Chapter four

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  I glare at my reflection. Piercing green eyes wishing to burn the dress. Ysme's dress is perfectly measured to my form, the skirts just brush the floor and the bodice is just tight enough to remain in place without shoulders. The bell sleeves stop above my wrist. I don't like it.

"Milady. Your crown. The queen requested you wear it tonight." My servant holds out my crown. The thin silver metal weaves in braided loops with a single green jewel delicately placed in the middle. I grudgingly set it on my head, the cool metal makes my forehead tingle and the stone presses between my eyebrows, settling perfectly above the silver scale mask around my face.

I take a deep breath. Looking over my reflection once more before taking my leave.

The ballroom is full. Dancing bodies swing around the floor. Lords and ladies. Dukes and duchesses. Some men are dragon slayers and hunters. They stand out in dark armor, casually leaning against the walls or flirting with pretty servants to young to know not to let them be talked into bed.

One man sticks out among the crowd though. He is tall, his britches tight for fighting but his jacket is formal, well tailored in a burnt gold color with a red dress shirt beneath. His hair is white, standing at strange lengths around his face. His face is tanned; his eyes are dark; his nose flat; his jaw is sharp; and his teeth in his smile, are sharp.

His heavy gaze falls on me, still standing in the doorway ready to flee the keep. He starts towards me. Gracefully making his way through the crowd towards me. When he is a foot away he stops and bows. "Princess Alys. It is a true pleasure to meet you." His voice is low, and rough. "I would tell you it was a pleasure to meet you but I do not know your name." I joke politely.

He grins again, his white teeth gleam. "My name is Ren. High lord of the Sanguine. It's a town near the base of the dying star mountains."

I'm surprised. "Oh! My apologies, I was incognizant of a town so close to dragon territory." He laughs lightly. "Not many do, it is to close to the dragons. People do not venture close enough to know. We have never minded. The dragons do not bother us. What I am here for tonight is to find out if the queens summons have to do with dragons. If she starts a war, I must warn my people." I smile. "A man of your people. I was losing faith that rulers such as yourself still existed."

I receive another dashing grin. "You would be quite surprised princess Alys."

"Attention." Ysme commands standing from her throne. The hall goes silent, the lulling music I was def to, stops playing.

"Attention everyone. I have an announcement to make." She takes one step from her dais, then another, and another until she reaches the floor. "Warriors. Hunters. Slayers. I have gathered you all here for a reason. Do you wish to keep drinking mead and seducing women? Is that what brings prideful men to this keep?" A murmur sweeps through the crowd before one warrior from the back shouts.


"I brought you here for a purpose. A mission. Who has always dreamed of royalty? To be king?!" Ysme growls the end of her sentence, earning an uproar in cheers. I glance around the room skeptically. What is Ysme doing?

"What If I told you; you can?" Men roar in agreement. Ren looks to me concerned and confused. I mirror his concern. What could she possibly gain from having a king? She would loose control over the kingdom to a murderous beast of a man.

"Warriors. Slayers. Hunters. Prepare yourself for the hunt! I  have recently had a dragon problem. The first man to bring me his head," a devious smile rips Ysmes cheeks. "will have the princesses hand!" Ysme cheers.

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