Chapter ten

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"Opaskai." Remdroktheil booms. The rumble of his voice echoes through the cave forcing me to place my hands over my ears.

The smaller cloud dragons eyes bug from his head slightly. He looks at his king betrayed, stricken, and vexed.

"You twist my words opaskai. I neither confirmed or denied the presence of Alys in my kingdom. You took my words as you wanted to hear them and have created a betrayal from them. Alys has been in the dragon territory two moons. The guards speak true to sighting myself and Alys earlier." I watch Rendroktheil in awe. He is wise, very wise and I would go as far as to call him sage.

"A war deal?! My king this is barbaric!" Opaskai continues to chirp. Rendroktheil has defended me enough; if he believes I can change this erratic dragon I must speak for myself, not have the dragon king as my mouth piece.

"Opaskai." I let his name roll from my tongue as it rolls from Rendroktheils. The dragons gaze darts to my form. "Opaskai. You know who I am as well as you know who my sister is. You know what she has done. Ysme is a dangerous person, she is one accustomed to getting exactly what she wants as she wants it. She has shown how far she is willing to go if someone fails to do as she wants and she will go farther to get it. Ysme may call to arms for my head and for your kings. You know as well as I she has her own best intentions above all else.

"Opaskai I have made a deal with your king because should she call to arms for your kings head and my own. He will assist me in dethroning my sister, on the throne I will free dragons from the tyranny my father started, you will be free again."

Light flickers in opaskai's jade eyes.  He lifts his head, dragging it away from me. "Descendent of the filthy king, relative of the blood queen, you speak of a time that will never come. Harmony was lost when the pendragon clan stole our bodies for fashion and status. Do not speak with that silver tongue." He hisses. I stamp my foot.

"No. I speak of a time you chose not to see! I will right the wrongs of my family. I am not another devil among Saints! You weave tales that you see fit to believe because you have lost sight of something you have hoped for to long. Taking my rightful place under the crown Of Horns I will restore the former glory of both kingdoms. You," I point my finger towards his snout. "Opaskai, cloud dragon have eyes blind to vision of what has a corrupt fantasy for centuries."

The light twinkling in opaskai's eyes flare. "And What is that, Alys?" Venom drips from my name. "To have a queen sided with the king of dragons." I cross my arms. Opaskai seems to roll the idea around in his head. Tossing between simply eating me or following in his Kings footsteps. Then with a swift strike of his wings bounces into the air above.

The cloud dragon continues to create large claps of air, bringing himself higher and higher before gliding away from Rendroktheils perch. I turn nervously to the mighty dragon king. "Was that a good silence or a bad silence?" I inquire fidgeting with my sleeves. Rendroktheil watches his companion vanish into the distance.

"Young Alys, I myself can not tell you whether Opaskai Is pleased or disapproving. He is a dragon of complicated expression. Fear not. We will persuade the rest of the kingdom first. We will need an army to go to war would we not?" Rendroktheil rises from the rocks. "Come. Let us gather the kingdom."

As Rendroktheil sets me down I feel uneasy, I feel this may be a very bad idea, even if it comes from the thoughts of the wisest dragon.

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