Chapter twenty three

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Night sweeps through the Dragon kingdom. I wait, perched waiting for the perfect moment. Rendroktheil rests deep within the cave, his tail gliding across the scales as he slumbers.

Opaskai left not long ago to spy on the keep. It will be all for not soon enough. I climb down the dark wall of crystal into the dense of trees. Through the soft sway of graceful trees, scratched, limp, unloved trees pushed around and crippled for standing against a dragon. It is funny that only now I see it.

I follow the bends and curves of the rippling blue water until I can walk around it without fear of getting wet. I bend down collecting a large leather skin of the healing waters.

"What are you doing regina proelium. Battle queen?" I jump, dropping the skin into the water. It sinks into the depths.

Standing along the waters edge is a dragon of tan colour, his stubby body, thick short wings and short neck allow him to blend into the sandy bank well.

"That is none of your business." I retort adjusting my pack strap. I straighten my back, tipping my chin up to meet this dragons gaze.

"You plan to leave. Does this have to do with your blame to nostrum regem. Our king?"

"No." I answer sharply.

He rises from his lounged position, perched beside his now vacant position is a glistening blue water dragon with an elongated neck and a sharp face.

"You need not lie to us child. You are angry for the loss of your sister. Anger is often a weapon of self destruction. Our king will not stand against you, as his blood bonded, his companion in life, his comrade in battle and his plain walker in death. This anger may draw you apart but you will always be together." The water dragon speaks up, swimming against the current to come towards me.

I back away scowling in disgust. "Speak not to me as though you know anything of my loss, my sister, my responsibility. She was misunderstood and misguided she faced not death but family to guide her true. Her death was on my hand because I followed your kings rule blindly as you all do! This is not anger but resentment towards you manipulative beasts." I spit half heartedly. With a shake of my head I approach the long tunnel to the world I now rule.

From behind I am struck.

"Misguided and misunderstood?! What fool have you become?"

I roll over propping myself up on my elbows to face Ysme. She towers over me, obsidian eyes blazing.

"You have depicted me as soft. I knew what I was doing, who father had guided me to become, you will turn out as me should you continue with your back to these allies of yours!"  Ysme spits venomously. "You must use your eyes Alys." Her hands clap around my cheeks and ears. Her forehead to my own.

I stand in the throne room, seeing it as I saw it only two moons ago only the room is darker, I stand where Ysme stood at the bottom of the dais, watching rendrokthiel stand with Opaskai at the entrance of the room. Relief does not roar through my ears, my knees do not shake. I stand rigid, a new light lighting my gaze. A new kingdom, a prosperous free kingdom, with celebrations of unity between dragons and their queen. I see myself, shedding my human skin. A kingdom Ysme. I see it Ysme saw that moon.

I turn towards myself, armor gleaming with colours of life, and death. The blade in hand poised with such relief, slack ready to fall from my hands. I charge forward, an apology in mind, dedication in my blood the blade pierces my body but pain does not destroy me. A smile tugs creases on my lips as I strike the floor.

Ysme is ripped away from me, two arms between hers, holding her back.

"Enough! Ysme that is enough!" Dorian pendragon drags her away. His own eyes blazing. "Leave her be. Alys come with me." bends down to assist me to my feet. My hands tremor like the earth beneath me. My mind cluttered with the memory, with confusion and grief.

"Your cries have rattled our world Alys. Although Ysme is blood and now slain; you grieve for a soul that has been here since her youth. I must ask you stop. Your blood bonded needs you. There is another that needs you. This war path will bring no one any good." Father insists leading me back towards the dragons keep.

"No. Should I have not been forced to flee the keep and into the waiting claws of the dragons I would not have slain her! This was not that way things were supposed to go! If you had not told her tales, you would have still been here, she would still be here and none of this would have ever happened! This is your fault! It is your fault! it is your fault! It is your fault!" I scream throwing myself to the stones beneath me.

"Alys?!" Opaskai runs through the tunnel, landing on the ground beside me. "Alys, Who are you talking to?" He holds my shoulders, eyes straining into the dark to see me, my fists in my hair, tears cascade down my cheeks. I do not know what truths I have been told anymore, Ysme chose her death, simply forcing my hand to do it. Father chose his fate when he told her stories, I met Rendroktheil by force, or by fate? Would this have happened anyway? Would rendroktheil had chose her coronation to disrupt the castle. So many players, so many games.

"Alys!" Opaskai shrieks again, a headache blooms between my brows. Ysme and my father are nowhere to be seen.

My head rattled again, forcing me to look up at Opaskai. "I'm fine." I pull away from his grip, rising to my feet. An image burned to the back of my eyelids.

My knees wobble, but my footing is sure, I stride towards the end of the tunnel into the cool dark air.

Opaskai follows, his arms outstretched in concern. "Alys-"

"Stay here. I will return, but for now I must face something alone." I claim his hand with my own, for a moment I press my forehead to his then withdraw. "Do not follow me Opaskai. I will call you when I need you."

"Stay safe, Alys." Opaskai calls after me, his voice soft, and warm. The only reminder that I will return to them soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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