Chapter eight

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"Wake now. Alys, wake now." Something prods my shoulder, pushing me gently. I open my eyes, the shimmer from the crystal walls blind me for a moment. Confirming my crazed delusions, Ysme has actually ordered I be hunted like the dragon i have lay my loyalty with.

Rendroktheil stands above me, his sharp nails hovering over my body. When he sees my eyes resting on him he lets his foot fall to the ground. "The sun has reached its zenith. If you wish to collect anything you require we must go." He explains. I rise from the floor, my body cursing my poor sleeping conditions. I stretch as I follow Rendroktheil to the mouth of the cave. He sets me on the ground  before climbing down himself and beginning our journey out of dragon territory.

"Where are we going?" I ask him before the end of the tunnel out from the mountain. "There is a town not far from here, Sanguine." Rendroktheil explains. "I've met the high lord! Ren." I inform the dragon king. Rendroktheil pulls a strained expression. "Yes." He answers. I lower my eyebrows slightly. "Is something wrong?" Rendroktheil shakes his head. "No. There is the town, I can go no further." He vanishes into the dense forest we have skirted.

I approach cautiously, the gate tower above the town opening, houses two guards. Both watch me with little interest as I pass under the gate and into the bustling market.   

It's a flurry of merchants and villagers buying, bartering and selling their goods to the crowd. I creep into the crowds, hoping I blend in a little more here than I would in disguise at the fort market below the keep.

No one gives me a suspicious look until I approach the first stall. "What can I sell you today. Milady?" He inquires. "Can I have a sack of your fruits and vegetables please?" I politely ask him. "That is ten copper." He answers. I purse my lips realizing my mistake. I have no coin. My fingers latch around my necklace subconsciously. I unclasp it from my neck.

"Can I offer you a gold necklace from the fangford keep?" I bargain. The man snatches it. He inspects it for a long moment. "Where did you get it from? Black market trade?" He demands. "The fangford keep. I took it from the princess." The merchant stares at the object as if it will burst into flames before throwing it and the sack of food into my hands. "Begone!" He shoos me away from the stall. I ease back into the crowd confused. What has happened?

"Perhaps you should hand over your crown next time, you may get a better reaction." Teases a familiar voice in the crowd. Ren stands a few feet away, dressed in the same outfit from the ball with his arms crossed over his broad chest and a devilish smirk on his face. 

" I do not understand. Why did he-" "Your sister has stirred up trouble. She had executed the men who attempted to capture you and has called for the 'heir of dragons' to be executed too. Everyone wants nothing to possibly incriminate themselves." Ren scowls. "'Heir of dragons'?" I inquire. Ren steps to my side leading me through the market. "Ysme believes because you were saved by a dragon that you have betrayed the pendragon clan and are the heir of dragons. Completely outrageous because you are not a dragon yourself but she has declared you a threat to the throne." He stops at a stall, the table covered in simple gowns and britches. I pick up a couple as Ren hands over a couple coppers.

"Thank you Ren." I  tuck the clothes into the sack clutched in my fingers. "Get away from here, it's not safe anymore." Ren grabs my arm stopping me from turning away. I stare at his hand momentarily. "If Ysme wants me dead I will not flee for her to kill more innocent. I may not know how to fight. I can not summon an army to my side but running is never the option."  I pull my arm from his grasp and slip into the crowd. Loosing sight of Ren immediately.

I pass under the gate again and follow my previous path to the edge of the forest. "Rendroktheil!" I call. Nothing moves within the trees. "Rendroktheil!" I call again. Still nothing moves. I sit down against the tree confused. Have I gone too far? Have I not gone far enough? Can he not hear me? Or has he left me?

Would he really just leave me here? If he heard the news would he abandon me to save his own people? The answer seems obvious, who would not leave me here to be captured if it meant saving their own people.

I tuck my knees to my chest resting my chin on top of them, now what? "Alys?!" A deep voice calls ahead of me. I look up. Emerging from the trees several feet in front of me is Rendroktheil.

"Alys?" He walks towards me, lowering his head to the ground to look up at me. I smile. "I thought you left me here, but I would not have blamed you for doing so." Rendroktheil scrunches his scaly eyebrow ridges. "Ysme has ordered my execution." I explain. "I am a threat to the dragons if she finds me."  Rendroktheil roars with laughter, throwing his head back. "She would have to find the dragons first Alys. The tunnel is nearly impossible to see and earth dragons guard the entrance from the rocks above. They will never find the entrance or get in. You are safe Alys," he shakes his head chuckling again.

"Now let us return before I am seen and people come to throw things at me." Rendroktheil then lowers himself to the ground. I stand up. "What are you doing?" Rendroktheil shakes his body. "Climb up. Before I change my mind." I carefully put my foot on his leg and swing my other over his shoulders settling on his back just above his wings. Rendroktheil then rises to his feet and starts back towards the dragon tunnels.

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