Chapter five

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My jaw hits the ground. My rage seizes my brain before I can think straight.

"What?!" The crowd turn to me, silence purges the room. Ysme bares a snarl in my direction. Warriors scattered across the room wears confident and wicked smiles. Some nudge one another giving lustful looks to my form.

"You have no right to sell me as a common mare! Nor am I some prize to be won!" Ysmes sneer twists, her gaze hardening. "Do not defy your queen." She seethes. I laugh. "My queen is standing over there." I point to mother hidden in the corner of the room. Her face scarred with worry and shock. I look across the sea of faces, here and there villagers can be seen, their faces bare of any mask or marker of higher class. My hand travels to the back of my head where my mask is tied.

"And I am done, with your rules. Sister." I yank on the ribbon, letting my mask fall into my waiting hand. I throw the mask across the marble floor. The scales flashing a eery orange in the fire light. I swear a pulse bursts from the mask. It strikes my heart stopping it momentarily.

With one final glare at Ysme I turn exiting the room in haste. I find myself running through the front doors and beyond them through the courtyard and under the gate. The cold air stings my exposed cheeks and hands. I run down the cobblestone road, suddenly grateful for the warm fabric of Ysme's dress.

I skirt the great stone walls of the fort searching for the path. Above, in the fangford courtyard, the bonfires have been lit, shouting echoes over the walls. Ysme has sent a search party out for me, but I will not be her prize. I dash across the meadow giving up on my search for the gate house to the fort, my feet carry me blindly through the dark grass. I pray I do not run into anything harmful.

As I run the thunder of hooves rumble behind me. I don't risk turning around to see where my pursuers are. I run, my heart beat rings in my ears, my breath puffs in my face. My lungs seize as I run, each breath becomes a wheeze. I stumble, one of my slippers falls from my foot tripping me up further. I let it fall off and keep running.

I trip again, this time pitching foreword. My hands collide with rough earth. My palms burn. I look up from my hands and knees. The burning star mountain is outlined by the stars. I look behind me, my head pounds from the lack of breath. I see the horses, illuminated by torches.

I throw myself in the opposite direction. My knees wobble as I push myself harder, the horses still get louder. Up ahead, something flashes in the darkness.

"Help!" I squeak, my plea is barely audible. Something cracks against the ground. I turn, one of the riders carry a whip. I push myself again only to stumble. The whip cracks again, the leather licks at my ankles, splitting the skin. I hiss in pain, limping into a slower run.

The horse rider gallops to my side. His boot connects with my back sending me to the ground. I gasp, any air left in my lungs is forced out. The riders whoop and Holler happily. "Your majesty, where do you run?" One calls. I push myself up off the ground, going to run again. "No, please stay a while." The whip coils around my ankle and sweeps me off my feet again.

"Beautiful prize for collecting a dragon head." One taunts. I rise to a crouch watching them. Straightening I take a couple steps before another huntsmen grabs my arm. "Let go!" I cry. His fingers dig into my skin. "Let go!" I cry out as he shoves me to the ground. They laugh. "We have had our fun. I want to be king." I crawl backwards away from the three.

"Your majesty. Please, do not try." One rolls his gaze to me. I continue to crawl away. "I will not go back. Stay away." The ringleader sighs. The other two hop off their horses, walking towards me, slowly, menacingly.

"No. No. Stop. No! Help!" My voice rises to a scream. Something roars in the distance. I turn my head sharply, seeing the same distant object advance towards us. The two hunters grab my arms dragging me towards their horses. "Help!" I shriek. One slaps a hand over my mouth. "She can scream." The leader remarks teasingly.

The smirk is wiped from his face, a gust of wind sputters the torches before plunging us into the darkness. I squirm, my heart beats wildly. My stomach twists in fear. Suddenly I am dropped to the ground, heavy footsteps stop inches from me.

"et non indicavit dimittet vos. She told you to Let go." Booms a deep voice above my head. I crane my neck up. Staring down at us is a blood dragon. I scream.

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