not always stable, enforcing rules during a rough patch may not be wise to attempt to settle the worrisome. Let them be. switch up the guards, allow the earth dragons to rest more." Rendroktheil suggests. "Yes my king. Thank you my king." He flies away.

I remain pressed against the wall, fist trapped between my teeth. My heart in my throat. I dare not make a sound, or make a move to ensure my own doom. I will wait until I am told I am safe. This however does not slow the rushing blood in my veins or the erratic thunder of fear in my ears.

"You are safe," Rendroktheil begins moments later. "But you actions have nearly gotten yourself in greater harm... and my own judgement questioned." His statement is broken anyone could tell he has thrown in his judgment as an afterthought. He cares more for my own safety more than his own leadership, perhaps because he knows that the dragons will not challenge him to a battle of wit.

"I'm sorry Rendroktheil. But your second seems to like starting rumors, or at least to believe them with full heart." I answer stuffing my now useless dress into my pack. Perhaps I can barter it's sale in the market. For now I will use the ribbon to tie my hair back.

"Opaskai has seen many questionable leaders. Rumors are something of common truth and less false accusations to start chaos. He had right to question.

"But do not worry. If he were to meet you, his ideas on having your presence in the kingdom would change. You are not as your sister has depicted your presence." He speaks true to his word I can see. He knows well his subjects. I wish I could rule as he does. Such understanding of how it is to be them, of everything in his kingdom.

"Rendroktheil. If you went to war with my sister. overthrow her I mean, could we form an alliance with myself on the throne? Set dragons free from hiding and hunting?" I question sitting against the back wall. Rendroktheil studies me for a long moment. His eyes clouded with calculated thought.

"Alys pendragon, heir of the crown of Horns I believe if we overthrew your sister you would bring greatness to this land, not just for my own people but your own. Should Ysme declare war I will fight by your side for your position in the fangford keep." I rise from my spot. "Thank you rendroktheil. You will be in my debt."

"You lied to me about the human girl and then made a deal of war with her?!" Opaskai shrieks.

Oh ancestor save me.

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